Problem of an overall heat balance for our planet
Independent scientists are pointing out many anomalies and ill-considered factors when government climate scientists make claims about an overall heat balance for our planet. A growing body of new empirical evidence suggests an internal planetary heat source has been overlooked. If correct, this undermines the neat assumptions of climate scientists about external heat source(s) versus internal heat sources.
Below are 26 problematic issues challenging the ‘settled science’ of catastrophic man-made climate change, geothermal heat, the water cycle, and the hysteria of sea level rise.
[Special emphasis on Items 6 thru 9 describing the Earth’s heat balance, and 25, 26 describing the causation of variable heating/cooling cycles over geologic time, then the Summary Notes].
1. “Glaciologically, Ice Age is often used to mean a period of ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres; by this definition we are still in an ice age (because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist).”
2. The glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland are melting from geothermal heat. Per Univ of Texas-Austin, West Antarctica’s glaciers are melting due to geothermal heat.
Similarly, East Antarctica’s Totten glacier is melting from below.
Finally, Greenland’s glaciers are also melting from below.
3. Dr. Sam Carana has mapped the sea floor of the North Pole. Of course, since the Earth is a globe, the crust is thickest around the Equator and thinnest at the North Pole — the closest approach to the Earth’s great heat engine.
4. Earthquake activity should serve as a measure of seismic energy release, acid gas release, as well as an indicator of increasing heat & CO2 emissions coming from within the Earth. Per the online USGS website — between Jan. 1, 1900 to Jan. 1, 1920 — the entire globe experienced 97 earthquakes of Richter 7+ magnitude. In the two (2) decade period ending Jan. 1, 2016, the world experienced 327 Richter 7+ earthquakes. Even if we have a few miscounted, we still have a 3x increase in heat release from within the Earth. Curiously, there was a significant uptick in seismic activity during the years of the American Dust Bowl.
5. There are significant challenges to those claiming that human emissions of CO2 greatly exceed volcanic emissions. Beyond surface volcanic activity there are immeasurable amounts of CO2 from submarine volcanoes, oceanic ridge systems, rifting systems, hydrothermal vents, hot springs, geysers, and some forms of bacterial decomposition.
Source – Thomas Casey, Consulting Geologist
6. There are also significant challenges to the amount of heat coming from within the planet. The prevailing view is that the Earth generates approx. 47 TW. L.B. Zebrukov, et al, have re-estimated the Earth’s interior heat as 300 TW +/- 80 TW, with an upper limit which could be as much as 420 TW.
7. There is ample research that the Earth’s internal heat be can even be much higher if we allow for the multiple exothermic chemical reactions within the Earth. Quoting from link: “Little is known about the chemistry that produces minerals in the deep regions of Earth or that creates the ammonia oceans of the outer planets and moons.”
8. The prevailing view is that solar radiation is that 1368 Watts per sq meter is delivered to the Earth’s upper atmosphere, but much is re-radiated and only 1000 Watts per sq. meter is delivered at the surface when the surface is viewed as a flat projected disc. Per Alan Siddon, when allowing for the curvature of the Earth and incident angle of solar rays reaching the curved portions of the Earth, the solar heat delivered is 348 Watts per sq. meter across the illuminated regions.
9. This translates to 174 TW delivered from solar radiation. Using Zebrukov’s 300 TW the internal heat contributes 63 {154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the total. Again, it could be much, much higher when we consider the chemical reactions.
10. With warming waters around the Equator we have greater evaporation. The waters driving El Niño are centered right over the deep Mariana Trench — filled with submarine volcanoes, rifts, and hydrothermal vents. The Champagne Vent is so named as it is flowing champagne-colored liquid CO2 at those cold, high pressure regions.
11. Peering into a pot of water as it heats up, you will first observe the convection plumes, long before a full boil. At the individual hot spot at the bottom of the pot there is a periodicity as the heated water grows less dense, yet “huddles” until the water density is reduced sufficiently for the convection plume to rise. This periodic behavior is observed in the convection plumes of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
12. More evaporation provide more rain and vegetation grows in regions which were previously dry.
13. Greater warmth allows the sub-Arctic tree line to expand northward.
14. Root systems retain more water in the soil. Erosion is reduced and water is retained within the land.
15. Rain also recharges the water aquifers. Delaware is entirely dependent on aquifers for our water supplies.
16. More water flowing thru limestone or other carbonate formations neutralize acids. Water flowing thru coal and other inorganic carbon acts as a charcoal filter, removing organics. All of these effects provide cold, clean aquifer water and mountain streams to fill ponds.
