Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies

Pfizer trial documents reveal attempts to cover up the death of 100 percent of unborn babies in outcomes actually reported

Please recall our November 23, 2021 post titled “The FDA and Pfizer are a Match Made in Hell”.

There we described how the FDA took only 108 days to approve Pfizer’s injection, but wanted 55 years to produce the documents!

Thankfully Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed a lawsuit after the FDA denied their request to expedite the release of the records, and the records are being released, albeit still too slowly.

Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports’ describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. You can download this entire report here.

Look at table 6 from this Pfizer report. It is titled “Missing Information”. Its first heading under the topic “Missing Information” is “Use in pregnancy and lactation”. It includes this paragraph:

“Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).”

On the surface this states that of 270 pregnancies, there were 23 spontaneous abortions, 5 “outcomes pending”, 2 premature birth with neonatal death, 2 spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, 1 spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and 1 normal outcome. But note also “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies”.

So really we have no idea what happened with 243 (5 + 238) of the pregnancies of these injected women; they have just not been included in the report. What we do know is that of 27 reported pregnancies (270 subtract 243), there are 28 dead babies! This appears to mean that someone was pregnant with twins and that 100 percent of the unborn babies died.

Here is an excellent article by LifeSite News which goes into greater depth about these shocking revelations. LifeSite News cuts Pfizer some slack on the 5 “outcomes pending” which creates the possible impression that 87.5 percent of the babies of the injected women died. With all respect to LifeSite, I feel correct in not counting the 5 “outcomes pending” and hence arrive at the conclusion that 100 percent of the unborn babies died in the injected women for whom results are presented.

The LifeSite News article also reveals deceptive number games in another article titled “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine”, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on December 31, 2020.

These deceptive practices attempted to cover up the fact that in first trimester pregnancies, the Pfizer injection produced 82 percent miscarriages.

On January 12th we shared the excellent analysis by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance of this same “Safety and Efficacy” article from the New England Journal of Medicine. This Pfizer-friendly study is a complete sham; it is replete with misrepresentation and deceptive methods. The deception and truth is revealed in detail in this video and article by the CCCA.

Dr Trozzi’s brief and Dr Nagase’s excellent interview discussing this sham article is here.

They’re killing babies; what can we do?

These injections are criminal; period. Help us serve the Cease and Desist Declaration of the World Council for Health, to any and all governments, clinics, hospitals, medical regulatory bodies, doctors, nurses, politicians, or anyone participating in any way in the manufacture, shipping, distribution, promotion, or administration of these injections.

The message to anyone involved in these injection campaigns is “Stop now. This is a crime. You will be criminally and civilly responsible. The cat is out of the bag. Justice is coming.”

The Declaration can also be found here along with information and instructions for serving it.

Please keep photos and notes of to whom, when and where the declaration and notice is served. We are finalizing more resources on the World Council for Health web site to upload these photos and details. These resources will be fine tuned and found here very soon.

There are at least five million Canadians, and billions of global citizens who have resisted the injections. We, as well as many coerced injection victims who are waking up with buyer’s remorse, must be the army that stops this, and return human rights and real health care to our society.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Getty Images

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Comments (13)

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    I’d typically stay out of opining on this but the sheer number of people that turned personal health care into political theater…. well let’s just call it karma. You get what you deserve!

    In fact, everyone that ever wished death on me and those (non-at risk) people that chose natural immunity over the “science” well…. no refunds folks! I earned my right to exist on this planet, as flawed as it may be. I wish you luck when it all goes wrong in the next few years.

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      Yes Bill well said, me too.

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      I stopped believing their “scientific” fairytale when the started talking about using experimental jabs on people in order to fight off a virus that supposedly mutates faster that their brains can function.
      Then came the idea of mRNA-vaccine-induced herd-immunity which knocked me off my chair, the mention of incomplete data about the effects on fertility, the unparallel global coordination, etc.

      But try looking it from another angle:
      What happens if the people that took the jab die?
      We will have no doctors, no nurses, no teachers, no software engineers, no scientists, no work force. Civilization will be destroyed like a building in a controlled demolition.
      Knowledge might be lost.
      Pension funds and social security will collapse.
      Modern society as we know it will end.
      Kids will become orphans.
      The ones that might survive the shots, will be a permanent scourge on society.
      Hopefully, enough farmers did not take the jabs, and we will have something to eat.

