Population-Level Risk Factors Related to Measles Case Fatality

Many experts have pointed out that the mortality rate from measles had reduced 98 percent before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963

This is best substantiated in Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History 10th Anniversary Edition Companion and Reference, by Roman Bystrianyk andDr SuzanneHumphries.

By that observation alone, it is impossible for vaccinologists to claim that measles shots saved lives.

A comprehensive review by Sbarra et al screened 3772 papers retrieving 857 for discussion of mortality. Forty nine studies listed determinants of measles case fatality rate (CFR).

See more here substack.com

Header image: Cone Health

About the author: Peter McCullough is a practicing internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist in Dallas, Texas. He studies the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developed from COVID vaccines. He has dozens of peer-reviewed publications on COVID, multiple U.S. and state Senate testimonies, and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID crisis on major media outlets.

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Comments (4)

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    Measles becomes serious in people with an acute Vitamin A deficiency. Good nutrition makes measles nothing more than an itchy rash and a mild headache.

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    Every kid got measles when I was a youngster. No one ever died from it in our area and other than getting to stay home from school no one was ever very sick.

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi VOWG (very old white guy),

      Good and Evil. Good is trying to help others! Evil is trying to control others!

      Have a good day

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi VOWG,

      But we all should be TAUGHT and have LEARNED self-discipline as CHILDREN!

      Have a good day

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