17. The mountain streams fill upland lakes. Aquatic birds eat fish eggs, fly over these lakes, poop, and we have fresh trout ponds.
18. Also, with more water evaporated around the Equator, we have greater snow falls, growing the glaciers at higher elevations and accumulating in places like Greenland. Snow is the very best form of precipitation because it melts slowly and does not cause erosion as does a deluge of rain.
19. Viewed via penetrating radar, a sea level view of Greenland reveals a large central subglacial lake ringed by mountains. The central connects to the Arctic waters through several channels, like mountain passes. The interior of Greenland is bowl-shaped. The weight of the glaciers bears down upon subglacial melt water lakes, formed from geothermal heat. In fact, the mass of these glaciers has already displaced an equivalent mass of liquid water, the same as free-floating sea ice (Archimede’s Principle).
20. Given the aforementioned Archimede’s effect and the equivalent displacement of water, any subglacial lakes connected to Arctic waters would not affect global sea level. Any subglacial lakes not connected to the Arctic Ocean will just be contained. If Greenland’s interior glaciers were to melt entirely it would have no effect on global sea levels. Also, with the glacial overburden removed, the land would rebound to form an elevated lake system. Northern Ohio is still rebounding from the glaciers removed at the beginning of the Holocene.
21. It was recently observed that the under-appreciated cause of incremental sea level rise is due to the thermal expansion of the ocean waters. This has been the case since the the beginning of the Holocene. As noted previously, the incremental heat could be from radiation above but the case laid out in this essay is that the heat comes from below.
22. So through the water cycle the water is desalinated, acid neutralized, organics removed, and re-distributed onto the land, either as rain or snow. Along the way, the steps of phase change( water vapor condensing to rain and moisture freezing to snow) launches excess heat off the planet.
And this is bad……because ?
23. The spreading mid-Atlantic Ridge has been pushing Europe and North America apart for eons. Since the shores of the mid-Atlantic states are comprised of alluvial sands washed down from the Adirondacks and Appalachians, the U.S. East Coast is continuing to subside.
The sea level on Delaware’s shores isn’t rising, the shores of Delaware are subsiding. By the way, I have written to my Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) regarding sea levels and received a condescending and dismissive reply.
24. The warmth and CO2 coming from within the planet as well as the water cycle are good things. The water cycle dominates everything for the Earth’s heat balance and CO2 at 0.04 of one (1) percent ( = 400 ppm) isn’t doing doodley other than feed the plants. We could use more CO2 for optimum plant growth.
25. All of the effects described above lend support to the very controversial concepts of Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, the GeoReactor. Dr. Herndon is a personal friend.
The Curve of Binding Energies is very well known in Nuclear Physics.

26. Other fine references on naturally occurring fission are “The Fourth Source. Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors” by Robert J. Tuttle and any of the papers from Dr. M.a. Padmanabha Rao.
Summary Notes:
A) Anything man can do Nature can do better. Certainly this includes naturally occurring fission.
B) Man has nothing to do with these desired effects. We are just along for the bus ride.
C) Would you prefer to live in a climate that was in stasis, just as it is getting better?
D) Catastrophic man-made made climate change is the greatest example of twisted pseudo-science, scientific group think, the terrors of government grant funding for a pre-ordained agenda, and Political Science.
Nicholas Schroeder, BSME, PE
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The popular K-T power flux balance models the earth as a ball evenly heated and suspended in a bucket of 342 W/m^2 poo.
A really^4 DUMB model.
Try this one.
Independent Researcher into atmospheric and subterrestrial physics
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If you want to understand how it is solar energy that supports internal temperatures in planets and satellite moons, thus making the core of the Moon over 1,000 degrees hotter than its surface, read “Planetary Core and Surface Temperatures” wherein you will find the correct physics that turns conventional thinking on its head. Planets are not cooling off from some original hotter state in their cores. Direct solar radiation to the surfaces of planets like Earth and Venus does not explain the surface temperatures (J.Postma was wrong about that in his paper) but something else does, as you will read in that paper at
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If you want to understand how it is solar energy that supports internal temperatures in planets and satellite moons, thus making the core of the Moon over 1,000 degrees hotter than its surface, read “Planetary Core and Surface Temperatures” wherein you will find the correct physics that turns conventional thinking on its head. Planets are not cooling off from some original hotter state in their cores. Direct solar radiation to the surfaces of planets like Earth and Venus does not explain the surface temperatures (J.Postma was wrong about that in his paper) but something else does, as you will read in that paper at