PHE Data: Fully vaxxed account for 3/4 of UK Summer Covid deaths

The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74 percent of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

The report, which is the 23rd update to be released suggests at first glance that the vast majority of Covid-19 cases and hospitalisations are among the unvaccinated population. However, this is because the total numbers presented in the report have been collated from as far back as February 1st 2021 when just 0.7 percent of the adult population in the UK were fully vaccinated.

By comparing the report against reports released in early August 2021 we are able to see who is really getting infected, hospitalised, and sadly losing their lives in the third wave of Covid-19 to hit the UK, which is strangely occurring in summer.

According to the latest PHE report, 593,572 cases of the Delta Covid-19 variant have been recorded in England up to the 12th September 2021.

Since 1st February 2021 44 percent of these cases have been among the unvaccinated population, accounting for 248,803 cases. Whilst 46.8 percent have been among the vaccinated population, with 157,400 being recorded among the fully vaccinated (26.5 percent of all cases) and 120,812 being recorded among those who had only had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine (20 percent of all cases).

However, by taking a look at the 20th report released by Public Health England we are able to see that from the 1st February 2021 up to the 2nd August 2021 there had been 300,010 recorded cases of the Delta Covid-19 variant, meaning the 22nd report shows that between the 2nd August 2021 and 12th September 2021 a further 293,562 cases were recorded – nearly double what had been recorded over a period of 7 months.

A further 106,303 cases were recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst a further 11,060 cases were recorded among the partly vaccinated population. But it is the fully vaccinated that have seen the largest rise in recorded cases, with an increase of 110,392 cases between August 2nd and September 12th.

This may be surprising to some but it shouldn’t be, because the current vaccines on offer do not prevent infection or transmission, even the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) have admitted this in a recently published document (see here), in which they said research should now concentrate on producing a vaccine that prevents transmission and infection due to the current vaccines not preventing infection in most people.

SAGE did however state that they “feel that the current vaccines are excellent for reducing the risk of hospital admission”. But does the Public Health England data support that feeling?

Yet again, at first glance the latest Public Health England report shows the majority of admissions to hospital have been among the unvaccinated population since the 1st February 2021 up to the 12th September 2021.

Out of 6,280 admissions the unvaccinated population account for 49 percent of them with a total of 3080 admissions. Whilst the fully vaccinated account for 37.5 percent of them with a total of 2,361 admissions. A further 728 admissions have also been recorded among the partly vaccinated population.

However, when we take a look at the figures released in the 20th report published by PHE, we can see that from February 1st to August 2nd there had been 1,738 admissions among the unvaccinated population, 476 admissions among the partly vaccinated population, and 773 admissions among the fully vaccinated population.

This shows that the unusual summer third wave of Covid-19 has resulted in 1,342 admissions among the unvaccinated population, and 252 admissions among the partly vaccinated population. But from August 2nd to September 12th the majority of hospital admissions have in fact been among the fully vaccinated population, with a a total of 1,588 admissions being recorded. Meaning the vaccinated population account for 58 percent of hospital admissions in the last 41 days.

However, when it comes to deaths due to the Delta Covid-19 variant there is no need to disregard the figures from as far back as February 1st when just 0.9 percent of people in the UK were fully vaccinated and the country was in the middle of the second wave. This is because Public Health England’s 22nd report shows that from February 1st 2021 through to September 12th 2021, 72 percent of Covid-19 deaths have been among the vaccinated population.

166 deaths have been recorded among the partly vaccinated population, 722 deaths have been recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst 1,613 deaths have been recorded among the fully vaccinated population.

But by going back to the 20th report released by PHE we can see that the vaccinated population actually account for 74 percent of deaths during the current third wave.

That’s because from 1st February through to 2nd August there had been 253 deaths among the unvaccinated population, meaning a further 469 deaths have been recorded up to the 12th September. Whilst 79 deaths had been recorded among the partly vaccinated population, meaning a further 87 deaths have been recorded up to the 12th September.

But the largest increase has been among the fully vaccinated population. Up to August 2nd there had been 402 deaths among the fully vaccinated, meaning a further 1,211 deaths have been recorded up to the 12th September.

The data certainly shows that the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies feelings are misplaced, and it also suggests that the Covid-19 vaccines are actually increasing the risk of death by a significant amount, rather than reducing the risk by the 95 percent claimed.

This is because the Public Health England data shows that 1 percent of all cases among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death, with 1,613 deaths occurring among 157,400 cases.

Whilst it also shows that 0.28 percent of all cases among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death, with 722 deaths occurring among 257,357 cases.

Therefore the case-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population is 257 percent higher than the case-fatality rate among the unvaccinated population according to the Public Health England data.

The same can also be said for the hospitalisation-fatality rate. The PHE data shows that 23 percent of all hospital admissions among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death. With 722 deaths occurring among 3,080 hospitalisations.

Whereas the data shows that 68 percent of hospital admissions among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death. With 1,613 deaths occurring among 2,361 hospital admissions.

Therefore the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population is 195 percent higher than the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the unvaccinated population according to the Public Health England data.

The evidence shows that the Covid-19 vaccines are either not working, or they are making recipients worse – possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement or vaccine-induced enhanced disease, it also shows that the summer third wave is in fact among the vaccinated population, proving the authorities and the mainstream media are lying to you when they tell you that we are experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

See more here:

Header image: Public Health England

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Comments (6)

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    Not more of this rubbish from This is how to lie with statistics. It is the death rate that matters and must be used for a valid comparison, so it has to be related to the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated. Since there are now more vaccinated people than unvaccinated, the death rate is higher among the unvaccinated.

    This is as bad as the lies we were told at the start of the pandemic when it was claimed that the deaths were higher than the 1918 flu pandemic. Again the death rate must be used because of the higher population now which makes the death rate lower from Covid.

    The vaccines may not be working as well as claimed but that is a separate issue.

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      Geraint Hughes


      Alan, please learn to count. The death rate is higher among the vaccinated.

      All cases 2 doses 157400, deaths 1613 death rate = 1.02% Unvaccinated 257357, deaths 722 death rate 0.28% The absolute and percentage expressions of death counts are higher among the vaccinated.

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        You are fooling yourself if you believe that only 157,400 people have been fully vaccinated. The death rate must be based on all the people who have been fully vaccinated. We are being lied to by people falsely promoting higher deaths from vaccines, just as we were lied to by the vaccine manufacturers who were using relative risk reduction to falsely promote the efficacy of their vaccines.

        There was another article a few days ago also copied from the same website “Shocking ONS data ….” which had the ONS tables giving the true death rate and this site was doing the same as now, namely promoting false claims. The true death rates as published by the ONS and given in the article are 36 per 100,000 vaccinated with 2 doses and 121.5 per 100,000 for the unvaccinated. The death rate is higher among the unvaccinated in every age group.

        These articles from are incorrect and PSI should not be publishing them if it was to retain any credibility. I’m not pointing this out because I support the vaccines. I don’t and I have not been vaccinated.

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          Yeah right



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          How does one explain hospitalisations in Israel, one of the world’s most highly inoculated populations limited to Pfizer. Quote: According to Dr Kobi Haviv, Director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, fully vaccinated people account for 85-90 percent of hospitalizations at his institution. Given that less than that percentage of the Israeli population is fully vaccinated, it would seem that vaccination not only does not prevent you from contracting the disease, but may actually increase one’s chances of becoming a serious Covid case.

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    Public Health England? PHE? why not UK?

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