Please Donate to Support Principia Scientific’s Mission

Dear Reader, Did you see our post on ‘Tim Ball’s Huge Courtroom Win, Now Targets Michael Mann?

Thanks to the support of our many friends who responded to our donor appeal we are proud to say our co-founder Dr Ball won the first of his important lawsuits against climate fraud. Our next target is another big courtroom win over Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann.

People need to know that the entire global warming scam relies on a clique of corrupt scientists who peddle a skewed core narrative to policymakers. For three decades junk climate science has robbed you and your families of billions in tax dollars to ‘fight’ a non-existent climate catastrophe.

Misguided public policy based on fake science has been killing jobs in traditional energy infrastructure in America and other countries. An anti-industrial agenda by the Greens has for too long stoked global poverty and maintained a stranglehold against affordable energy for all.

In July 2017 Principia Scientific International (PSI) proudly incorporated as a registered UK non-profit. As we approach the end of our first year as a charitable enterprise please give today the most generous gift you can to help our mission.

Your support is the key to everything we do.  Thank you for making this important work possible.


John O’Sullivan
CEO & Co-founder

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL CIC* is legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027.

*What is a CIC?

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