‘Planet of the Humans’ Movie

Last week when I wrote about the importance of watching the Planet of the Humans movie, there were about 10,000 views. It has since gone viral — now with about 3 Million views!
As I wrote to a few people, Michael Moore’s film has multiple flaws. For example:
—He didn’t present his arguments in a logical sequence,—He didn’t explain all the nuts and bolts sufficiently,—He skipped over multiple serious adverse consequences of renewables,—He didn’t sufficiently endorse nuclear,—He can’t resist including Left-wing rants (e.g. about capitalism), and—He failed to advocate the most effective solution:
our energy policies should be based on real Science!
(Instead, currently our energy policies are literally written by special-interest lobbyists — like Bill McKibben — and they are devoid of real Science!)
Despite the movie’s shortcomings, this is a laymanized version of a complex issue. In that regard Moore had a simple message that came across quite well:
due to conflicts and incompetence, environmental organizations/leaders have not been giving the public an honest assessment of renewables.
That is an extraordinarily significant revelation to most people — particularly since it comes from a very credentialed Left-wing source.
I’ve heard from a surprising number of environmentalists who are very disillusioned about the environmentalists’ hypocrisies revealed in the film (just read the comments below the film). We need to build on that reality!
I give credit for the criticism of renewables to Ozzie Zehner — who not only appears in the film, but is also listed as a producer. Ozzie is the author of the 2012 book: Green Illusions. If you’ve read that you’ll see that several of its themes are in the Planet of the Humans.
Lastly, there are been quite a few commentaries about the movie. Here are some worth reading:
Read more at wiseenergy.org
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Greg Alberta
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And Just Like That, Michael Moore goes from ZERO to HERO of the People
Wildman 100%
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Nuclear Energy will prove to be the “Death Nell” for all humanity and anyone who endorses it shoud be put into a radioactive dump site. They have already polluted the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by dumping nuclear waste directly into them. The skies are polluted with radioactive chemical isotopes from the “space” program, Radioactive Chemical Tropospheric and Stratospheric Spraying, atmospheric and high-altitude nuclear “tests” during the PHONY Cold War and nuclear plant belches and “accidents,” which has infiltrated our bodies, (as well as every other living thing) and caused specific mutations and diseases. The land and fresh water is being polluted by dumping radioactive waste and by the inherently unsound, economically unviable and the hazardous to all life: Fracking industry, which is a needless persuit, especially since conventional techniques have been developed to develop the Massive Hydrocarbon Fuels deposits all over the Earth. The Fossil Fuel HOAX is over with folks, and power plants could be made near pollution-free if the heavily subsidized Nuclear Energy Industry funds were finally put to good use. Also the CO-2 HOAX is over too, we just need to stop these supercriminals with their Climate Changing/Weather Altering Geoengineering techniques. It’s about time people wake up to the enemies and exploiters that are all around them at every level and, lock them up for the rest of their rotten, evil-doing lives!
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I guess you aren’t aware of 4th gen nuclear plants that can actually take existing nuclear waste, and decay it quickly ,until it is perfectly safe, not to mention cheap electricity ,as cheap as nuclear can provide, can be used to run plasma furnaces, into which you can dump all your garbage and turn it back into it’s individual atoms.
Ntm newer nuclear designs, can be made passively safe, to the point where it is effectively impossible for it to meltdown.
Ntm per kilowatt generated nuclear is safer than anything else.
Saying nuclear power is dangerous , because of accidents in the 70s or Fukushima,which was built in the 70s I believe, is like saying cars are incredibly dangerous because they were incredibly dangerous in the 70s
That being said I’d prefer cold fusion/ lenr to nuclear, but nukes are vastly better than the status quo.
Also cheap electricity through nuclear would allow us to run cars on molten boron. Which is nonconsumable. It oxidizes , and you can use the cheap electricity to reverse the oxidation
See Tom bless ” prescription for the planet” for more info. Pretty sure you can still find it free online.
Mia Mu
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That makes me feel so much better given that none of these reactors actually exist and will probably not exist for another 10 years. And I’m sure none of the nuclear fuel will ever be redirected to build nuclear weapons because we all know that Trump has brought us undeniable world peace.
It is so unbelievable that the movie actually implores us to scale back our lifestyle. And even those of us who know better, persist with this notion of infinite growth.
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All species and organisms strive for infinite growth. We can achieve it through space travel. If you wish to go back to a hunter-gatherer, feel free,
Steve Dembo
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The hidden truth about the Green energy scam is that high-density energy (FF) is used to create electricity from low-density energy(biomass, solar, wind) for the purpose of making $$$$$ for corporations, banskters, industrialists, and billionaires. Greenies have yet to learn that they cannot repeal the Laws of Thermodynamics. Ergo, there is no free lunch!
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Steve are you aware of national security patents?
Anything over unity is mothballed by our national security apparatus.
We have many things that violate the second law if thermodynamics.
Google “60 minutes cold fusion” , 60 minutes sent a cold fusion skeptic from the American physical society, to Israel who came back and admitted that what he observed was cold fusion.
