Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine

Dolores Cahill Dolores Cahill, a professor at University College Dublin and recognised international expert in this field, predicts deaths will occur around the world as a direct consequence of taking the COVID-19 vaccines.

In her latest video interview the influential professor, Dolores Cahill, makes this grim prediction based on what is known already about the vaccines, their rushed development and the entirely novel approach using mRNA instead of conventional antibodies.

As with almost every leading expert who speaks out against the official pandemic narrative Professor Cahill has suffered professional and personal retaliation. In her case Professor Cahill was forced to resign her position as vice chair of the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a partnership between the European Commission and the drugs industry to promote new drugs.

Embarrassed by Cahill’s outspoken whistleblowing the European Commission  denounced her claims declaring she, could cause “significant harm”, if taken seriously.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (28)

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    They don’t care. If people start dying in a few years from a new strain, triggered by the response from the vaccine, they will just blame it on the new virus. Win-win for them and they will sell even more new vaccines.

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    I believe it will occur sooner than that and that the hysteria has to be maintained at the current level or people will start to think for themselves.
    The blockchain is the real agenda. Life is arbitrary.
    IBM’s punchcards on acid.

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      Joe F.


      I think you must be referencing Edwin Black’s book IBM and the Holocaust, whose first edition I read around 2001-2 (when I was working at IBM, no less! I had no success in getting my co-workers interested in the topic).

      Right, so as the book details, the WWII Holocaust would not have been possible without IBM’s nifty little method of keeping track of all the victims, via their Hollerith computer punch-cards. Now, we have Facebook. Times change; people and policies don’t (unfortunately).

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      100% correct. Microsoft’s patent 060606 in combination with a solution like VE Chain as is now being used in Cyprus to track those who have taken the vaccine. Also, a Rothschild filed a patent in the Netherlands for Covid testing which uploads user data to the cloud.

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    John Alexander


    Oh boy, the EU and any of the UN cult hate the truth.
    It is already being proven that megalomanics from the Pharma vaccine industry don’t give a damn about human lives. Its only about money. And together they have shown all Governments are corruptable. These Governments supporting the UN Agenda are all captured by the Global Elite.
    There will be difficult times ahead while we get rid of the current Governments Worldwide and replace them with new Governments with massive limitations on the power to change our lives and limit our freedoms.

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      The government is supposed to protect us, and our elected representatives are supposed to hold the government to account. The system is failing us, and it is because our elected representatives do not represent us. The only way for democracy to work for the electorate is to abolish the political parties which are just corrupt power bases working against us.

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        Völlig richtig. Deshalb gibt es die Verfassunggebende Versammlung in Deutschland.
        Das ist die Umsetzung des Artikel 146

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      Alexandra M Soucy


      God hates to see suffering much more than we do. (Isaiah 55:8, 9) So then, why is there so much suffering in the world? The Bible tells us that “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) The ruler of this world, Satan, is vicious and cruel. He is “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) Many people imitate him. And that is just one reason why the world is so full of lies, hatred, and cruelty.
      God makes it possible for us to gain considerable relief from distress or anxiety that is caused from suffering. The Bible urges us: “Throw all your anxiety [cares; worries,] on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) How, though, can you do that? By means of heartfelt prayer, by reading God’s Word and meditating on it, by tapping into God’s Holy Spirit.
      In fact, God has promised to remove all causes of suffering. How and when will he do this? He will do this by means of his Kingdom, which the Bible describes as a real government. “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [present-day governments]. And it alone will stand forever.”—Daniel 2:44.
      Thus, by means of his heavenly Kingdom, God will drastically change the human condition—for the better. Regarding that time, the Bible promises that God “will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away”. —Revelation 21:3, 4.

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        Joy Wilson


        Yes I agree that God’s Kingdom needs to be prayed in . I think one of the problems is most of the church is fast asleep or drugged by this world . They see the vaccine as wonderful answer to prayer and are rushing to promote it. The true believers willing to suffer need to unite across the world and stand together to see Gods kingdom come and May Jesus return for a pure and awake bride .

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          Thank you

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        Joy Wilson


        Yes I agree. I think one of the problems is most of the church is fast asleep or drugged by this world . They see the vaccine as wonderful answer to prayer and are rushing to promote it. The true believers willing to suffer need to unite across the world and stand together to see Gods kingdom come and May Jesus return for a pure and awake bride .

