Post-Normal: Welcome to Our Brave New World!

In response to “In less than four months we’ve been transformed into Socialist obedient servants

As Eric Blair, aka George Orwell, wrote in 1984 —

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

And that is the point. This is not just about this last 4 months — this is a process about control, mind control!

Change history, change the language, change scientific methods, teach the kids the new version, get generational animosity so that the state, not parents or religion, are seen and believed to be the saviors. Keep the populous uneasy, keep the hysteria going. And always keep repeating the lies.

Control the past and thus control the future.

Do the changes incrementally with little things — a few temperature records that the majority of people don’t care about. Build from that small beginning — changing people’s outlook about the climate, about energy, about manufacturing, about employment, wealth and happiness through broadcasting emotional sophistry and lies. But never stop repeating the lies.

Ensure that the language keeps changing — make older and harsher but more accurately descriptive words and phrases politically, socially ‘incorrect’ to use. Create new word, phrases, and idioms, using them to repeat the lies.

All the time ostracise, censor, and deplatform the neigh-sayers, those who rail against the consensus, through social engineering of sentiments against them. Silencing those tedious but rational types who can with clear eyes, look to historic and scientific facts and mathematics with logic and evidence that counters the official truth. And Keep repeating the lies.

Then move to unrest some of the populous, and with them create a means to have statues, monuments, street names removed or renamed, to make them become more ‘socially acceptable’. Keep the violence just high enough, and the police held back enough, so that the rest of the population are cowed into obeying whatever the state requires. All the while repeating the lies continuously.

Historical details will be rewritten within a whole new, re-written archive of truth — with the some of the past made to look worse than it was, some historical ‘facts’ erased, and some events, the ones the elites like will be emphasised and celebrated, pushed to the fore. And on it will go on with no big fuss. Small discrete changes slowly taking over how people think, talk, write, and act.

And keep repeating the lies.

And throughout always ensure that the new generation is taught the new version of the ‘official’ truth — keeping the inter-generational rift festering. All the while repeating the lies!

Welcome to our brave new world!


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Comments (30)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi TomO,

    While I might have other comments, depending upon whatever other comments might be to your very excellent, thoughtful, essay, Now,.I only call to your attention to: ‘The Prince (1513) by Nicolo Machiavellir.

    Have a good day, Jerr


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    Herb Rose


    Hi Tom,
    Good article. The saving grace, in my opinion, is that reality always wins in the end. When the truth comes to those who have been deceived, manipulated, and used, they will not be forgiving to those who exploited them for their own purposes. They will exact their pound of flesh.


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      Tom O


      Just remember one thing, Herb, and that is this – “truth” is not some magical thing that WILL manifest itself. “Truth,” like beauty, is in the eye and mind of the individual viewing it. It took centuries to determine that the world was round, not flat, and even then it didn’t bite anyone. Indoctrination is a marvelous thing. No one will suffer should the public wake up – I question that it will in western civilization, it is probably already awake in others. After all, who do they have to blame, someone for fooling them, or themselves for being servile fools?


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        Burns Matkin


        Even Robespierre ended up headless.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Tom,
        Actually the ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round. When they traveled to Egypt they saw new constellations in the sky and deduced that the Earth was a sphere. It was the “authorities” that created the flat Earth because the Bible spoke of the four corners and that what gave them their authority and power to control.
        The public will wake up when the borrowed prosperity they now enjoy disappears and they begin to feel pain. It is harder to accept a loss of something than never having had it. What will happen to the ones who believe they are entitled when they discover that things like electricity, cell phones, food, etc don’t magically appear but are the result of work and they have to do something useful not just whine?
        Abe was right when he said “You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time but toucan’t fool al the people all the time.” When expectations do not meet reality revolutions do occur


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      That may be true, but when the truth comes out the world economy will have been destroyed. That will be the new reality.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Alan,
        The world economy was already dead just running down as a zombie. The debt crisis was fixed by pushing into the future and as the growth stopped before the scamdemic, the crash was already happening. The scamdemic provides an scapegoat for politicians to avoid the responsibility for their criminal negligent actions. Here in the USA it also provided a way to give themselves raises.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb,

