Peter Hotez calls on NATO and Homeland Security to ‘deal’ with ‘Anti-Vaxxers’

I know you don’t need to be reminded, but it wasn’t those who oppose mandated forced injection with untested, unsafe and ineffective genetic modification devices who:

  • Shot innocent rally-goers who were simply exercising their right to peacefully protest with rubber bullets; kettled them, beat them senseless, threw them to the ground for not wearing a mask and treated them as though they lost their inalienable rights simply for making informed choices.
  • Forced people to be locked in quarantine at their own expense and arrested them if they wanted to breathe fresh air.
  • Stopped people who were sick and/or needed transplants to die because they hadn’t taken the aforementioned jabs.
  • Had people fired, treated them like pariahs, and threatened them with arrest, all for wanting to decide what did and did not get put in their bodies.
  • Stopped our right to freely travel as guaranteed by both the United States and Australian constitutions.
  • Told children they had to wear face nappies all day long at school even if they were well – placing their health at great risk. And stopped them from attending school altogether for months at a time.

The list goes on and on.

Hotez, who I have maintained for many years is a bear of little brain, has suggested a dangerous escalation of the corporate, media and government war against our rights and our bodies.

Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi of Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine have developed a new COVID vaccine that could prove beneficial to lower resource countries. They said their Texas location was key to the project: There were lots of local philanthropic groups that agreed to fund their research.

I say that he should STFU because God willing, the next administration will want to hold ‘vaccine developers’ (and from what I can determine, the man never developed a vaccine in his life, he has simply been the face of fundraising for corporate and university laboratories and has helped to push them on the unsuspecting public) personally, legally and morally accountable for the massive increase in deaths and disability since the introduction of these toxic injections.

I can’t wait.

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Comments (5)

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    What a freaking turd…I am refusing all of this.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Saeed,

    When one refuses to admit that ‘the life sciences’ are not sciences like the fundamental physical sciences physics, chemistry. geology, astronomy, meteorology for the simple reason that most all humans are not identical (DNA proves this). Therefore one person is allergic to a certain molecule and another is not. The Creator God, who created Life, gave humans the freedom to do GOOD or to do EVIL. For to do otherwise He would be creating a ROBOT..

    Have a good day


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      Saeed Qureshi


      @ “ … the fundamental physical sciences physics, chemistry…” and/or mathematics.

      Please stop here for science. Otherwise, you are opening the doors for intruders, making everything science, resulting in fake illnesses and treatments.

      BTW, “DNA proves this” is part of science/chemistry. There is no such thing as life science. I am sorry.


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    In New Zealand we have a couple of “Jack In the Box” puppets who are popped out of their little box, under a rock somewhere I’d say, Ashley Bloomfield, who when people asked for an exemption because the first shots nearly killed them and he refused telling them to go to a hospital for their second shot so a resus team could be there for them, (imagine that!) and yet he granted 11,000+ secret exemptions to doctors, health boards, first responders etc… here and this was leaked but we cannot get our hands on the list of who got these exemptions… then we have another Jack In the Box puppet, Michael Baker, who has just recently been popping out to tell us all to “Mask Up!” comes the latest cry as they claim winter flu and RSV are causing the hospitals to be over burdened when in fact they are just underfunded and bereft of staff because why? They are leaving the medical system here in their droves… many and I know some of them were in tears about having to take the jabs to keep their jobs and I saw this happen, as people broke down in order to keep their jobs, homes, etc.. remember, JABCINDA ARDERN ran the programme for the MAFIA that runs the world right now… and guess who recently paid her $20million just a couple of months ago? Melinda Gates … any one wonder why? We are in the middle of a big fight as the next port of call to kill off more of us is the Bird Flu…. we must not comply….


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