The problem is the petrodollar agreement with the Saudis. We have a surfeit of options.
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“We have many things that violate the second law if thermodynamics.”
Paul, whenever someone tells you such nonsense, you are advised to run. Either they don’t understand the Second Law, or they are setting you up for some deception, possibly involving taking your money.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Herb Rose
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Hi Paul,
There is no fusion, only fission. All elements will eventually decay to hydrogen. The problem is that modern physics believes in nuclear forces, which are just two of many invented fantasies. If you want to understand reality you must abandon physics and use reason and evidence. I have written a book, “Reality Physics” that explains how the universe works without inventing imaginary invisible particles or magic spells. It is over priced at seven bucks at amazon.
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We can’t violate thermodynamics.
Herb Rose
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Hi Chris,
With fusion you combine smaller atoms, creating a larger atom and producing energy. In fission you take a large atom break it into smaller atoms and produce energy.How can this not violate the first law of thermodynamics?
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Great comedy, Herb.
Just after I warned Paul about people trying to take his money, you come on with your “book”!
First you claim there is “no fusion”, then you attempt to explain how fusion works.
I’ll just correct two of your mistakes:
“There is no fusion, only fission.”
There is fusion, and there is fission.
“All elements will eventually decay to hydrogen.”
All unstable isotopes will eventually decay to stable isotopes.
It’s too bad Teller and Feynman are both gone. They would have loved your comedy book. They both had a sense of humor.
More please.
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Nuclear fusion is science fiction. It has never been observed anywhere, ever. To claim that stars are born through nuclear fusion is to deny physics. Gravity can never compress matter in this way.
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That’s hilarious, Damian. As with Herb, Edward Teller would be very amused.
And I especially enjoyed your statement:”Gravity can never compress matter in this way.” So we could place 100 tonnes of rock on your head, and you wouldn’t be “compressed”?
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It is called con-fusion, first cousin to ig-norance, which under compression becomes bliss.
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The angular momentum is retained inside a gradually smaller disc which causes its rate of spin at the edge of the disc to increase, a well known property akin to a ballerina drawing in her arms whilst pirouetting.
This from a paper by Einstein
The electromagnetic force would be acting on every individual atom in the collapsing disc and there would be a point in the collapse where gravity could not overcome this force.
This is from a paper by Oppenheimer
I’m not appealing to authority here, just pointing out that these are not my ideas.
I’m pretty certain the H bomb worked through nuclear fission, not fusion and we have never observed nuclear fusion in the Sun as we cannot observe the interior of the Sun. Nuclear fusion was theorised to be the energy source of Stars so you cannot use Stars as proof if the existence of nuclear fusion as this is tautology.
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Damian, you’re still making the same 4 mistakes pointed out here:
You apparently can’t learn. But I did get another good laugh from your claims:
“This from a paper by Einstein”, and “This is from a paper by Oppenheimer”
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This doesn’t violate the first law because it doesn’t create energy. Energy not being created only means that if there is a hot spot somewhere the energy that heated the thing didn’t just get there out of nowhere. Energy can be generated. If you were to rub two sticks together they will heat up. Energy cannot be destroyed means that it must go somewhere.
Herb Rose
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Hi Chris,
Yes it violates the ist law. Fission is the release of the binding energy that holds the nucleus together. Fusion is the release of energy when nuclei combine to form larger atoms with more binding energy.
An alpha particle (helium nucleus) is very stable (strong binding energy).If we were to split that alpha particle into two deuterium nuclei we would release binding energy. If we took some of that energy and forced two deuterium nuclei together to form an alpha particle that would release more energy (hydrogen bomb).After the process we have the same alpha particle we started with plus energy.Don’t buy that crap that it comes from mass. All protons and neutrons are the same.
Another example of creating energy. When a proton and an electron combine to forma neutron it releases energy. (How a neutron star burns.) When a neutron is not in the nucleus of an atom it will spontaneously split into an electron, a proton, and a gamma ray. This is also an energy producing reaction. If both the creation of a neutron and the destruction a neutron release energy it is a violation of the1st law of thermodynamics
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That doesn’t violate the first law. It’s not being “destroyed”. It’s being released. It’s going somewhere. Our bodies release energy in the form of IR light. This also doesn’t violate the law.
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As a revolving disc collapses under gravity it retains it’s angular momentum. As the collapse continues its angular momentum increases until the point that centripetal action overwhelms the force of gravity.
The electromagnetic force is trillions of times stronger than gravity. Any gravitational collapse will reach a point where it is overwhelmed by the electromagnetic force and the collapse will cease.
Nuclear fusion is a fantasy.
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Yes, the angular momentum would be retained, but it would NOT increase. You are confusing angular momentum with angular velocity. Mistake #1.
And the centripetal force acts in the same direction as gravity, so it would NOT “overwhelm the force of gravity”. Mistake #2.
An “electromagnetic force” is the force between charged particles. Such forces would not be relevant to a celestial body collapsing due to gravity. Mistake #3.
Nuclear fusion is NOT a fantasy. It has been demonstrated with the “H-bomb”, and observed happening at our Sun. Mistake #4.