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        Herald of the heavenly host


        Amen! Amen! Amen!

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        If the people would really trust in God and their natural given Immunsystem – a God given Present like our Life, nobody would decided to take Vaccines.

        Wisdom is taking Action.

        God bless you.
        Best Greetings from Germany

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      Jens Peder Poulsen


      Just stumbled over this website
      I have been a big admirer of Tim Ball
      Now it seems to me that it is all connected: Like the same agenda with the Covid case as with the Climate case
      All the Way back to The Club of Rome

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    Betty Boop


    So Twitter just suspended my account for 12 hours, again, after I tweeted this message in response to @brianlilley of @TheTorontoSun

    RE: “vaccines aren’t going in arms fast enough”
    “Doctor paralyzed after having Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Mexico”
    “2 people in Norway die days after receiving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine”
    “Nurse DIES following Pfizer’s Covid-19 jab in Portugal”

    Those stories (headlines) have been published by mainstream media (reuters, RT today & business today), and are all available on the world wide web.

    FROM Twitter: “We determined this Tweet violated the Twitter Rules, specifically for:
    Violating the policy on spreading misleading (Twitter shoots the messengers) and potentially harmful information (Twitter obviously does not consider people dying, after having received “experimental COVID-19 vaccines” as being potentially harmful) related to COVID-19.”

    “We understand that during times of crisis and instability, it is difficult to know what to do (Twitter wants to be the source of guiding people in what they do – and it appears obvious that Twitter does not want people to question why so many have died, or have had Severe Adverse Reactions from the “experimental COVID-19 vaccines”.) to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Under this policy, we require the removal of content that may pose a risk to people’s health, including content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.”

    “For more information on COVID-19, as well as guidance from leading global health authorities, please refer to the following links:
    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public from the WHO
    FAQs about COVID-19 from the WHO”

    “By clicking the above button, you are removing the content of your Tweet and forgoing the option to appeal this violation. Please note that the original content will be replaced with a notice stating your Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. This notice will be accessible via direct URL and from your profile timeline for 14 days.”

    They also use a 14 day quarantine.

    This is blatant censorship, and the world seems to be becoming more accepting of it.

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      Herald of the heavenly host


      Are you familiar with what bluejays do to the young? They murder them.

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    Peter Kelly


    My home is near an Industrial Pharma Hub in Ireland. The behaviour of staff in institutions here is not setting a good example for the rest of the world. Because Ireland is very influential and are known for being teachers. There are bad medical work practices and bad admin. I like drmercola he helped me recover after a assignation attempy/attempted healthcare manslaughter. There is a lot of crimes in foreign industry here for example child abuse, child labour in the 1980’s, heavy illegal drug dealing by migrant workers, treason and massive white collar crime , and some of the workers are thugs. Its a closed circle. I advise commercialising traditional medicine and modern health and safety outside the premises and for quality purposes. I did train as an auditor and safety officer. And am an inventor and a consultant that works for free. Free speech isn’t tolerated at the local university. Shame/Farce..will not be getting the vaccine due to catastrophic immune response risk. SARS was in Singapore in 2002…why didn’t the airlines have a plan FFS

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    If they aren’t required to report the vaccine status of future COVID-19 fatalities they WILL claim a new more fatal variant of the disease has emerged. They will do everything in their power to avoid responsibility.

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    I believe people are being subject to tutore and control in fear from the evil the NHS hire for thier surveillance and are able to enter our homes and are injecting ones like me who had a massive legal battle case of Corruption records that are fake not one judge or Lawers will go against this system even the MET are in on it .They are allowing bad people access to remove evidence .I am censored I am going to die I know I have to take vitamins and lemon water everyday I am becoming allergic to anything .my inhalers made me cough .they are messing with people’s medication .if you want to censoring this your family ate at risk same as mine .I am dammed to do nothing I am dammed to reach out either way I am doomed and sadly my 8 year old also has side effects and I believe he too has been injected .we both had loads of nasty natasha bites I get injected maybe monthly a new one normally shoulder blade but had them in my thigh .my face is rash like lupus send me help they are killing innocent people .no access to emails no access to messanger my bank HSBC stole records from a safe they also manage to add 5000 to a loan and up it to 270 from 170 for 5 years not 4 x my children have been threatened if u are a computer geek censoring this and not a peodo murderer for your future get this info to dolores please please your life is at stake too this is my truth

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    For those who have already taken the vaccine, how can they protect themselves against immuno-priming following re-exposure to the virus?
    I did hear vitamin C but would be interested to know what else will help.

