President Trump’s History With Vaccines and New Theory Confirmed!
We continue to report on the #1 story on your mind these days which is: “Why is President Trump pushing the vaccine?”
I have more to add to the story tonight, starting with President Trump’s history on vaccines.
Some of you may not know or may not remember all the Tweets he sent out years before he was President warning of the dangers of vaccines.
While his Twitter account was infamously deleted, an archive still exists.
Let’s start by taking a look at what he had historically said:
To be fair, his Tweets in 2014 made clear he wasn’t against ALL vaccines….just against the large dump of vaccines all at once.
See this:
It’s a great point.
I am no big fan of vaccines in general, but at the very least why can’t we spread them out?
I have personal experience on this topic.
As a parent to young children, I asked my doctor why we couldn’t simply spread them out one week apart by each one….
He had no answer at first.
Then he tried to say it was “for my convenience”.
I said fine, I don’t care. I will bring them in for 38 appointments and I’ll pay the insurance co-pay each time.
Took that argument away, but he still didn’t have an answer.
Then he started to get mad.
It was at that point I found a new doctor.
But I will tell you something friends, I know just by my own experience something is not right here.
There is NO valid reason to not allow a parent to space these things out!
But now let’s advance the story.
So we have a President Trump who was never 100 percent against vaccines but was against the large dump of vaccines into small bodies.
That’s an important background for what comes next.
This is from Patel Patriot on his “Devolution Series” a truly incredible blog he’s been posting that is now on Part 15.
You can find the entire thing on Substack and Part 15 right here.
I encourage you to go there and read the entire thing, but right now I want to share with you a portion because it confirms exactly my theory that I posted a few days ago!
I was so encouraged when I saw this…
From Part 15 of Patel Patriot’s Devolution series read this:
So not only did EO 13887 establish a National Influenza Task Force that reported to the President through key people we know to be involved in devolution, but it also allowed for the Department of Defense to collaborate with the HHS to design and evaluate influenza vaccines.
This is massively important when we look at some news that just recently came out related to the Army and Vaccines. On December 21, 2021, Defense One published a bombshell of an article:
So in early 2020 (With Trump as President) the DOD began research on a vaccine that was effective against not just Covid-19 but all “previous SARS-origin viruses” and all future variants. They have been working on this for almost two years and nearly all of Walter Reed’s 2,500 staff have had some role in the development and this is the first we heard about it.
This vaccine would be the death blow to the NWO plans.The fact that this type of research was even happening was because of the door opened to the DOD from EO 13887. We need to look at this from a 40,000 ft view because the implications here are truly stunning.
Let’s recap our previous summary and add a brief timeline surrounding the release of Covid:
- Two days after the moratorium on gain of function research was lifted, Fauci made the statement that “No Doubt Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak”
- There are multiple examples of NGO’s and the political establishment holding “Pandemic exercises”
- The United States Government was funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through grant money originating from the Anthony Fauci led NIAID
- Trump’s December 2017 National Security Strategy specifically mentions pandemics that “Take lives, generate economic losses, and contribute to the loss of confidence in government institutions”
- Trump’s September 2018 NSPM 14 was specifically geared toward supporting national biodefense and was issued in conjunction with the National Biodefense Strategy
- The National Biodefense Strategy discusses deliberate biological threats and outlines support and preservation of continuity of operations
- NSPM 14 established a committee chaired by the Secretary of Health and Human Services that was tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy
- NSPM 14 established the National Security Advisor as the lead for policy coordination and review to provide strategic input and facilitate policy integration for Federal biodefense efforts
All the above show circumstantial evidence of a Deep State plan to release a pandemic on the world and evidence of Trump taking actions to prepare for such an attack. Now the timeline surrounding the “escape” of COVID-19:
- September 10th, 2019 – John Bolton is fired as the National Security Advisor
- September 12th, 2019 (on or before) – Covid-19 is thought to have “escaped” the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab based on a report by the House Foreign Affairs Republicans
- September 12th, 2019 – The WIV’s virus and sample database was removed in the middle of the night
- September 18th, 2019 – Robert O’Brien took office as the National Security Advisor. The National Security Advisor is the lead for policy coordination for National Biodefense Efforts and would later become a central figure to devolution under Executive Order 13961
- September 19th, 2019 – EO 13887 is issued
It is no coincidence that EO 13887 was issued the very day after Robert O’Brien took office as the National Security Advisor. It has a similar feeling to Christopher Miller being appointed Acting Secretary of Defense the day after the Associated Press declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election.
