Predatory testing labs are complicit in the COVID crime
Test lab: “This specimen tests positive. The patient is infected with SARS-CoV-2.”
Patient: “Wait. How did you run the test? With how many cycles?”
Test lab: “That information is proprietary. You have no right to know.”
Patient: “Really? The number of cycles can determine the outcome. Change that number, and ‘infected’ becomes ‘healthy’.”
Test lab: “We know what we’re doing.”
Patient: “I’m sure you do. You’re ruining people’s lives and jacking up case numbers.”
Test lab: “You have no right to question our methods. This is bordering on harassment.”
Patient: “No, this is bordering on the truth.”
Test lab: “We’re official. You’re unofficial.”
I’ve written about this issue before, several times.
Now, I’m suggesting a solution.
If you, or someone close to you, is being pressured to take the COVID PCR test, ask the clinic or the doctor’s office how many cycles the test will deploy.
Chances are high they’ll tell you they don’t know, and only the testing lab has that information. Ask for the name of the lab.
Call the lab and ask them. Chances are high they won’t tell you. Inform them that the number of cycles affects the outcome of the test. Make them aware you know this.
Except in Florida [1] [2], US labs are under no obligation to inform the patient or the doctor how many cycles the PCR test deploys. They never inform doctor or patient.
Why? Because a crime is underway. The positive or negative result of any given PCR test is hanging in the balance, depending on the number of cycles.
A cycle is a quantum leap in magnification of the swab sample taken from the patient.
As even Fauci has asserted, at 35 cycles and above, the test result is useless. [3] [4]
Worse, at 35 cycles and above, the tendency of the test is to spit out false-positives.
Yet, as I’ve detailed, the CDC and FDA recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles; and therefore, most if not all labs will follow that guideline. [5; See pdf page 38 (doc page 37)] [6]
This is a disaster for the patient, and it results in a flagrant inflation of COVID case numbers, which in turn provide a rationale for the lockdowns.
People at testing labs who have a few active brain cells to rub together know all this. They keep their mouths shut. They’re complicit in the crime.
They’re part of a silent bureaucracy that is there to rule The People.
Here is a further variation on a strategy. If you or anyone close to you is under pressure to take the PCR test, obtain the services of a good lawyer. Have the lawyer demand, before the test, a sworn affidavit from the lab stating how many cycles they’re using.
If necessary, explain why.
If necessary, go to court.
If necessary, sue.
It’s long past the time when labs should be allowed to stay secretive and pose as neutral.
History is littered with examples of faceless bureaucracies that have enabled leaders to commit crimes against humanity. Nazi Germany, the USSR, post-World War 2 East Germany. These days, China.
And now, every other country where rulers are declaring brutal lockdowns.
If a small handful of people who are told to get tested—three or four hundred—demand to know, from the labs, what is going on—how many cycles they’re using—and legal and personal pressure is exerted—the truth will come tumbling out, into the open.
This target of attack will expose a gaping vulnerability in the enemy’s position.
Test lab: “All right, you want to know? We run our tests at 40 cycles.”
Lawyer: “Very good. We are prepared, with a mountain of evidence, to show that you’re violating universally agreed upon science. Your lab is spitting out false-positives like a fire hose. You’re ruining lives and falsely inflating case numbers…”
Test lab: “We’re just following orders from the FDA and the CDC.”
Lawyer: “I’M JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. Where have I heard that before? Oh yes, during the Nuremberg trials, after World War Two. That’s what the Nazi bureaucrats kept saying. It didn’t fly then, and it won’t fly now.”
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Really good point if they cycled the test thirty times they could drop the case numbers by eighty or ninety percent overnight. I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.
Liz Parsons
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Excellent info and strategy. A devastating farce. Do you think that gargling with LISTERINE would produce a negative result? It deactivates viruses, aerates the nasopharynx and mechanically loosens debris from the oral cavity. It has a history going back to Dr. Lister and antiseptic surgery, was used commonly during the Spanish Flu, and is proving itself still in trials this century, most recently against SARS CoV-2 in a trial from U of Cardiff, in which is defeated the said in vitro in 30 seconds 100%. Nevertheless will this be good enough against a system that detects bits of long since active virus?
