The title of this article is from its description of a new physics that is a fundamental break from past theories. It is the next step in the progress of physics from Aristotle, to Galileo, to Newton, to Einstein.
It is the initial step which will need to be adjusted with decimals as more information and discoveries occur and the theory needs to be modified. Science is a series of steps (forward and backwards) with the final answer never found. Hopefully it won’t take another century to progress to PHYSICS 6.0.
Today’s physics is crap. It is no longer a science based on reason and observation but has become a religion based on the unshakable belief in the infallibility of current dogma. Physicists are no longer scientists but priest dedicated to the preservation of the faith.
If you believe that over ninety percent of the universe is invisible then your beliefs are not based on reality. If you believe that the laws of physics change for things you perceive as small (because of the contradiction of your accepted beliefs) you are delusional with your belief that the universe is designed for your standards of size.
If you believe that the observer makes the reality you are an idiot. In today’s physics there is no observation that will shake the belief in the dogma and there is no contradiction of logic that will cause doubt.
Today’s physics is about finding excuses for any contrary evidence and the creation of imaginary subatomic particles that are too small to ever be detected but large enough to plug any hole in theory.
The acceptance of theories of Einstein is the final death of physics as a science but it was earlier mistakes that were accepted and compounded by scientists that led to this demise of reason and reality. The blame does not lie with the early physicists who were using limited data and assumptions to develop their theories, but with those who failed to challenge these theories as new information was discovered and assumptions were shown to be wrong.
Science is a process where beliefs and theories need to be constantly re-examined and challenged not a set dogma that is to be accepted.
The earliest critical mistake, that I am aware of, is the determining of the strength of magnets. The strength of a magnet does not decrease as approximately the cube of the distance. This result is from determining the strength of a magnet by the force it exerts on a piece of steel.
When steel is exposed to a magnetic field it induces a magnetic field in the steel and the steel also becomes a magnet.
When you use steel to measure the strength of a magnet the results are not from the one magnet but from two magnets, the constant force of the permanent magnet and the varying strength of the induced magnet. Since the combining of a magnet with a steel block causes an increase in the strength of the magnetic force, this force must be present in the steel block and be released by the magnet, otherwise there would be a creation of energy, which is still not allowed.
When measuring the force between two magnets you are actually measuring the strength of a third magnet that is being created as the magnetic fields of the two magnets combine. As the two magnets approach each other the magnetic flux lines combine to form the third magnet with a north pole at the north pole of one of the magnets and a south pole at the south pole of the other magnet. As the distance between the two magnets decreases the individual magnets lose strength as the combined magnet gains strength.
The distance between the two magnets is not from the center of one magnet to the center of the second magnet but from the surface of one magnet (where the force begins to decreases) to the point where the magnetic fields are of equal strength and combine. This is why the strength of a magnet is seen to decline as an approximate of the cube of the distance.
There are two variables being measured. As the strength of the induced magnet changes and the size of its field changes also, causing the distance to decrease by more than the measured amount.
The correct formula for the force between two magnets is M3=(M1 + M2)/d where d is the distance from one magnet to the magnetic field of the other magnet. The current formula, F=M1M2/d^2 will give a similar answer to the new formula but it doesn’t describe what is happening. Magnets combine to form a larger magnet and a piece of steel will increase the strength of a magnet as magnetic force is released from the steel.
The adoption of this wrong formula for other forces compounded the error. Newton used this incorrect formula to develop his force of gravity even though the data he used did not support it. Kepler’s law, which was the data used as the basis of Newton’s theory, is that the distance a planet is from the sun times the planet’s velocity squared give the same value for all the planets.
This states the energy (V^2) of the sun decreases with distance not the distance squared. Because Newton needed a source for his force and used the existing formula for forces he created the gravitational constant (G) which changed the energy of the sun into its mass and made gravity a function of mass instead of energy.
The force of gravity between every object in the solar system (M1M2) is different and there is no uniform gravitational field being emitted by the sun or any of its satellites, but a different field between objects. The different forces of gravity do not affect each other and are specific to one particular object and that object can pass through other gravitational forces without being affected. (The gravitational force between the sun and the moon does not change when the Earth is between the sun and the moon.)
According to Newton’s force of gravity asteroids cannot orbit other asteroids because of insufficient mass, but they do.
The error of believing gravity was a function of mass was adopted by Einstein in his general theory of relativity. (It is ironic that a man who maintained that if you couldn’t explain something simply you don’t understand it came up with this monstrosity of a formulas that despite multiple attempts at proof he was unable to present a valid proof without the help of other mathematicians.)
Einstein’s initial mistake was the creation of the photon to explain the photoelectric effect and remedy the objection to the wave theory of light. The Young experiment showed that light was a wave where interference between waves caused a striped pattern of light and dark bands.