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        Larry Cosgrave


        OMG it is so easy to create fear and a conspiracy theory! OK consider this: what if the CV-19 is for real and threatens your health and can even cause death. Is the vaccine then a good option? Think of your sources for information – are they scientific? Do they have a vested agenda? Are they freakish outliers who give a damn about their agenda but your are simply a tool to their goal?

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          I have no doubt cv-19 is real and is a threat, although, not in the same sense as presented in the media. I am not sure what causes it, but for sure the amount of people that get seriously affected by it is low. And I am 100% certain there are multiple cures for it, because many doctors found them and just because the governments fight so hard to ban them all.

          But I consider the jabs a far worse threat than cv-19. By many orders of magnitude actually.
          On top of that, using vaccines (any vaccine) to fight off an airborne virus that infects the lungs and mutates like crazy is stupid, to say the least. Even more, when the vaccine shows only the toxic S protein to your immune system, and when it does that in a totally irresponsible and criminal manner.

          Also, what I hear from “experts” on TV and from governments is 100% unscientific. I could even say “highly moronic” or “criminally unscientific”. I have enough knowledge on my own to judge that.
          Not to mention 100% undemocratic, 100% totalitarian, 100% dishonest, and 100% incoherent.

          So, based on all the above, if I had no data in my possession from other sources, I would do nothing different than what I did 4 years ago. I would simple ignore the loonies and live without any care.
          However, I have enough data to know better. And I know that cv-19 should be the least of our worries.
          The things that will happen in the future will be so horrible, that people would regret being alive.

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            You don’t even know what you don’t know and you certainly don’t know enough to be able to make any claims like that. Everyone thinks they are smart.

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      The stupidness of you people is astounding. History shows that you people have always been wrong.

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    All the top managements of the drug companies together with their Board Of Directors responsible for the introduction and sale of these vaccines’ should be charged with murder. The Government bureaucracies,
    FDA, CDC, NIH, who facilitated this criminal enterprise should be charge with accessory to murder.
    If this cabal of Criminals are not held accountable, we will see more of type of behavior.

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    This is big. Another way to look at it is every known outcome was a death (100% like you say). If you take everything else we know about these injections away (which is a lot), just this alone shows they are causing human carnage.

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    since the covid injections ARE GENETICALLY MODIFYING TREATMENTS OF HUMANS, the question is, if there is any baby left, after the injection its mother or father, what kind of baby is that???

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    ” The message to anyone involved in these injection campaigns is “Stop now. This is a crime. You will be criminally and civilly responsible. The cat is out of the bag. Justice is coming.” ”

    In reading of the French revolution of the late 1780s and beyond, even just reading “A Tale of Two Cities” by Dickens, we can have in my opinion an insight to the future concerning those in responsible position who, though facts were available to them, did nothing to stop the insanity… and even encouraged this unfolding calamity and profited from it.

    When the People lose their minds toward hatred of those who killed our loved ones and guaranteed that our surviving loved ones would have lives of fear, pain and misery until they finally succumb from the effects of the “shot” and its derivatives, then will be unveiled Bastille Day and the guillotine be seen as perhaps too quick.

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    No surprise for all who have some working brain cells left.

    The most important thing in my view is that the world understands now that THERE IS NO VIRUS! All what they are doing is based on lies, lies and lies!

    All you need to know: THE ENTIRE VIROLOGY HAS BEEN REFUTED! There is no virus, no variant/mutation, and there was never a pandemic!


    Virology Debunks Corona –


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      That’s exactly right! No viruses exist and never have. This entire insane manufactured event was developed to depopulate the earth. The world is not run by politicians. It’s run by a single centralized evil cabal that long ago bought all governments and they call the shots. The politicians are simply useful idiots doing what they are told by their owners and controllers. Humanity as a whole has but one choice: revolt. There will be no justice because the authorities, courts and military are all under the same controlled system. The people must join together and simply eliminate entire governments and all vestiges of tyranny and control. That’s a tall order. Too many idiots, cowards and too far gone sheep. The coming years certainly will be interesting. Best thing the individual can do is prep, move to the country, join up with like minded individuals and get ready to fight for your very lives. Good luck to all.

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