Trump knew a pandemic was coming. He started to prepare the battlefield and as we can clearly see, EO 13887 plays a major role in that preparation. I believe this is only part of the bigger picture.
I’ve said before that if Donald Trump knew the election was going to be stolen and did nothing about it, then I would consider him complicit in the destruction of America. I’m going to say the same thing here regarding COVID-19.
If Donald Trump knew there was going to be a pandemic, which I believe he did, and he didn’t take steps to fight it, then I would consider him complicit in the destruction brought about by the pandemic as well.
I believe EO 13887 and the military vaccine that stemmed from it goes hand-in-hand with something Trump has been consistently touting as one of his greatest achievements – Operation Warp Speed (OWS).
Operation Warp Speed
I believe EO 13887 and OWS are the two primary steps Donald Trump took to fight Covid-19 and the plan of control brought about by the Deep State. I think we need to look at OWS a little closer for some context. Here are some screenshots from the Operation Warp Speed plan:
The Secretary of HHS is the chair of the Biodefense Steering committee tasked with implementing the National Biodefense Strategy that was established by NSPM 14
The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of HHS co-chaired the National Influenza Vaccine Task Force.
EO 13887 allowed the Secretary of Defense to implement vaccine development within the DoD
Within the framework of OWS, the DoD and HHS are assisting Big Pharma in fast-tracking their vaccine development, manufacturing, and distribution. We know Big Pharma is part of the Deep State and would love to keep us in a perpetual state of vaccines and variants. If Trump hadn’t issued EO 13887 and then implemented OWS, it could have taken years upon years before we ever saw a vaccine, and that perpetual nightmare of variants and vaccines would have become a reality.
Just how long would they have kept us locked down? Instead, EO 13887 paved the way for fast-tracked vaccines and the DoD and HHS helped get these Big Pharma vaccines to the public ASAP. This heroically sabotaged the Deep State’s original plan. Their entire timeline was overhauled and replaced with Trump’s timeline.
Now this is where some minor speculation comes into play but I’m only speculating based on the evidence I have put forth.
I believe Operation Warp Speed to be two-fold.
- Trump not only moved the timeline of their plan up by many years, but he allowed them to get their first vaccines distributed ASAP. That necessitated the acceleration of their phase two variant which brought about the need for new vaccines and boosters. This accelerated rollout made their plan obvious to the whole world. Endless variants and endless vaccines and the ostracization of anybody who didn’t comply. Exposes Fauci, Big Pharma, the Biden administration, Media, etc.
The second part is the behind-the-scenes production of an effective single vaccine that works against all future variants. This catch-all vaccine destroys their plan in one blow. While they are gearing up for a “Dark Winter” and more lockdowns, we get news of a vaccine that ends the current virus and all future viruses they could throw at us.
The point here is that while the DoD and HHS were helping to rush the ineffective Big Pharma vaccines to market, they were working on their own vaccine in secret. There were zero leaks and that tells me it was a White Hat operation. Part of the mandate for the DoD and HHS under OWS was to “assist in the development” of the Big Pharma vaccines but clearly Big Pharma wasn’t in the loop about this new military vaccine that could end the pandemic outright.
Everything we covered further solidifies that devolution is in play. Many of the same players we know to be involved with devolution based on what we discuss inDevolution – Part 13 also play significant roles in Trump’s pandemic countermoves. The operation Trump set in motion surrounding the pandemic and the devolution operation discussed in the Devolution Series are one in the same.
