Practice Management Tips for Spike Protein Illnesses

Virtually every American has been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein either through COVID-19 infection or vaccination.

And because the vaccines are ineffective, for many they have had both exposures. As result the Spike protein and possibly the antibodies raised against it are producing a burden of disease never before seen in the clinic. This has been referred to by Parry et al as “spikeopathy.”

Academic medical centers have no grand rounds on the Spike protein. No management seminars. Big primary care CME operators such as PRIMED have ignored COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes.

Thus doctors are drawing a blank when confronted with an obvious Spike protein blood clot or neurological problem.

I reached out to Dr. Erica Williams in Louisville, Kentucky to give us some insights into the Spike protein and the types of diseases she is now seeing in family practice.

You will be amazed with her observations. Patients can help drive improvements in care by demanding antibody measurement to the Spike protein, risk stratification, and management specific to this abnormal protein as the cause of new illnesses.

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Comments (7)

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    Frank S.


    My GF found great relief with chelation treatments, as well as, Dr McCullough’s protocol and that of the FLCCC’s I-RECOVER,


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    Saeed Qureshi


    @ “Virtually every American has been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein either through COVID-19 infection or vaccination.”

    No correct. As no virus has been isolated, so one cannot have the spike protein or test for it. It is a false claim. I stopped reading the article further. It is based on doctors’ science (fake and false). Sorry.


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      Question. Can a spike protein be introduced from elsewhere in a shot?


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        I would like to expand on your question. Could blood clots and organ damage be caused, not by a novel protein proven to exist in computer models and nowhere else, but by graphene, which is known to exist in reality, is extremely sharp and dangerous, and, despite the blatant lies of certain billionaires, is now known to be an ingredient of the death-jab cocktail? I’m beginning to understand what Saeed has been talking about all this time. There really is no “spike protien.”
        BTW, it’s monthly reminder time: Bill Gates is a wretched thief, a child-raping pedophile and an accomplished mass murderer.


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      Saeed Qureshi


      VOWG and S.C.:

      Proteins are difficult, if not impossible, to be introduced by another route except directly into blood. The body does not accept proteins from outside (hates them). It builds its own from amino acids. We consume proteins from food, which get digested into amino acids or small multiple amino acid units (peptides), which get absorbed to build into proteins the body needs and likes for its functions and survival.

      I do not know where doctors got the idea of injecting proteins, especially non-physiological, and considered them safe and healthy/effective. It should be considered very unhealthy and dangerous.

      I believe no spike protein exists based on whatever is available in the literature. It is all witchcraft. Anyone claiming to be injecting it and/or claiming to be removing it from the body is not knowledgeable of the subject/science. To me, they are lying.

      I have seen some pictures and claims regarding graphene, but they do not seem relevant. Seeing graphene does not make it a “killer,” but some evidence is needed to establish it, which is missing. I wrote a small blog on the topic, which you may find helpful (

      Thanks for asking for my input, and I greatly appreciate your trust in my views and expertise.


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    Not pretending to be an expert here, but in my limited understanding, the role of protein is to help communicate and carry-out vital processes in the closed system that is a living body. Therefore, it makes perfect sense the first action taken when foreign proteins are detected would be to chop them up and destroy their ability to interfere with local life functions. It also makes sense to then recycle the raw materials in preparation for new protein construction as needed. When you say “the body hates” outside proteins, I can understand the jest of why. Just from that limited grasp on the topic, I also see why you think injections of functional foreign proteins are a really bad idea.
    BTW, I am beginning to appreciate the role you have taken repeating hard facts in a world full of mal and mis-info. I don’t know your religious views, and they are totally none of my business, but you remind me of a certain New Testament figure who lived in the wild and shared his knowledge with anyone who would listen.


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      Saeed Qureshi



      @ “when foreign proteins are detected would be to chop them up and destroy their ability to interfere with local life functions.”

      Correct. However, this activity occurs in the GI tract because of its environment and the presence of large quantities of specific enzymes needed for the chopping. Other organs or tissues do not provide such efficiency and let proteins and other stuff live and do their “dirty” business.

      I appreciate your kind words. It is humbling to note your comment ref “a certain New Testament figure.” I am certain that I am not that, or equivalent to, figure, but a typical and regular person with a curious mind, describing his thoughts about a subject/science I learned and spent significant time on.

      It is exciting and joyous to note that people find my views and expertise helpful; that is the kick to keep me going and remain calm and at peace. I feel blessed.

      God bless you all, and please remember me in your prayers for health and happiness.

      I just posted another short blog on my site; you may also find it helpful.


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