Terry Shipman
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Next week I have a three month follow-up visit with my doctor for a blood clot that hospitalized me for three days last year. I plan on asking him how many amplification cycles they are running on their PCR tests. Also, if he asks me if I want the vaccine, since I’m 70, I’m going to ask him if all the animal testing and human trials have been completed (I already know the answer) on the vaccine. Especially for this Mrna technology. Since the answer is obviously no I’m going to ask him if he feels comfortable giving an untested vaccine for a disease that is 99+ percent survival for people under 70. I plan on nailing him on these subjects. Now, he is young enough to be my grandson, and I really like him, but I’m going to MAKE him give me answers to these questions. I have done my homework. More patients should have this conversation with their doctor before blindly accepting this vaccine. And of course I am not getting the vaccine.
Finn McCool
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Better still.
Ask him if he will accept all legal and financial liability for recommending that he inject you with an untested and unproven chemical.
Ask what is your absolute risk of dying from a SARS-CoV2 infection and how this injection will reduce it. Given your personal circumstances.
Ask him if it will stop you from being infected with SARS-CoV2
Ask him if it will protect others from being infected by you.
Ask him if the ‘cure’ will have no ill effects if you happen to be infected by the wild virus.
Ask him to explain to you what mRNA is and it’s role in human cells and explain how the mRNA in the injection will work to inoculate you.
Ask him why multiple injections are deemed necessary.
Ask him about what side effects have already been reported and how he is personally reporting side effects.
Ask what qualifications he has in immunology and virology.
Ask him how many billions of £ Pfizer has been fined in the past for improper treatment and why.
If any PSI readers can think of more questions, perhaps we could put together a pro-forma informed consent form to be signed by a fully qualified medical practitioner before you even think of accepting an injection.
Andrew Pilkington
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Great idea 🙂
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Magnificent idea, Finn. As a reward for your cleverness,
here is a poem of your children and friends:
“A Lay of Ossian and Patrick”
Herb Rose
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Since the government pays thousands more for a positive test what did you expect to happen? By paying a bounty on positive tests, positive cases, and positive deaths the government ensures it gets the crisis it wants. If there were no incentivizing the flu would return and death from various causes would be back to normal.
liz parsons
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Please explain pays more for pos test. UK?
Herb Rose
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Hi Liz,
In the U.S. the government will reimburse medical facilities more if a person is diagnosed with CLVID19 rather than some other respiratory ailment. They pay will more for a treating or hospitalizing a person with cOVID19 than for other conditions. I believe they receive an extra $14,000 if the patient is put on a respirator (even if that does more harm then good.) and a bonus for a COVID death versus death by another cause.
Andrew Pilkington
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Hi Liz,
The NHS is set up into Trusts, as you know and they are each responsible for their own finances. I saw this on British Rail when they Privatised us. It’s Backdoor Privatisation. Everything gets put into Sectors (on BR) i.e. Railfreight, InterCity, Regional Railways, Scotrail etc., so there will be financial incentives hidden in there somewhere and it will likely be quite high up?
Also, I saw on UK Column News, I think, 19th February edition, that “The Patients” at a GP Surgery / Group of Surgeries(?) have just been Sold to a Private Company, with dodgy connections?
Something similar will be happening like the American $13,000 / $39,000 fees per Covid “Victim” scheme, there just has to be someone making a hefty profit somewhere in the Heart of the NHS and it’s Trusts?
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Here is a quotation from the website of Pall Mall Medical, a private medical services company in England:
“Our PCR swab test will determine whether you have an active coronavirus infection, even in asymptomatic cases (when you have no symptoms). This test is highly accurate at 99.9% with the correct sampling technique and approved by Public Health England…”
The test is described thus:
Type: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) testing by PCR assay
Method: Nasal/Throat Swab
Kit: Postal pack to complete at home
Results: Typically in 4-6 days from order placement
Accuracy: 100% Specificity & 98% Sensitivity
When: following onset of symptoms
I can find no mention on the website of the number of amplification cycles used.
Given that ‘an active coronavirus infection’ is as likely to mean ‘having the common cold’ as ‘having COVID-19’, £129 does seem to be a lot to pay for such a non-specific diagnosis.