I posted a few polls to my telegram channel and we are able to come to some logical conclusions based on the data gathered:
When I look at the above results, it tells me that Trump’s pro-vaccine stance isn’t geared towards his base. A majority of his supporters will still vote for him regardless, and those same supporters still won’t get the jab even though Trump supports it. Trump knows all of this. Trump has taught his base to question what the mainstream media and government officials tell us. Trump has taught us to do our own research and use our freedom of choice to make the decision we feel is best.
So if his pro-vax stance isn’t geared towards his supporters, we can logically determine it’s for those who don’t support him.Clif High has presented what I would consider to be the best explanation of Trump’s pro-vaccine stance. This brief 15 minute video outlines it. It’s a great theory that fits the facts available to us.
When Trump talks about the vaccines, we simply can’t take him at face value. EO 13887 and OWS dramatically accelerated all timelines, causing the Deep State to panic and go all-in on increasingly unhinged mandates, variants, and vaccines. Don’t forget what Trump’s ultimate goal here is – he is trying to unite America against those who seek to control and destroy us. He is engineering a mass awakening and he has to do so while carefully navigating the COVID and vaccine situation.
How do you reach the half the population who have been savagely indoctrinated by the leftist universities and mainstream media? They believe the vaccines are literally the only solution to ending the pandemic. How would the media react to Trump coming out against the vaccine?
We can speculate all day long as to why Trump is doing what he is doing but we won’t have the answers until the dust settles. If you’re looking for why he has been so consistent in his pro-vax stance, you won’t find the answer here but this is what I can tell you – Donald Trump knew a pandemic was coming and he took steps to prepare for it.
What his military vaccine news demonstrates to us is that we still don’t have the full picture of what is truly going on behind the scenes in the war against the Deep State. You know who does have the full picture?
President Donald John Trump
Let’s not lose faith in him now.
Read the rest here:
Header image: CNN
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Another “trust the plan” article. Not worth reading. Trump never surrounded himself with competent advisers.
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Sorry but the whole Trump playing 4D chess (with every stupid thing he says or does) is a joke. It’s up there with that silly Q garbage. I swapped from R to I after his 3rd year. No one who is that bad as judging character should be in power. Even his son in law is a snake that was given unhindered access to his office, disgusting. I can’t stand what we have in power now but I won’t vote for another Trump, ever!
mark noah
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Interesting , this might explain why they jumped 9 months forward to bring the O variant out early , according to the John Hopkins corona time line , O was due out September 2022 , with the final variant being out in Feb` 2023.
Now it appears the timeline ends in May 2022 , unless they change tack and go for climate , Ebola , CJD lock downs instead.
Richard Greene
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Trump obviously does not want to be president again.
He has good instincts
He’s a good salesman
But he’s also dumb on many subjects,
from climate change to vaccines.
Itz Me
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Climate change ? Please, give me a break what nonsense.
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I’ll see your Yippie Goldberg playing 4D chess on Star Trek 9, and raise you one crooked Strump
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what a load of garbage, this bs article and trump himself
denis dombas
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Trump is same as the rest of these criminal globalists ,no good person can ever be elected in this country and if would ever happen would be assassinated !
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Don’t be so absolute.
The man tried to to good to your country.
The fact that he drove mad the entire establishment speaks for itself…
Of course he is a rich guy, with a bit too much confidence on himself, having friendships with some bad people (not evil enough as Hitlery though…), and promoting the murderous occupation of Gaza.
But he did all he could to improve America.
And, from what I can tell, he did that to some degree, until the crazies took over.
And did EXECTLY what he promised to his voters.
I think his honesty, his love for America, and this commitment to his publicly announced agenda (on which he got elected on) are enough reasons to vote for him again.
Also, killing Trump is not an option for globalists.
You still try to figure out why JFK was killed, but it wouldn’t be hard at all to figure out why Trump would have gotten killed.
Too obvious, if you ask me…
Not to mention that nowadays thing have changed…
Leaking government data is in fashion now, in contrast to the past.
