Pro-lockdown Twitter bot campaign suspected Against July 19th
Social media users and reporters raised the possibility that a Twitter bot campaign has been launched to push back against the planned easing of restrictions in the United Kingdom. A bot campaign refers to automated accounts being programmed to push a single message or idea..
A LifeSiteNews review of many of the accounts tweeting the same message showed that many did not have photos of real people and instead used avatars or other photos commonly associated with bot accounts
Several reporters and social media users noted similar or duplicative language used by dubious Twitter accounts to oppose the lifting of draconian coronavirus restrictions.
A LifeSiteNews review of many of the accounts tweeting the same message showed that many did not have photos of real people and instead used avatars or other photos commonly associated with bot accounts.
“Britain plans to scrap laws requiring face masks and social distancing later this month,” the Associated Press reported. “Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed Monday, even as he acknowledged that lifting the restrictions will drive surging coronavirus cases higher.”
Jordan Lancaster, a reporter for The Daily Caller, tweeted images from suspected bot accounts and wrote that she was “highly concerned that there seems to be a bot army advocating to lock us in our houses forever.”
“My brother has just tested positive for COVID. The Delta variant,” a handful of accounts all wrote. “He has been double jabbed. How on earth can Johnson go ahead with relaxing the rules on the 19th July. It’s madness. @BorisJohnson.”
Paul Joseph Watson also noticed Twitter accounts posting the same pro-lockdown message:
“This is disgusting, masks and social distancing should be in place till minimum christmas [sic] time at the earliest, the government are [sic] clueless,” the posts all said, “the delta [sic] variant should be taken seriously and we should go into a national lockdown to prevent it spreading.”
“Search ‘this is disgusting, masks and social’ and tell me the government don’t think we’re stupid brilliant gorilla marketing campaign though, would certainly get the sheep following,” one Twitter user said.
Political groups have been accused of using bot spam campaigns to push an agenda.
For example, pro-Palestine groups originating in Malaysia used a spam campaign to spread anti-Israel information.
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center concluded that “there was a massive attack on mainstream social media and messaging platforms against Israelis and pro-Israelis.”
“Those attacks led to aggressive spamming of pro-Israeli content and also to suspension or blocking of accounts” the Israeli intelligence think-tank concluded.
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Header image: Charlotte Observer
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Joseph Olson
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investigate journalist, George Webb has reported on NATO black market arms, drugs, Uranium and human sex (and organ) trafficking ratlines since 2016. Here are the DARPA origins and distribution history of the Chinese Cootie Plague, reinforced by MSM and social media manipulation and LIES….(Neighborhood News Network @ BitChute)
Mark Tapley
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Control of all media by the elite is always one of the top priorities. In Britain a good example is Lord Northcliffe (Harmsworth) the propaganda front man for the Anglo Zionists syndicate run by Alfred Milner. By 1908 Northcliffe had bought the Observer and The Sunday Times in order to foment war against Germany. The same thing was going on in the U.S. where Rothschild employee J.P. Morgan bought editorial rights to the top 20 papers in the country in order to bring the country into the first world war. They could move ahead now that the Zionists had taken over the riches of S.A. and Queen Victoria had died. The anglo Zionist could not foment war with Victoria’s nephew the Kaiser as long as she was alive.
War is the number 1 tool in order to move societies in the direction of more government control and less individual freedom. It is also the no. 1 way to generate profits for the insiders through the use of the Rothschild banking cartel. Britain had been under the fiat banking fraud since 1694 but the money monopoly was not established in Jewmerica until 1913. War spending (and big corrupt government programs) cannot be maintained without a fiat money system because that only leaves two methods of financing the insider theft; direct taxation or borrowing through the sale of gov. bonds IOU’s). Neither of these can be sustained for long in an expensive conflict. The fiat banking system allows the livestock to be surreptitiously plundered through depreciation as the wealth is transferred to the elites.
The anglo Zionists could not afford to instigate a war with Germany without the full backing of Jewmerica. This was in the bag with the placing of the invalid Wilson in office and controlled by Eugene Meyer, Bernard Baruch and live in handler and Rothschild employee Col. House founder of the CFR. 21,000 millionaires and billionaires were generated in the U..S. by the contrived WW1. We know this from records of the newly established unconstitutional IRS. And this is just legally reported data. High level organized crime by the Zionist network pays big money to ALL the insiders and their operatives like Boris. The same thing is going on today with the fake virus and the climate scam.