    What is this ‘reality’ which always wins at the end?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Jerry,
      Reality is how things are, not how you think they should be or what you want them to be. The climate is cooling, not warming and the belief in the GHGT and unsustainable, unreliable “green” will not change that reality. One can only delude themselves for so long before acknowledge a false belief.
      .Have a good day,


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Herb,

        I asked my question because I did not want to assume what the ‘reality’, to which you referred, actually was. For my reality is that there is a Creator God and it is true that, those who believe His son, Jesus Christ, died and rose again to save us from the consequences of our sins, will eventually win.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    Tom O


    Those with open eyes and minds see what is happening, and we all know WHY it is happening, world domination and a One World Government. The UN is pushing for it, the supporters of the UN are pushing for, the “have nots” are pushing for it in the dream that suddenly they will be better off because of it, and the self haters are pushing for it. What no one knows with certainty, is WHO are the ones that will rule? I contend that If they are willing to destroy billions of lives to make the world into the image they want, the likelihood is there are no people outside their ruling class that will matter to them. So everyone pushing to create the New World Order are working towards their own destruction or servitude in the end. But of course, if you don’t know any better, you might find that being allowed to have your daily bread and nightly drug enhanced orgasm, is everything you ever dreamed of having, even if there is no future beyond that. So what if there is no art, music, or literature to expand the mind?


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      Burns Matkin


      Oliver Cromwell, was in the end, hated by an entire country including his previous followers.
      As Herb said, “that reality always wins in the end”. The problem is always how long does that take and how many millions must die.


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        Tom O


        Reality is what you perceive it to be. Just like truth or beauty, it is subjective, not objective. If someone has decided that reality is that anyone that does not believe as they do must be eliminated, then do you think they will suddenly decide to break bread with you because that is YOUR reality? There is no such thing as an “innate, universal reality.” It is what you have been taught or have learned it to be through your own experience. That’s why we have religious people and atheists. They both know what reality is, and for them, it is undeniable.


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          Reality is that if you jump to cement from a five story window with nothing to slow your fall, you will suffer some bodily damage and possible death. Eye of the beholder has nothing to do with broken bones.


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            Tom O


            And your comment actually has nothing to do with what I said, does it? Or maybe it does in your perception of what I said. There is the assumption on your part that the jumper “believed that jumping into the cement would be harmless,” that that was his “reality.” Thus the results won.

            But I was referring to conception of reality, which was what the statement “reality always wins” implies is somehow set in “cement.” Conception is not, and a deeply held belief does not easily change. If you don’t believe in what someone else believes to be “reality” to start with, it is not automatically going to win, be it right or be it wrong. Sadly, in the case of conflicting conceptions, you can almost be certain that the one with the most force and guile behind it wins. That often is the reality you thought it would be.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Tom,
            You are getting into the quantum argument on wether the observer creates the reality or if the reality exists independent of the observer.
            I believe we are all like the seven blind men describing an elephant. Everyone has their limited perception that is both right and wrong. I believe reality exists independent of our limited ability to comprehend it and it is the insistence that our inadequate perception is the whole truth that leads to so much discord. Our perceptions or beliefs do not constitute reality, just reality for us.

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb and Tom O,

            Tom O wrote: “Sadly, in the case of conflicting conceptions, you can almost be certain that the one with the most force and guile behind it wins.”

            In the case of conflicting conceptions both cannot be a ‘Truth’. Or neither can be a truth, And the observations (measurements) cannot prove which is the case. But observations can sometimes prove a conception to be absolutely wrong so until until new observations (measurements) force the conclusions that the second ‘conflicting’ conception is wrong, we must accept that it could be correct without claiming to know that it is. This is historically what has been done in the case of SCIENCE.

            Have a good day, Jerry.