The photoelectric effect, where light striking a surface produces an instant current, cast doubt on the wave theory of light since it was reasoned that a wave would require time to transfer enough energy to an atom to dislodge an electron.
The photon, where light was both a wave and a particle with no mass, was accepted by scientists as a valid explanation even though this duality concept is completely ridiculous because of the completely different characteristics of particles and waves.
With the acceptance of the photon Einstein’s reputation was established causing the acceptance of his other insane (beyond reason and without evidence) theories like the constant speed of light, equivalence theory, and special and general relativity.
The photoelectric effect does not provide a valid objection to the wave theory of light. Crystals have ionic bonds where there is a balance between attractive and repelling electrical forces. An electromagnetic wave does not need to provide all the energy to dislodge an electron, just enough to disturb the balance in a bond. This is the same phenomena as the piezo-electric effect where a manual distortion of a crystal produces a current.
If light is just a wave then its speed is not constant but determined by the medium in which it travels. The aether, or medium in which light travels, is the electric and magnetic fields radiated by objects in the universe. Light travels from the aether coming from the sun into the aether radiating from the Earth                            and its velocity is determined by strength of those fields. Light from distant stars does not bend around the sun because of gravity but because of the stronger electric and magnetic field close to the sun. There is no particle nature of light, the speed of light is not constant, and all Einstein’s theories are nonsense which has led to the insanity of physics.
Since E does not equal mc^2, energy and mass are not different versions of the same thing. Matter and what I call energy-t are the two building blocks of the universe and have distinct properties which combine to form all objects in the universe, under the same rules or laws regardless of perceived size. Matter gives an object substance and inertia and produces both a positive and negative electric fields.
Energy-t gives an object structure and motion and produces gravity and magnetic fields. (A magnetic field is produced when the energy-t field in the metal is converted from a field going in all direction to a directional field by the application of either an electric force or an energy-t force changing the peculiar bonds formed by metals) Energy-t fields combine with the energy-t fields of other objects to form larger objects or units. It is the energy-t that gives all combinations of objects their structure.
The difference between a neutron and a hydrogen atom is that the neutron only has matter (electric) fields while hydrogen has both an energy-t field and matter fields. A neutron is a subatomic molecule made from an electron and a proton held together by the electric force between opposite charges.
This explains why the creation of a neutron, by the combining of an electron and proton, and the destruction of a neutron producing an electron, a proton, and a gamma ray can both be exothermic reactions seeming to violate the first law of thermodynamics. As the neutron molecule moves the different charges produce equal currents going in opposite directions. When these currents move through a magnetic (energy-t) field, according to the right hand rule, the two charges will be pushed in opposite directions splitting the molecule producing a hydrogen atom with both an energy-t field (magnetic) and matter fields (positive and negative electric fields) Energy-t is attracted to positive matter with a greater force than the attraction between the opposite electric charges (probably by a factor of psi, the universal constant) displacing the electron and creating the hydrogen atom.
This attraction between energy-t and positive matter would eliminate the nuclear forces. Instead of a binding force holding the nucleus together there would be a compressing force by energy-1’s attraction to positive matter trying to displace electrons. As long as the outer surface of the nucleus was composed of protons the electrons forming the neutron molecules would be protected and help form a stable unit like the alpha particle.
If there were too many or too few protons the nucleus would be vulnerable to attack by energy-t and become unstable making the atom radioactive. How can a nucleus with its positive charge emit an electron (which would hold it together) and yet never emit a lone proton when the positive charges are trying to expel it?
This stronger attraction of energy-t for protons would also explain the elements heavier than iron on Earth and in the solar system. The present theory that these elements are formed by fusion on atoms coming from distant exploding stars is a ludicrous impossibility. The size of our solar system to the outer ort ring is three light days.
If the solar system was shrunk to the size of the Earth its mass would be less than two hundred grams. Our nearest neighbor in the galaxy is three light years away. If the sun was to explode propelling all the matter into space the amount reaching the Andromeda system would be negligible.
To believe that the tons of elements, heavier than iron, in our solar system came from distant galaxies is ridiculous.
All the elements on Earth and in our solar system came from the sun and were produced, not by fusion but from energy-t mining the sun (composed of neutrons) breaking off pieces that are then further broken down into stable elements (probably in the corona). Hydrogen and helium are not the fuel for the energy producing reaction in the sun but the ashes from that reaction.
Energy-t being a stronger force than matter’s electrical forces has a stronger field. Both fields extend from an object until they meet a field from another object of equal strength. This results in the energy-t fields of different objects combining and forming larger objects while the repelling force of the electric fields keep them as separate units.