Also, the majority of people in government loved Trump.
They could not have setup an operation to kill him, without leaks and major backlash…
Nor would his agenda fade off…
Trump has opened the Pandora’s box and there is no closing it now…
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Coronaviruses cannot be fought with vaccines.
No matter who the vaccine-maker is.
There are already treatments for them, so that people don’t die from them.
As long as they don’t get banned by political misanthropes.
From what I can tell, Trump knew nothing about a virus that was about to pop up at his doorstep.
But the leftist establishment DID know.
Remember that a lot of leftists said that they will not trust the vaccine because Trump orchestrated their development.
I think that deep down they wanted to blame the vaccine disaster that is now coming to him, in case he got re-ellected. In fact, they might still do…
Trump is a businessman. He made deals and pushed vaccine development, having no idea about medicine himself or how corrupt and dangerous big pharma is.
And the produced vaccines are dangerous.
Whether big pharma made them kill people on purpose (to hurt Trump, to reduce global population, to push a political agenda, to make humanity dependent on them and the government, etc) or out of pure instantaneous thirst for money, we will have to see… But they are man-killers without a doubt.
On another note, I do agree that the release of this virus was done prematurely, just to hurt Trump.
But this virus is not much more dangerous than the seasonal cold virus.
They just managed to inflate the problem somehow (either by presenting extreme predictions and falsifying data, or by adding more death-inducing factors into the mix – 5G, stress, lockdowns, masks, tests, vaccines, and God knows what else).
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You present the most credible response I have read yet. I agree with 99% of it.
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Orange man bad
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The problem is Trump has no medical expertise and had NOTHING to do with the manufacture of these deadly toxic jab’s.
What he did was take credit for the devastating carnage that these jab’s have caused and continue to cause . He doesn’t know that these jab’s are purposely designed to kill people over a 3 year period . These jab’s ARE NOT SURVIVABLE its just a matter of time before you die. Life expectancy is 3 to 4 years tops and much shorter than that if you submitted to a booster .
As one recent scientist said :
The vaccine is a lab-generated pathogen, its not designed to kill people on the spot. It was engineered to produce a delayed reaction that gradually but relentlessly erodes the health of the vaccinee. In other words, the full impact of the blood clots, bleeding, autoimmune issues, severe vascular illnesses and cancers will only be fully felt at a later date.
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I hear ya, Herb. And think about it: Gates and the Boys are either insane with a death wish, or they’ve been given the spirit of Pharaoh by the Lord, causing them to pursue their twisted end to their final destruction, knowing that Bastille Day cometh. I mean, what do they think is gonna happen to them when People’s mates and children start dropping dead in increasing number, and the Jonestown jab is recognized as the cause?
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A day of reckoning is inevitable, and it’s going to be very brutal and very ugly. It is coming, I would put all my money on it.
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Absolutely agree with your assessment Herb, although I believe the timeline is spread a little further, more like 3-10 years. Either way, I believe the “jab” is a premature death sentence.
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You anti-Trumpers here, whether Quislings, trolls or less aware, are overstepping the logic that should practically smack you upside your brain housing group. It don’t get much plainer… Mr T done executed Executive Order 13887, creating and causing the DoD/Army effort to counter the covid family of death and devolution ezakly ONE WEEK after the Wu Flu hit the streets over in Chiner.
So the question obtains: If Mr T were pro-pharma/pro-death, a fellow traveler in the pocket of a world-wide cabal to attain the supremacy of a self-appointed oligarchy, WHY would he institute the means to have the military develop something that should blow their plans all to heck? And WHY would he start the ball rolling at the earliest time frame after the Wu leak? Of course he understood what Traitor Gates was doing.
Use your heads!
Bertie MacBeetle.
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Right on Doc.
Trump had reduced the cost of Big Pharma products to the American people.
According to Dr Stella Emmanuel Trump was going to ensure every American had access to Hydroxychloroquine. What is more he was recommending it which could put emergency authorization of the mRNA jab at risk.
