Peeling Back the Veil of the CERN Illusion

Just as the first atom smashers were used to create bombs, everything done at CERN is for military purposes.  As is usually the case, any technology that can be weaponized for the globalist’s take-over of the world, whether it is social media, big agriculture, energy production, or the internet, will be used for the purpose of enslaving humanity. Make no mistake: CERN is a super hub for the global military industrial complex.

Of course, we are not told this. A general internet search describes CERN as a very important scientific project that is in search of creation’s smallest particle—the God particle. But we also see strange religious messages mixed throughout our search such as the statue of Shiva outside of the CERN headquarters or bizarre videos of workers dancing the Hindu Shiva Dance of Destruction. See video: Weird CERN Symmetry Shiva Dance of Destruction

Untold billions (perhaps trillions) have been poured into the biggest system of machines (so we are told) ever made, relying on a “science” of theoretical physics that claims it can use human machines to “create” as God did during the first moments of creation. But you will be hard pressed to find any useful discoveries at CERN, even after decades of research and experimentation and boatloads of international funding.

Indeed, CERN has been in operation since 1954 and has yet to create anything useful or get a single step closer to its mission of proving the big bang theory. Of the many “supposed” projects and experiments underway right now, not one of them will lead to anything but theories that attempt to place scientist on the same level of God, or perhaps higher.


No one has been able to stop or thoroughly examine CERN experiments as it is sanctioned by a mysterious assembly of international associationswhere the ultimate authority of the project has been so hidden through Jesuit-like compartmentalization that you cannot find any one leader, CEO, or entity in charge. In fact, many scientists who are employed by CERN probably don’t know that it is a scam. They are just conducting their limited scope of work, which could be legitimate, given to them by a supervisor that is also working within constraints and boundaries. Everything is on a need-to-know basis.

In a process known as diffusion of responsibility, no one is ultimately responsible. In CERN’s case this means that science can do whatever it wants–whether it is creating light-speed atomic collisions, capturing mysterious “particles” that can create supernovas or black holes, genetic modification of plants, animals and humans, or just the standard militaristic warlord banker’s favorite — building new bombs for both sides of the conflict.  CERN gives scientists permission to have free reign to rip apart or explode anything they want just because they are trying to find the God particle.

The CERN scientific community makes the braggadocios statement that “Science can do what God does, or better!”  With its community of 25,000 international scientists, scattered throughout the world, who are not responsible to any particular national law or regulation, diffusion of responsibility gives this group exclusionary power and immunity to decide which experiments are worthy of its endeavors, while protecting its scientists from any personal or group consequences.

It also hides the real purpose of CERN: It is the NWO super hub of the military industrial complex for the World Wide Web.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you want to build something secret and keep it secret, you might consider Switzerland where you can hide money, politics, and in this case, the very machine itself.  Do we really believe that the Swiss, known only for manufacturing Swiss watches and knives, built the most complicated machine in the world?

If what you want is concealment to launder and hide boatloads of money, Geneva, home of internationalism and globalism (IMF, BIS, League of Nations, World Council of Churches, Swiss banks, etc.) is a perfect place to hide the scientific-financial-military hoax of all times.

Let’s review key points:

The Money – no one knows who all gives to CERN or how much money has been spent to date. Think auditing the Fed is difficult to achieve, try auditing this international world wide web of lies! We know that the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and other warlord bankers privately donate huge sums that do not appear on CERN published budgets. There are confusing stories, multiple budgets, hidden assets and donations that are shared between seven different cities in France and Switzerland. There are multiple supporting corporations and associations around CERN. One public budget alone shows over a billion a year is spent and nothing is produced accept claims and simulations. The total amount donated to CERN have estimates that begin at 11 billion and range to 3 trillion.

You see why CERN is located in the secretive Swiss banking community? Can you imagine what it would take to get a full accounting of anything from CERN—whether financial or operational?  Can you see how this provides the ultimate cloak of secrecy to the world’s biggest false flag?