Atoms combine to form molecules whose fields combine to form conglomerates of molecules like rocks and other deposits that form the Earth, the moon, and other planets. The combined fields from the different materials making up the Earth produce the Earth’s fields which in turn combine with the moon’s fields to produce the Earth-moon unit that orbits the sun.
Units try to equalize their energy-t fields with the energy-t field of the larger unit they of which they are a part. When the Earth and moon’s energy-t fields combine to form the Earth-moon unit objects on the Earth, like water, will try to equalize with this stronger field which results in a high tide on both sides of the Earth.
The current explanation that the high tide on the far side of the Earth is due to the difference between the force of gravity from the moon and the average force of gravity is complete nonsense. Averages don’t exist in reality they are just a mathematical way to treat a large amount of differing data easily.
The Earth-moon and other planetary units are not being pulled towards the sun by a force of gravity but are in equilibrium with the energy-t field being radiated from the sun just as satellites orbiting the Earth are in equilibrium with the Earth’s energy-t field. If energy is added to a satellite it is no longer in equilibrium and moves into a weaker energy-t field losing energy-t to the Earth’s field.
This results in the satellite having less energy, when equilibrium is re-established, than it had when energy was added. When a satellite slows (loses energy) the result is that it ends up with more energy (velocity) than it started with.
There is no force of gravity or nuclear forces only forces from the two building blocks of the universe matter (electric) and energy-t (gravity/magnetic). It is the combining of these two forces that form units that combine to form all the systems in the universe.
The law of entropy is exactly backwards. Object in the universe are trying to establish equilibrium or order with other objects in the universe not disorder. If a large number of gas molecules, with different energy and electric charges, are put into a closed container isolated from all outside influences, the molecules, their energy, and their electric charge will equalize creating a uniform, homogenous distribution within the container.
This is not a state of disorder but of order. The apparent disorder we observe is from objects moving into different energy- t fields and trying to establish equilibrium with the new field.
The laws and forces are the same throughout the universe and the units, whether they are atoms, solar systems, galaxies, galaxy clusters, and so on have the same structure and shape based on the two forces, energy-t and matter that form it.Energy-1 binds the different structures together forming larger structures while matter keeps units separate by their repelling forces.
Light is a disturbance traveling within the two fields, where a change in electric fields causes a change in the energy-t field which then causes a change in electric fields. The velocity of the disturbance changes according to the strength of these two fields. It moves from the fields of one unit to the fields of another unit refracting and changing direction.
Energy is transferred from one object to other objects by these changing fields which cause changes in the fields of the other objects as their fields try to equalize with the new fields.
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Graeme Mochrie
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Interesting ideas. Do you have empirical evidence to back this up, or are you still at the hypothetical stage?
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Hi Graeme,
I have done an experiment with magnets that demonstrated to me that the description of the force of magnetism is not accurate.
The results of testing the strength of two single magnets and the force between the two magnets (by using their lifting power on a scale) give the expected results but the measurement of the force between two magnets was nowhere close to the expected product of the force of the two individual magnets.
A magnet is really a combination of the magnetic force of the molecules forming the magnet so I decided to make a composite magnet where there is a gap between the magnets forming the magnet and test it. The composite magnet consisted of a permanent magnet secured a distance up a brass threaded rod. A steel washer was then screwed up the rod flush to the permanent magnet. A second permanent magnet was attached to the bottom of the rod. This composite magnet was then hung over a scale (with an aluminum block with a permanent magnet attached) to get a reading of the force of the composite magnet. The steel washer was then screwed down the rod to the top of the bottom magnet and the change in the magnetic force was recorded as it descended. The results demonstrated to me that the force of magnets decline linearly and the force between magnets is really the strength of a third magnet being formed as the magnetic fields of the individual magnets combine.
That is the only evidence I have. The rest is just speculation trying to provide a simple explanation that conforms to observations without inventing particles and forces to preserve current theory.
Joseph Olson
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95% of the Universe is composed of math particles and hyperdense equations….
(according to the big bang gang)
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A thermodynamics thought experiment for the modern age Physics:
Take two backup generators of the same grade and quality – one rated at 5 kW, and the other 30 kW.
An unlimited fuel supply is provided for both generators.
The 5 kW generator will cease functioning well before the sum total of useful work it produces matches the total energy generated by the 30 kW unit during its lifetime.
Why so, given the unlimited fuel supply available to both generators and both are truly open systems?
It is not the fuel supplied to an energy-generating device that limits the sum useful energy produced, but rather the total energy expended in constructing it.
As the 30 kW generator consumed more energy in its construction than the smaller 5 kW unit, the smaller generator cannot match the sum useful work of the larger device.
This universal law applies to the sun, a Tesla car, solar panel, wind turbine, nuclear fission or fusion power plant, hydro power plant, a galaxy, and you name it!
“No energy system can produce sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.
Energy, like time, only flows from past to future” (The Fifth Law).