What is more Trump withdrew from the climate change hoax because of the advice of Dr Will Happer. Dr. Tim Ball and others.
Trump stopped funding the W.H.O.
Trump got outplayed by the Globalists as we all have been up till now.
Tom O
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I live in Arizona. What happened to Trump, in my mind, is that he and his advisers thought the AZ audit was going to be a steam roller, and prove the election was a fraud. That it was going to be completed in a timely manner, and would be the dynamite to blow up the election. He and those that were counting on it were screwed by the game play over the routers that weren’t necessary to prove fraud. Had the governor called a special session and allowed the slate of electors to be recalled, things might have worked out differently. As it is, it wasn’t the Globalists that outplayed him, it was the people in his own party that stuck it in and broke it off, all the while using the audit as a cash cow for the next political campaign’s funding. Had it been the quick and simple thing it was supposed to be, they would have cut themselves out of of months of milking the audit for cash donations. Politics was more important than the nation. And I don’t care what all those “patriots involved in the audit” pretend.
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Yeah, huh!
Bertie MacBeetle.
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Huh, huh.
Tom O
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Let me clarify. When the audit started, I suddenly started getting about 15 emails a day from the people involved n the audit asking for donations. That is daily, not just once or twice. That went on for months, just like the audit, all telling me how hard they were working to save America. And as you can tell, they are STILL working hard to save America, but I don’t know what from anymore. I am still waiting to find out.
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I agree Tom .. 100%
Bertie MacBeetle.
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Hi Tom O. Thank you for that explanation. Living in New Zealand is not as clear as being on the ground there.
Tom O
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I’d like to put my two pennies on the table as well. Anyone that says Trump did not do a lot for the US in spite of what happened during his 4 years is far more ignorant they they claim him to be. I think there was a genuine effort to head off what he knew was coming, and I doubt that he wasn’t aware of the history of the mRNA vaccines. He had some bad people around him, but it only takes one or two paying attention to keep him informed. I am sure he was aware of what was going to happen when the jabs hit the ground running.
I do not hold that against him. I think it did, in fact, keep future deaths from lockdowns from happening. I of course don’t understand WHERE the authority for lockdowns come from at the federal level since they are not supported by “the law of the land” which we call The Constitution. But that was as late as January 20, 2021, that forgiveness is virtually automatic. It ended, absolutely, when VEARS passed 1000 deaths. I should have ended it when it passed 50 deaths, but I did cut some slack because of the economic well being of the country, and the hope that there really was “a plan,” but for that plan to be effective, in my mind, it had to come to fruition before we approached fall. The energy crisis had to be addressed BEFORE winter weather killed more people..
There is no forgiving for the statement he made in the Candace Owen interview that the vaccines didn’t cause deaths. From that point on, anyone that took the shots because he said they were safe is blood on his hands as much as it is blood on the hands of all the politicians, CEOs, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, the news reporters, and the list goes on and on, including the badgering co-workers, family members, and ignorant parents that take their children in for shots. There is no excuse for saying that whatsoever. It isn’t a case of war, or anything else. That was the same as leading a lamb to slaughter. I opted off the Trump reservation at that time. I would still vote for him if he is the better candidate, but if I see anyone who I feel is equally competent, they have my vote.
Bertie MacBeetle.
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Right on Tom O. Trump clearly believed what he was being told on the television news.
I like how Rand Paul keeps digging.
Candace Owens would make a good Poli. I have never before heard somebody talk so fast and yet be so clear and right.
Tom O
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I like Rand Paul, but I think he uses his interviews with Fauci more to bolster his own position than he does to bury Fauci. That man, Fauci, belongs staked out on an ant hill. But that’s just my opinion. I would rather see Paul taking the David Martin file he has and forcing something to happen in DOJ. There has to be at least one federal prosecutor that is honest.
