Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities With Chemtrails
This is an excellent video with whistleblower pilots explaining how the US military together with the globalists including WHO, WEF, Bill Gates and others are poisoning our biosphere with toxic metals, polymer fibers, Graphene and other toxic substances.
They knowingly use this for their depopulation effort.
I would like to remind WE THE PEOPLE – that you can do something to pull the carpet from these clandestine operations. One is to sue the pilots and engineers involved for murder and genocide.
If you are able to photograph the aircraft and have connections to the local airport, and can find out the names of these pilots, they need to be criminally prosecuted.
It is the same strategy I am recommending for doctors, nurses and pharmacists, who continue to give COVID19 bioweapons and other toxic vaccines to people.
It takes forever to get justice against large corporations in the court system. But people know the names of the doctors who gave that murderous bioweapon shot to their dead or injured loved ones. If they are still giving it, then your action can literally save a life.
Anybody can find out those names. Serve them with criminal lawsuits for being complicit with genocide and crimes against humanity. Contact your local prosecutor. Do it today.
These people are the minions of the elite that make the depopulation agenda happen. If it takes so long to get justice to the real corporations in corrupt courts or the clandestine military black projects, we can set examples on those who are complicit and execute the agenda.
Imagine if you sue doctors, nurses and pharmacists directly instead of the health care systems or Big Pharma.
If people get prosecuted with jail time and multi-million dollar fines for murder, lack of informed consent and they consequently have the loss of their licenses and livelihood, then the old lame cowardly excuse that they just gave the COVID bioweapon shots or killed people in hospitals with Remdesivir because they were following orders – will no longer hold.
Once we get the message across and get criminal convictions, that will send a message to all those complicit.
Then the rest of them can decide if they want to face criminal prosecutions or play along with the depopulation agenda. At this point, evidence of crimes against humanity with self assembly nanotechnology has been around and verified for a long time.
We are in a position to ask anyone who is silent about this about their motives of being complicit in crimes against humanity. Silence kills.

To me the healthcare providers giving the COVID 19 bioweapons and the pilots spraying the geoengineering poisons commit the same crime – poisoning of people and verifiable murder.
We have all the evidence. If we cannot prosecute the top, lets start with the bottom. At some point the house of cards will fall. My substack provides a lot of evidence and I am working on a book that will have this evidence catalogued – ready for any lawsuit to commence on topics of COVID 19 bioweapons and geoengineering and how the two link together.
Those people waiting for military tribunals should consider that we need to prosecute our military for poisoning us with COVID bioweapons and with the geoengineering chemicals. We the people need to free ourselves from the corrupt military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against – of which the allopathic healthcare system is a part of.

Just as every healthcare provider should be afraid to inject poisonous bioweapon vaccines into anyone, so should these pilots be afraid of poisoning us.
Offense is better than defense. I don’t believe in standing by and watching while these corrupt and weak people depopulate us and our kill our earth.
To commit murder for a paycheck should be viewed by the whole of society as an atrocity. Once we get our moral value system back, understanding that a life is worth more than money – and remove any minion who holds dear to the old corrupt system, we can build a new tomorrow for our children.
There is a path, and given the slow legal failures and growing excess mortality worldwide – as they are succeeding in their depopulation agenda – every citizen should take note and contact their local prosecutors.
Many would be hesitant because they have compassion for those who just played along. If you have learned anything from my research, every human being is under threat of extinction.
You can have your compassion or fight for survival with everything you have. The sheep that believed the lies of the system are victims themselves, I understand that, but they continue to use murder weapons on us. Hence, it is our life we are fighting for.
You can see the enemy who is brainwashed, the healthcare providers and pilots, are marching and continuing their battle. Will we just stand by and allow it? All of childhood vaccines have this technology in it. Should we just offer our children to this sacrifice on the altar of evil greed and destruction or will we fight for the future of our species?
The main thing people need to understand is that the geoengineering chemicals to dim the sun and the COVID19 shots are depopulation weapons. Remember the expert Dr. Francis Boyle declared them weapons of mass destruction.
To use WMD’s on people is a crime and warrants prosecution.