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb,

            I read that you wrote, more than once, that you supported James McGinn’s idea that individual water molecules could not ‘evaporate’ from a liquid water’s flat surface if the liquid water’s temperature was below the boiling temperature of that water when the atmospheric pressure upon its surface was 1atm. Hence, James and you seem to conclude that there cannot be any individual water molecules in the earth’s atmosphere.

            Before I make a further comment, I ask you to confirm that which I have just written, or clarify that it is not the case.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Jerry’
            Off subject Jerry. Water is a liquid crystal with two melting points: one at 0 C the other over 100 C but below the energy needed to boil it. There are no single water molecules in the troposphere. Above the troposphere where oxygen molecules are split into oxygen atoms there would be water molecules as these free atoms combine with hydrogen to form water just as they combine with N2 to form N2O. I expect that these water molecules combine to form the snow balls seen entering the atmosphere from space.
            Have a good day,

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb,

            You wrote: “Water is a liquid crystal with two melting points.”

            Technologists have invented ‘liquid crystal displays’ but I have yet to read that their principal component is water. By definition a liquid cannot melt because only a solid melts. But some matter like glass is not a solid compound. It is impure silicon dioxide which is a very viscous liquid which ‘softens’ over a significant range of high temperatures. Quartz is pure crystalline silicon dioxide which melts at a high temperature, whose range is so narrow that the range is is almost impossible to measure as is the case with ‘pure’ ice.

            But if a mixture of solid sodium chloride (common table salt) is mixed with pure ice , the ice melts at a lower temperature. Hence, one can make ice cream by mixing solid salt with solid ice. to lower the melting temperature of the mixture

            Have a good day, Jerry

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Jerry,
            Go back and re-read Dr. Pollack’s book. The Exclusion Zone is the crystal structure of water and it grows when infrared radiation is absorbed splitting the water forming H30+ (liquid phase) and OH- which builds the crystal (Exclusion Zone) phase.
            Have a good day,

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb,

            Follow MOSAiC concluded their brief narrative yesterday (7/21/2020): “We are constantly impressed by the long hours and endurance to conduct the ECO core and project-specific research.”

            Would you be impressed by the long hours I had to expend to do my empirical ‘solid state chemistry’ which would be impossible to automate? Would you be impressed by the long hours I spent studying chemistry, physics, and mathematics as a preparation to do and analysis the measurements that I made.

            Why should I reread Dr. Pollack’s book when I sent him a ‘peer-review’ of his research and his understanding of it when he has not had the. professional curtsey of replying to my comments.

            I reply to your comments and I have no idea what your resume might be.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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    T. C. Clark


    The news on the Wuhan CCP virus seems to get worse …..China shuts down 2 million plus city in western China….13 year old dies within a few days of getting virus….Israeli doctor recovers from virus and gets it again in 3 months…Korean study says teens spread it….hot weather was supposed to suppress it?…antibodies disappear after a few months?…virus affects heart and other parts of body from nose to toes says one epidemiologist……lots of bad anecdotal stories start to add up into real “numbahs”, no?


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    Graeme Mochrie


    History is always written by the victors and the losers tend to be airbrushed out, of demonised in some way.

    Emperor’s have always been naked, but the wise have generally know that it’s better to pretend, since the butter on their bread depends on maintaining the illusion. Children have not learned the cultural imperative of collective collusion in the lie and so may inappropriately blurt out. Scientists tend to retain a child like curiosity and innocence that often brings them into conflict with orthodoxy. For many reasons they are tolerated, but this does not mean they are popular.

    When Spike Milligan was a child he caught his father telling a lie. The father say him down and asked – would you rather I tell you the boring truth, of an interesting lie?

    That’s humans for you.


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    J Cuttance


    covid-1984 – excellent, just excellent


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    Andy Rowlands


    Great article Tom, well written.


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    Jery Krause


    Hi Whoever,

    I consider TomO’s greatest achievement was knowing some history which applies to our current situation. For it seems our lack of knowledge is a lack of what many others like Galileo and Newton have taught (demonstrated) us that this new thing we call science should be.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      jerry Kraiuse


      Don’t know exactly what happened but I do believe is worth reading twice .


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