Pierre Chaillot: “I’m coming out ‘no virus’…”

Pierre Chaillot is a statistician and author from France who has been exposing the data related to COVID-19 since early 2020.

Using official French figures he meticulously demonstrated that even on their own terms there was no “infectious disease” pandemic and it was all a show.

In his book COVID-19 – Decoding Official Data, he explains how the public’s perception was manipulated with the promotion of statistics, some of which had been completely disconnected from the concept of health.

Pierre’s ultimate conclusion from his analysis of the numbers was that ‘SARS-CoV-2’ did not exist as claimed. This revelation led him to start investigating the statistics related to other claimed “viral” diseases such influenza.

In analysing decades of data one thing became clear: the patterns do not support the virus model or the concept of contagion.

The mainstream media and “fact-checkers” did their best to smear his work but Pierre’s book (“Covid 19, ce que révèlent les chiffres officiels”) became a surprising best-seller in France where it sold over 50,000 copies. I had the great honour of writing a foreword for the English version of the book which is available here.


  1. Covid 19: Decoding Official Data: Mortality, tests, vaccines, hospitals. The truth emerges (English Version Amazon)
  2. Covid 19, ce que révèlent les chiffres officiels: Mortalité, tests, vaccins, hôpitaux, la vérité émerge (French Version Amazon)
  3. Pierre’s YouTube Channel
  4. Pierre on Twitter
  5. Pierre on Facebook
  6. All-cause Mortality During Covid-19 Vaccinations in European Active Populations Meyer, Patrick; Chaillot, Pierre 2023

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Comments (2)

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    The rest of us were clued in when we read the research. The denovo assembly process didn’t tip him off? You don’t need any medical experience to see the fraud.


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    Many with just a modicum of a knowledge background in Statistics and a willingness to seek the truth knew that there was something amiss with the pandemic narrative and certainly by early March 2020 just before the lockdowns were imposed.
    The mortality data adjusted for the macro demographic trends of each Nation State was showing an absence of excess mortalities.
    Therefore there never was a novel virus, there never was a pandemic.
    Instead the typical number of seasonal flu deaths appear to have mysteriously disappeared and somehow were replaced in many cases with something named Covid.
    The global death rates in 2020 were as had been projected and were without any excess deaths therefore there never was any pandemic. Only a Pandemic of Fear.


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