Imagine if doctors and pilots would draw their guns and start to shoot and murder innocent people in plain sight. That is what is happening to our world, and people accept it because the murder weapon is called a vaccine or chemicals to mitigate climate change.
When we call a demon by its real name, we own it. The people who have done this to humanity are real demons, and they serve pure evil. Every human being must take a stand and declare what side they are on. It does not matter what individuals loose by coming clean in their soul. It matters that our species survives.
The relevant question is this:
Do you serve the demons and are a slave to their method of control which is money and complacency – or do you serve Life and the future of humanity?
See more here Substack
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Whistleblower pilots obviously part of the problem if they had no conscious and were fling the “missions” for gates to begin with. They can all rot in Hades.
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flying the “missions”…
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The wind blows where it will.
1) What is the plan by these people to stop the released material from mixing with the very air they breathe as well, otherwise they are basically committing suicide. I don’t see gates walking about in a hazmat suit.
2) Targeting is not possible. What about the obvious drifting with the wind, and settling with the rain into water supplies, killing people, perhaps leaders of other countries. Isn’t that a declaration of war?
3) Blaming the pilots? What about the owner of the airline/craft?
An airline pilot knows the quantity of fuel loaded, but not what brand it is.
Very weak claims if you ask me.
Gabriel Brady
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Just discovered this page, site… Great.
Mario M
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Chemtrails are nonsense. The trails you see in the sky are condensation condensATION CONDENSATION
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Mario M, once upon a time, I believed as you do..
However as I began to track aircraft, I notice planes flying at the same altitude, and same direction, would vary from long streaming “chem-trails”, to very short “con-trails”..
One could only conclude the long trails were being constructed by some artificial means, where as the short trails, were as described a condensation of water vapor from the engine heat..
I’ve watched this for years, comparing flight tracking data to physical observations of the planes in question…
As some have said, some aircraft are fitted for the spraying of chemicals, while others are unknowingly doing the deed by means of the fuel (additives) they are using..
As with most modern news/information, the masses of society never receive the complete truth of any article, and for sure they never receive follow-up information/investigations..
. . .
(as requested, this is an opinion and or SARCASM)
“Let’s Go, Brandon” – “Pedo-Joe” (F.J.B.)
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Long or short, condensation when seen.
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First, I would say to Howdy that whether seeding the atmosphere with substances unknown is actually happening is not in question. If you haven’t seen it yourself, there are plenty of videos to watch and decide for yourself.
Next, thank you, Ana Maria Mihalcea, for speaking out. Recently, it’s been a bit of a rocky road between me and my in-laws, who are good people that I love, over my refusal to remain silent about such awful things. This is scary stuff, and people are uncomfortable discussing it. Usually, I will go out of my way to avoid family conflict, but not this time. What scares me is the prospect of allowing preventable atrocities because my sis-in-law is sweeter and maw-in-law is not cranky if we discuss flower gardens and bird feeders instead of sociopathic billionaires and lawless federal agencies. Luckily, a strategy of persistence in moderation has been breaking down mental barriers and both show signs their interest in learning the ugly truth is growing.
Finally, I can’t tell you what they are spraying in the sky, but I know they are lying about whatever it is. But the truth will be revealed. There isn’t enough money on the planet to prevent it.
denis dombas
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Really?That gullible?
Len Winokur
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I wish someone would carpet bomb that little fucker known as Gates.
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I’ve seen many a contrail since watching air shows as part of my childhood when my father was an aircraft maintenance crew member for the Blue Angels.
Contrails dissipate quickly unless something is added to make them linger in the atmosphere. Colors are often added.
As for chemtrails they can last and spread to cover wider areas. I’ve seen many myself over coastal SC. They can be initially many parallel lines that merge together over several minutes or a cross hatch pattern that acts similarly. I don’t claim to know what they are composed of but I do know the difference between vapor or condensation trails and the long lasting billowing emissions referred to as chem trails.
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I had my doubts about chemtrails – however when this article came out I became a believer… It IS happening! If the link doesn’t work google the title: ‘Chemtrail’ method of military geoengineering for changing the climate. Environmental and health risks and commercial reasons for participating in climate policies” https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-007937_EN.html