As for Candace Owens, I will be perfectly frank – I would have no problem voting for her as a candidate for any office, up to and possibly including the presidency. She handles herself well when she gets blindsided and attacked, and never appears to lose her composure. And has a great smile
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Damn, I agree with you again Tom .. sheeesh .. cut it out! .. 🙂
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Look past his messaging. He was controlled op. Accept it.
We’re not going to vote our way out of losing our Constitutional rights. That was the lesson of the Trump admin.
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I disagree on point 1, agree on point 2 .. 100%
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@DLC, you are absolutely spot on. I feel sorry for all the sincere American Patriots so desperate for a “saviour” that they have latched onto Drumpf, ignoring and excusing all evidence to the contrary.
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This /\ is the definition of insanity.
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One thing that helps make Mr T so amazing is that he is the only president since at least 1900 to have ascended to the position directly from the rough and tumble business world. No intervening politics, with its traitor-breeding wishi-washiness. And New York real estate is rough and tumble.
President Hoover was a superb mining engineer who, during and after World War 1, administered food relief to Europe. But he didn’t have the kind of pro-American, long term business experience Trump has had.
And Hoover didn’t have, as America didn’t have, nation-state enemies at his throat. Your enemies prove your mettle. Trump’s not kowtowing to Russia and Chiner and their Middle Eastern ilk, by way of strengthening our military, developing greater hydrocarbon energy independence and building the economy in general, is something that No leftist can achieve, and most probably wouldn’t want to.
There are no successful main player leftist economies in the world, when using their ability to counteract aggression and project victory as the standard for judging them. Sweden? Not a main player, but generally considered leftist: The Vikings are long gone. France? Devolved in self love and incapable of resolute action outside her borders. England? Steeped in the tradition of royalty and hog tied by debate. The famed British navy couldn’t even wring victory from second rate military power Argentina during the Falklands War of the ’80s. Who’s left to carry the ball for the Free World… Holland?… Mexico?… India?
The Free World’s most powerful government must be run as a business as much as possible. Happiness among her People is greatest when success is available to all who endeavor. Only a practical Conservative can usher that to reality. Leftists need not apply for the position.
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Trump may have started out being against the Deep State but things soon changed. Given his large family and connections to Israel and being bailed out by bankers, he was never anti-establishment. There was too much leverage they could use against him. G Edward Griffin said they always create a false people’s leader to deflect attention from the puppeteers. Trump was a great deception and many will go to the grave trying not to swallow that red pill of reality. There is no Knight of shining armour to save us. It is up to us the people to find the courage to do it. The intent is to exterminate us. We either die on our feet with courage or die cowering fools.
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If only American Patriots would awaken to the Drumpf deception, and realize that NO ONE gets to be leader of ANY country, unless they are a fully paid-up member of the Illuminati.
He’s controlled opposition, just as commenter DLC above declares.
American Patriots, please wake up! No politician is going to save you. We’re all on our own here, worldwide.
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Trust in Almighty God, not in the Impostor Drumpf.
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not really anti trump
just anti authoritarian puppets, which ALL politicians and authority figures including trump (bless his name) are, they have zero authority over anyone
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Before we even got into this OWS and EO13887, please prove to me that there is even the basis for a declaration of a covid pandemic. There are no testing methods that are proven and accurate to determine cases. The risk of death is highest in those who have one or more previous medical conditions and hardly any risk to the general public. I do not believe there will be a one-size-fits-all injection that will be worth a hill of beans. Everyone’s best defense is there own immune system and I will never trust any medical agency or big pharma to improve it or replace it. Count me out. There is nothing wrong with being an ANTI-VAXXER.
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Trump knows very well that his true supporters do understand his tactics. He loathes people with no backbone, it shows their weakness. He knows very welll that his true supporters do understand not to get jabbed. So we don’t. The others that do get jabbed were never true supporters in the first place, too weak. A selection is made. Trump has been very much in danger in 2020 and 2021 and he knew. So he had to keep schtum. Pretend. To stay safe. A true supporter does see and does read between the lines and the spoken words.
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A jab from El-Hiri ? No thanks !
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Sorry, I meant Fuad El Hibri.