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      Hello there,

      I have been taking Zinc, Vitamin D (coupled with Magnesium). Hubby has Covid and was down for 2 weeks straight. Cured completely with all of the above and some old fashioned Tylenol. I took all the above as preventive along with Aspirin (81mg) [short time only] and never ever got sick. During the winter months, Covid or Flu, hubby and I do regular inhalations. Boil large amount of water, transfer boiling water to glas or ceramic bowl, add salt, stir, put on a secure table, take an oversized towel and stick your head over the steam, place towel over your head (you can leave an open spot for a minute if it is too hot) close the towel and inhale through nose and exhale through mouth for 15 min. After, spit out everything over cold water. Rinse and wash face with cold water and dry immediately. Repeat as many times as desired as this is noninvasive and a good old folk technique. Stay healthy ❤️

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    Coronavirus — its goals, authors, and masters. Part X – Essence of Time

    Part One of an Article Series!
    Video: Language english

    “Who Is Behind Coronavirus and COVID 19 Pandemic? Russian Response, Part 1” – YouTube


    Check out:

    Get in Contact.
    In our Country Germany we have
    a great Working Group of Jurisdiction
    knowing People (Lawers)
    Corona Aussuss Stiftung

    Connection with
    Children’s Health Defense
    Robert Kennedy Jr


    Topic: Free Will?
    Nürnberger Codex 1947

    Nürnberger Codex 1997


    10 Rules (Law)s for Medical Guidance
    (Humanity Care/Ethic)

    Declaration Helsinki 2013
    (Language German)

    Thank you very much for worthy information and sharing it with us. ❤ Saving Life.

    Greetings from Germany

    PS. Tax-Payers pay for Risk of Vaccines
    and for the Vaccine Victims


    Braking the Law (Germany Government)
    „Dabei handelt es sich umo die schwerste Gesetzes- und Verfassungsverletzung in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik!“

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    Coronavirus — its goals, authors, and masters. Part X – Essence of Time

    Part One of an Article Series!
    Video: Language english

    “Who Is Behind Coronavirus and COVID 19 Pandemic? Russian Response, Part 1” – YouTube


    Check out:

    Get in Contact.
    In our Country Germany we have
    a great Working Group of Jurisdiction
    knowing People (Lawers)
    Corona Aussuss Stiftung

    Connection with
    Children’s Health Defense
    Robert Kennedy Jr


    Topic: Free Will?
    Nürnberger Codex 1947

    Nürnberger Codex 1997


    10 Rules (Law)s for Medical Guidance
    (Humanity Care/Ethic)

    Declaration Helsinki 2013
    (Language German)

    Thank you very much for worthy information and sharing it with us. ❤ Saving Life.

    Greetings from Germany

    PS. Tax-Payers pay for Risk of Vaccines
    and for the Vaccine Victims


    Braking the Law (Germany Government)
    „Dabei handelt es sich umo die schwerste Gesetzes- und Verfassungsverletzung in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik!“

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    Coronavirus — its goals, authors, and masters. Part X – Essence of Time

    Part One of an Article Series!
    Video: Language english

    “Who Is Behind Coronavirus and COVID 19 Pandemic? Russian Response, Part 1” – YouTube


    Check out:

    Get in Contact.
    In our Country Germany we have
    a great Working Group of Jurisdiction
    knowing People (Lawers)
    Corona Aussuss Stiftung

    Connection with
    Children’s Health Defense
    Robert Kennedy Jr


    Topic: Free Will?
    Nürnberger Codex 1947

    Nürnberger Codex 1997


    10 Rules (Law)s for Medical Guidance
    (Humanity Care/Ethic)

    Declaration Helsinki 2013
    (Language German)

    Thank you very much for worthy information and sharing it with us. ❤ Saving Life.

    Greetings from Germany
    Kimi and Beate

    PS. Tax-Payers pay for Risk of Vaccines
    and for the Vaccine Victims


    Braking the Law (Germany Government)
    „Dabei handelt es sich umo die schwerste Gesetzes- und Verfassungsverletzung in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik!“

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    Funny, they werent concerned about people dieing when they lied to us about hydrocloroquin. And now they have the balls to admit that it works. Its getting really hard to trust anyone of authority these days. There is just too much corruption.

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