One thing is for sure. Even though America donates the largest amount of yearly funding, all member countries share data that ensures the international war machine has plenty of weaponized technology for all sides. In this way, perpetual war, spearheaded by the banking warlords, is guaranteed and they all continue to make money on war—no matter which side is fighting.

Countries involved in CERN research include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Romania, Serbia, Pakistan, Turkey, India, Japan, Russian Federation, United States of America, and the European Union. Although the U.S. funds more money at CERN than any other country, any top secret weapon research and development is not U.S. proprietary. It is shared with U.S. enemies around the world and U.S. taxpayers are paying to support the international military-industrial war business.

The Politics – The Lombard bankers who financed the crusades, the East India Company, the Dutch East India Company, the British East Indian Company, and the central banks of Italy, Germany, Holland and England, are centered in Geneva. Members of these old banking families have led CERN since its inception. Even though 95{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the supposed CERN tunnels are in France, Geneva is in full control of CERN finances. A complete audit of CERN is not possible because of secretive Swiss banking laws and regulations.

The Machine – All other atom smashers in the world are either above ground or have continuous ground level access points around the circle or tunnels. CERN is conveniently “hidden” 575 feet underground in tunnels that did not upset the landscape while being built or in operation. Where were the environmentalists and concerned citizens while CERN built this undergrown behemoth? Where are the pictures of the vast amounts of dirt that had to be excavated? Frankly, when we lived in Boston during the “big dig” it was impossible not to see traffic congestion, cost overruns, corruption, and lots of trucks, construction workers, and dirt. We simply can’t find anything on the internet regarding the construction of tunnels at CERN which is by far a bigger project than anything of its kind—ever.

There do seem to be periodic access points at seven locations for the CERN machine. Each location has an elevator that goes down to the underground facilities where large machines connect to the supposed 17 mile long rings on three different levels. But where are the construction pictures showing the tunnel excavation machines? It would be impossible to dig the tunnels without large construction equipment being seen in the access areas.


This is a picture of a “normal” accelerator.  It is above ground and has continuous access points.  There is no reason to place an atom smasher underground and many reasons not to do so.

What we are shown on the Internet and on CERN’s website are pictures of the so-called underground chambers where different large machines have been built. But since we can’t find any evidence that anything was actually built underground, we have to question the huge and costly experiments taking place at CERN, which, as you will read later, have few tangible results. And really, folks, we all know how easy it is today to photoshop anything—including glossy pictures of the octopus looking CERN and its underground tunnels.

And now we learn that CERN wishes to enlarge its facility by creating an atom smasher ten times bigger than the current ones. Switzerland will be the exclusive recipient of the funds that will be ten times greater than the already existing CERN costs, which is the most expensive scientific research in history.

Comments (4)

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    Joseph A Olson


    There is NO big bang, dark matter or dark energy. Every technology is dual use, and one use is always destructive. If CERN is producing anti-matter, and/or anti-rotons, the probably for nuclear weapons….

    “Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons” by Gsponer, as PDF online

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      And you know all this because????? 🙂

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    Ken Hughes


    ‘Interesting alternative view. Highly credible even if it is a little paranoid. But then, we all know what history taught us about the financing of WW2, so we should be suspicious. A worthwhile presentation I think.

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    Steve C


    It’s not just Shiva, though let us never forget that he is “the Destroyer”. A couple of years ago, there was an online buzz about the bizarre opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel (very adjacent to CERN and allegedly a secret entrance to it).

    I have yet to come across any reasonable explanation of why such a project should be opened with a ceremony featuring a horned Baphomet figure capering about, receiving symbolic homage from figures “representing” the workers who had built the tunnel and its users, along with a lot of other well-established satanic ritual and symbolism, but that’s what they put on. There is still much about it on the interweb, if you want to attempt an explanation yourself.

    At the very least, it does indicate conclusively that there are people in very powerful positions who are able and quite willing not only to make such things happen, but to spend an awful lot of money on making them very public. I find the message less than reassuring.

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