Piers Morgan’s Feeble Attempt At Pretending He’s Smart And Following Facts

piers morgan

When presented with the opportunity denied to so many more worthwhile commentators, Piers Morgan’s arrogance is only outdone by his ignorance.

Let’s see how many things he is still managing to get wrong after all this time in just one minute of vomit-inducing backtracking.

  1. No, the facts did not change, just your knowledge of them.
  2. Your firm VIEWS, what you BELIEVED is the root of all issues when facts are at stake. You abused your position in the media to elevate your ignorance above those of us who were presenting evidenced-based arguments against you.
  3. Even if it were an established fact that the “vaccines” stopped transmission, there is still absolutely no moral or ethical argument to mandate them or deny basic freedoms to those who do not take them, given the plethora of potential adverse events. But, of course, you wouldn’t know about that because you are ignorant and dismissed anyone who would even suggest it.
  4. No, the vaccines are not stopping all people from getting very sick and dying. Again, you are letting your ignorance shine through. The original evidence supporting the effectiveness of the “vaccine” has been revealed to be rife with fraud. Real-world data has shown unequivocally that overall outcomes in terms of sickness and death are worse in the vaccinated. You are still spreading very dangerous misinformation.
  5. You deserve to be pilloried because you were originally wrong and haven’t really changed your mind at all, just twisted your position to make it look like you were just doing the right thing and then made a feeble appeal for sympathy.

If Piers would like to respond, please share this with him and my invitation to debate him on all the points he has raised and any more he wants to claim to be correct on.

It’s best he gets his research team to do some more diligent work first though because he has an awful lot of catching up still to do.

Read rest at Dead Man Talking

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Comments (3)

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    Alan Stewart


    Trained in the legacy media. Whadda ya expect???


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    Left Coast


    Never in history have the VAXED been told to be afraid of the Un-Vaxed . . . that is patently absurd, unless of course you knew going in that the VAX did not work as advertised!


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    In Australia, Piers Morgan is what Aussies would call a “shock jock”. a term usually associated with controversial talk-back radio hosts.

    I don’t like the man. He comes over as arrogant, rude, full of himself… a legend in his own mind.


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