President of Madagascar Exposes $20M COVID-19 WHO ‘Poison Bribe’
The President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina has alleged that the World health organization (WHO) offered $20m bribe to see the Covid-19 cure poisoned.
Rajoelina accused the World Health Organisation of a plot to have its COVID-19 Organics, the local African ‘cure’ for the virus poisoned.
According to his claims, WHO offered a $20 million bribe to poisoned their medicine, Tanzania Perspective reported on the front-page of its 14th May edition.
The President of Madagascar believes the only reason the rest of the world has refused to treat Madagascar’s cure for the coronavirus with urgency and respect is that the remedy comes from Africa.
In an interview with French media, President Rajoelina reportedly said he has noticed what he believes stems from usual condescension toward Africans.
“I think the problem is that (the drink) comes from Africa and they can’t admit… that a country like Madagascar… has come up with this formula to save the world.”
“What is the problem with Covid-Organics, really? Could it be that this product comes from Africa? Could it be that it’s not OK for a country like Madagascar, which is the 63rd poorest country in the world… to have come up with (this formula) that can help save the world?”
“If it wasn’t Madagascar, and if it was a European country that had actually discovered this remedy, would there be so much doubt? I don’t think so.” —- President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina asserted.
The remedy, COVID Organics, is made from Artemisia, a plant imported into Madagascar in the 1970s from China to treat malaria. Artemisia has had proven success against malaria and according to President Rajoelina it can cure COVID-19 patients within ten days.
However, the WHO has criticized such natural therapeutic measures against the coronavirus as blind faith. In response to the skepticism with which the WHO is treating the COVID Organics, Rajoelina said, “No country or organisation will keep us from going forward.”
A host of other African countries including, Tanzania, Guinea-Bissau, DR Congo and Niger, have imported the Madagascan made recipe.
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jerry krause
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Hi Readers,
Have you ever asked: How did humans all over the world survive without modern medicine?
Have a good day, Jerry
Michael Clarke
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Elementary dear Doctor, Before humans congregated in large groups (Cities) they were out and about every day in that wonderful sunshine, so their immune systems were in peak condition. Cities spread diseases, large cities also spread other detrimental effects.
jerry krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
My answer to my question is a different from Michael Clark’s answer which certainly valid.
And my answer is directly related to this article and here is an actual personal story.
About 1984 I went to a doctor (MD) because I considered I had a ‘planters wart’ on the ball of my foot. Important background: Warts in general are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV) and on the bottom of the foot. the planter wart grows inward.
And the doctor (MD) told me I did not have a planter wart. So there was nothing to do except get a different pair of boots. A year, or so, later I still had the planter wart and it was again causing pain of which I wanted to get rid. So, I went to another doctor (MD) and was told again that it was not a planter wart.
I had read, on line, about planter warts so I believed I knew that it was a planter wart.
So I went to a specialist, a podiatrist, who told me that it was indeed a planter wart. He told me the best treatment would be an acid, which he said would cause a good deal of pain if I was willing to endure pain. To which I agreed. But the first treatment did not cause a great pain and the wart did not go away. So I went back and podiatrist treated it again. This treatment did cause great pain so I had to wear a Sorel boot (loose fitting) to lecture to my chemistry students.
Now, it happened that I had a non-traditional (old) student in my class whose farther had been a doctor (MD) but he, like President Andry Rajoelina, knew a nontraditional medical treatment for a planter wart.. Which was to tape a layer of onion over the wart.
But my story does not end here. The 2nd acid treatment seemed to have gotten rid of the wart. But after a few months it came back. So, I tried the onion layer. Within days the wart began crumbing away. So after a week of replacing the onion twice a day, I stopped the painless onion treatment and again, after a few months, the wart came back.
So, I concluded the problem with all treatments was the treatment must be extended for a much longer period of time to get to the bottom of the wart and destroy its tip. After a much longer onion treatment, the wart has never come back.
Hence, I conclude that the doctors (MD’s) would not diagnosis a planter wart because they knew they had no treatment which would prevent it from returning. And it seems that they were not willing to admit that they did not know of a treatment which would eliminate a simple planter wart. It seems it far easier for these two doctor (MD’s) to tell me that my planter wart did not exist.
President Andry Rajoelina claims to have a natural cure for Covid-19, a virus, His cure is not quite as simple as a layer of onion, but it is composed of a mixture of natural products. And one does not need to know (or care) what the actual antiviral agents involved in mixture are. The only important thing is that it WORKS and does not seem to have significant (because of low probability) side-effects. Which nearly all tested ‘modern drugs’ are known to possibly have.
I suggest that all MD’s review a good historical account (if one exists) of Aspirin which made Bayer Co. such a success.
Have a good day, Jerry