‘Planet Nine’ may not be needed to explain odd orbits

Many TNOs have wide, circular orbits that bring them nowhere near any of the solar system’s gas giants, leading scientists to question how the former initially got to their current positions without having interacted with a much larger object.

Astronomers at NASA have spent the last decade searching for the mysterious Planet Nine, or Planet X, as they believed the planet’s existence could explain the unique orbits of at least five small bodies outside the edge of the solar system.

To date, researchers have discovered more than 2,300 bodies in the cold, distant realm beyond Neptune’s orbit. Two independent works, published respectively in June 2014 and January 2016, reached the same conclusions as the two, showing that the orbits of the trans-Neptunian objects seemed to lie on the same floor.

A new study by the scientists at the CU Boulder offered up a new theory for the existence of planetary oddities like Sedna-an icy minor planet that circles the sun at a distance of almost 8 billion miles.

According to the researchers’ simulations, the TNOs move like hands on a clock, with the most massive objects moving slowly, like the hour hand, and the smaller ones ticking along quickly, like the minute hand. But now a new explanation has emerged, putting a massive dent in the idea of this so-called Planet Nine. The key evidence was the highly eccentric orbits of some Kuiper Belt objects, which are tilted 30 degrees off-kilter from the rest of the planets.

“While we’re not able to say that this pattern killed the dinosaurs”, Fleisig said, “it’s tantalizing”. But no one is quite sure how the planets ended up so far out in space.

In the latest study, presented this week at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, astronomers looked at new models depicting how the massive swarm of objects that make up the Kuiper Belt orbit the sun. Modeling such a complex system as the Kuiper Belt is enormously expensive, and past researchers did not add in the masses of as many objects. Adding mass means that more of that material could have stuck around, their smaller size keeping them from being detected.

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“You see a pileup of the orbits of smaller objects to one side of the sun”.

These findings are supported by a 2012 study, which revealed that bigger “detached objects” tend to wander farther away from the sun, notes CU Boulder.

In addition, the presence of the small handful already spotted suggests a larger population, Madigan said.

A new theory put forward by scientists can both explain this unusual behaviour of dwarf planets as well as possibly explain the fate of dinosaurs, notes the report. So if Planet Nine is lurking out there somewhere, it is being very elusive. Fleisig said the team’s model creates periodic comet showers for the rocky planets, including Earth.

According to the team, the dinosaur-killing asteroid that hammered our planet 65 million years ago, wiping out almost 75 percent of life on Earth, could have been sent on its collision path by the periodic comet showers that turned up in Fleisig’s computer model.

“It’s exciting and suggestive”, Madigan said.

Read more at globalengineeringnews.com

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    hang on, hang on. Is it Planet 9 or Planet X? Which is it IX or X; or 9 or 10?

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    Robert Beatty


    We need to be careful not to underestimate the innate power of the primordial Jupiter. This massive object stored an immense power house, which was liberated when the surface erupted in an explosive event large enough to launch Mars and the Asteroid belt into solar orbits beyond Jupiter’s gravitational grasp, as shown at http://www.bosmin.com/PSL/Mars1.jpg
The reaction to this blast also drove Jupiter into a higher solar orbit as well as providing a rotation component. While the Jovian ejectile plume continued to rotate into the first quartile, a series of satellite launches produced a range of posigrade rotating satellites as shown at http://www.bosmin.com/PSL/Jupiter2.jpg Further rotation progressed into the second quartile producing a retrograde orbiting satellite group now seen at http://www.bosmin.com/PSL/Jupiter3.jpg
When the ejectile plume moved into the third quartile, objects ejected moved ahead of Jupiter’s orbit into a higher solar orbit, and are now described as TNOs. These include Pluto and the Kuiper Belt objects as shown at http://www.bosmin.com/PSL/TNOs4.jpg.
The final fourth quartile series of eruptions saw objects launching from deep within Jupiter and being sprayed towards the Sun, where many of them stayed. Shown at http://www.bosmin.com/PSL/Oort5.jpg. However a few took sling shot orbits around the Sun and moved into a spherical orbit on the outer reaches of our solar system, and are now referred to as the Oort cloud. Today, the top of the explosive vent on Jupiter is still visible as the ‘red eye’

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