Only 4 mistakes, Damian! Want to try your luck again?
Herb Rose
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If you split an alpha particle and release energy (atomic bomb) then use the resultant particles to reform an alpha particle and release more energy (hydrogen bomb) you are creating energy which does violates the 1st law.
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In order to put it back together energy would have to be added. No energy is created. As it would be generated by some means in order to put the alpha particles back together. Created energy is energy that appears somewhere out of nothing.
Herb Rose
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The early hydrogen bombs were triggered by compression produced by an atomic bomb. Hydrogen bombs produce multiple times the energy of atomic bombs.
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Mr Droz
You said that Moore doesn’t do a good job of enumerating all the serious adverse consequences of renewables.
Is their a website or book in your opinion that does.
My picks would be
Energy skeptic.com
And the book
Thanks in advance.
josh hunter
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there is also http://www.stopthesethings.com
Tibor Braun
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Amazing how the so called GREEN INTELLIGENTSIA still can’t talk about NUCLEAR POWER, Fusion energy, Hydrogen plants?
By sheer slight of hand they wouldn’t mind if we go back to herding sheep, sleeping in tents.
Brian James
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Apr 25, 2020 Hiding in Plain Sight, Weather, Data Missing | S0 News
Steve Parker
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It was a sermon against “evil capitalsim” while ignoring Communist China as the worlds biggest polluter. Then another sermon on over population when nearly all western nations have declining birth rates but no mention of Africa or Asia where populations are booming.
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They like their women, while our public discourse revolves around how we can make sexual deviance the new normal.
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I would think that the old USSR managed to be ‘the worlds biggest polluter’ as it destroyed many areas of this planet that was under their control.
Inland seas of the Caspian and Aral are 2 examples of bureaucratic incompetence of their ‘scientific socialism’ of planetary destruction, as these seas became the USSR’s great regional sinkholes of pollution. (see …en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution_of_Lake_Karachay and … en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_Sea )
Then there are a bunch of nuclear incidence …
There was also the Kyshtym disaster when a radioactive contamination accident that occurred on 29 September 1957 at Mayak, a plutonium production site in Russia for nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel reprocessing plant of the Soviet Union. The event occurred in Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, a closed city built around the Mayak plant.
The Techa River is a river on the eastern flank of the southern Ural Mountains noted for its nuclear contamination. It is about 240 kilometres (150 mi) long, and its basin covers 7,500 square kilometres (2,900 sq mi). It begins at the formerly secret nuclear-processing town of Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast about 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Chelyabinsk and flows northeast to Dalmatovo on the Iset River, a tributary of the Tobol River. Its basin is enclosed on the southeast by that of the Miass River, another river that flows northeast into the Iset.
The 1958 Mailuu-Suu tailings dam failure in the industrial town of Mailuu-Suu, in Jalal-Abad Region, southern Kyrgyzstan, caused the uncontrolled release of 600,000 cubic metres (21,000,000 cu ft) of radioactive waste.
Lake Karachay, located in the southern Ural Mountains in eastern Russia, was a dumping ground for the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapon facilities. It was also affected by a string of accidents and disasters causing the surrounding areas to be highly contaminated with radioactive waste. Although the lake has an area much smaller than that of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and albeit the fact that three settlements, Ozyorsk, Novogornyj [ru] and Tatysh [ru] some 7 kilometers away are inhabited and that the lake is surrounded by Mayak, the lake is still technically a natural area and thus has been described as the “most polluted spot on Earth” by Washington, D.C.-based Worldwatch Institute.
The event caused a number of direct casualties and widespread environmental damage. It was the single worst incident in a region of arid, mountainous western Kyrgyzstan, with a collection of shuttered Soviet-era uranium mining and processing sites, a legacy of extensive radioactive waste dumps, and a history of flooding and mudslides.
Chernobyl is perhaps the more publicly known example of corrupt bureaucratic maladministration of ‘scientific socialism’.
Wikipedia covers all of the above mentioned disasters and many more such as the The Kazakh famines (around 1.5 million dead), and quite a few forest clearances and fires.
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Also see http://factsanddetails.com/russia/Nature_Science_Animals/sub9_8c/entry-5062.html for an idea of level of mismanagement the ‘scientific socialism’ of the USSR inflicted on the planet.
But what else was to expected when a corrupt government runs a vast nation ensuring that nobody takes active responsibility or ensures clean-up following these environment disasters.
With the moral corruption inherent in so called ‘scientific socialism’ and ‘collective responsibility’ there is little if any personal responsibility for ‘collective decisions’, QED there is no remediation from man-made environmental disasters.
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It’s all about the Sunday Law! http://www.markofbeast.net/page3.htm
Andy Rowlands
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I am surprised at the amount of ill-informed waffle about nuclear power here.
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Any discussion of nuclear always brings out the tin foil hat crowd. Along with the flat Earthers and the chemtrain conspirators. Yet none of them consider the radiation flux illuminating their small brains every time they use their cell phone and what effect that might have, but the 5G misinformation will soon take over the public dialog, Wait for it.