Pfizer CEO ‘not certain’ their vaccine stops transmission of Covid-19

The top executive at pharma giant Pfizer said it still isn’t clear if those who receive the company’s vaccine will be able transmit the coronavirus to others, just one day after the UK became the first to approve the inoculation.

While Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said he expects the vaccine rollout to be rapid after it gets the green light from US health officials, following in the steps of Britain, he noted that it remains to be seen whether recipients of the jab can still carry and pass the virus.

“Even though I’ve had the protection, am I still able to transmit it to other people?” NBC’s Lester Holt asked in an interview on Thursday night, prompting a startling response from Bourla:

I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now.

Last month, Pfizer announced that its vaccine – developed alongside German firm BioNTech – had proven to be more than 90 percent effective in giving immunity to trial participants, getting the green light from UK health authorities on Wednesday to begin distribution for widespread use.

Pfizer has applied for emergency approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but the agency has been more reluctant to pass the immunization, with a top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, saying his UK counterparts “really rushed through that approval” while praising the FDA’s “very careful” authorization process.

While the two pharma firms stand by the effectiveness of their vaccine, an inability to halt transmission from virus carriers could mean the inoculation falls short of the lofty expectations voiced by some officials in the US and UK.



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Comments (1)

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    Charles Higley


    Of course, this is a serious question about the vaccine because they do not have the virus to work from, duh. This virus has not been isolated, cultured, and shown to cause disease and with a Gold Standard virus culture, it is impossible to create any kind of valid vaccine.

    So, the big question is, what are they using as the basis for this vaccine against an unidentified virus? Very likely, they are using general coronavirus information and hoping it works., but they are setting the public up for it to fail. Then, we go back to lockdowns and other drastic, useless measures based on the crappy nonspecific PCR test detecting the viruses of the current flu season. The public is being gas-lighted.


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