Potential Role of Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Diseases

The COVID-19 vaccination campaign was launched in late 2020 with no assurances on long-term safety and full liability protection to those involved with mass vaccination via the PREP Act and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

There is now abundant evidence that the synthetic lipid nanoparticles travel into the brain and install the genetic code (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.

As this protein is produced and accumulates in the brain, it can cause inflammation and also fold into an amyloid plaque.

Thus, there is strong rationale for some vaccine recipients to develop mild cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s like dementia, and other forms of neurocognitive decline.

Because seniors were heavily vaccinated, many families and doctors will attribute clinical changes to advanced age and not the vaccine.

They should understand in each and every case, that COVID-19 vaccination should be considered a determinant of cognitive decline in a previously healthy person.

Seneff and colleagues describe the pathophysiological rationale for COVID-19 vaccines in the development of neurocognitive disorders.

Key features are:

1) CNS penetration of the vaccines,

2) neuroinflammation,

3) Spike protein activation of toll-like receptor-4,

4) folding of Spike protein into amyloid plaques,

5) cumulative exposure with multiple shots connotes enhanced risk.

Seneff S, Kyriakopoulos AM, Nigh G, McCullough PA. A Potential Role of the Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Narrative Review. Cureus. 2023 Feb 11;15(2):e34872. doi: 10.7759/cureus.34872. PMID: 36788995; PMCID: PMC9922164.

For people in your family and social circles who are experiencing premature or a precipitous decline in mental function, have the doctors consider and document COVID-19 vaccination as a potential explanation.

If a senior citizen is already confused or has cognitive decline, any further vaccination is contraindicated.

In patients such as this, further booster shots are likely to worsen the condition and should be avoided.

See more here substack.com

Header image: The Conversation

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