PRESS RELEASE: Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon
Collectively, International Experts in Medicine, Vaccines, Chemistry and Public Policy pool their Criticism of the COVID-19 Plandemic in One Comprehensive Volume. Available now!
With a wide variety of education and experience, a group of kindred spirits combine perspectives in a thorough critique of the manipulation and exploitation of a mass hysteria called the COVID-19 pandemic. Whimsically, these authorities call themselves Dragon Slayers. This image is appropriate given the reach and power of the unholy alliance of mass media, modern medicine, pharma giants and governmental entities.
For over a decade, Sky Dragon Slayers published and defended their work in monumental volumes. Now we extend this theme to virology. This book and the authors will be vilified and relentlessly attacked, but notice there have been no challenges to the theories and information presented. Critics have well-worn talking points, but cannot find fault in the information. If they did find an error, we would apologize and correct it as quickly and publicly as possible.
Apache Junction, AZ, March 21, 2023—Authors John O’Sullivan (UK , CEO of Principia Scientific Intl), Judy Wilyman (Australia), Saeed Qureshi (Canada) and Robert Beatty (Australia) along with contributor Phillip Altman (Australia) present fact, data, and logic-based arguments against the massive overreach of the established powers using public panic about a virus to further goals of control.
From the Preface of Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon:
Medicines are everyday items and have become part of daily life use. It should not be like this, but unfortunately, it is so. It has almost become a high-priced version of the food or nutrients business for maintaining a “normal” or “healthy” life. They are effectively promoted as healthcare products.
The recent episode of the COVID-19 pandemic shook people’s trust in the medical profession and industry, which were once considered some of the most trusted and respected professions and businesses. Several concerns created this mistrust.
- The existence of the COVID-19 virus, its illness/infection, and spread or pandemic without providing standard and expected scientific support.
- Lack of alternate or second opinion or option to evaluate the diagnosis critically.
- Hugely exaggerated projections about the severity, spread, and number of deaths worldwide with arbitrary assumptions and computer modeling.
- Developed treatments, vaccines in particular, with rushed and inept clinical trials and their protocols and endpoints.
- Draconian measures in imposing protective remedies to otherwise healthy people.
- Promotion of “science” by the Main Stream Media (MSM) who censored any alternate view, even from world-recognized science leaders.
The question is, why? Science had high regard, so why the current mistrust? Recently, even renowned scientists describe the published material in reputed scientific journals as uunreliable and nonreproducible.
We are being coerced to abrogate our bodily autonomy to the state.
This is biological communism.
Where are the experts explaining the realities of the risks versus the benefits? The more COVID-19 jabs you have, the more dangerous your situation.
The elephant in the room, since even before the UK’s first lockdown, emerged on March 19th, 2020. As far back as then, the public health bodies in the UK and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens decided that the new disease should no longer be classified as a ‘high consequence infectious disease’ and coronavirus was downgraded to flu level. Only AFTER that conclusion by the government’s own experts was the economy shuttered and our lives subjected to perennial fear and lockdown lunacy.
The proof that the virus was officially regarded as no more deadly than a normal flu—BEFORE the tyranny unleashed—is spelt out in black and white at the UK government’s website.
But almost two years later and with no end in sight, the powers that be are insistent that the entire population must be vaccinated with experimental potions that fail the basic requirement of any traditional vaccine, namely, to protect the population from infection and transmission.
With these untried chemical concoctions, how many of your brain cells will die is something only time will tell. And children, of course, will be more vulnerable because they are likely to live longer.
Some experts, advisors and regulators will tell you that the risks are small.
But how can they know that?
And what is small?
They told us that the blood clotting problems were small.
As Dr Vernon Coleman, for decades Britain’s more popular medical author on vaccine safety will tell you, in a normal experiment with a new drug, doctors should look and check for all the possible problems before releasing a drug for widespread use.
But the COVID-19 jabs were rolled out to billions without anyone having the faintest idea what will happen. The people were the test subjects.
Only if we arm ourselves with knowledge, do we stand a chance to make sure this never happens again.
Author Interview Scheduling Contact Information:
Ken Coffman
1000 West Apache Trail
Suite 126
Apache Junction, AZ 85120 USA
Cell: (360) 420-8870
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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