Paxlovid: Just When You Thought Pfizer Got Enough Government Money

Pfizer wonderdrug Paxlovid is all the rage for Covid these days. Why shouldn’t it be, it’s claim is that it has a 89 percent decrease in hospitalization of high risk patients infected with Covid. That is if you take it for a full five days and start it within five days of first symptoms.

What’s with the Name?

First things first, you have to wonder who comes up with these names. When we first saw Paxlovid we thought the media created a new kind of Disease they created by mixing Covid with Monkey Pox.

No such luck. We guess that would be Poxlovid. So let’s break this down a bit. Pax by definition is “Kiss of Peace”. Another definition is a long period of dominance and peace (See Pax Romana). So the name could reference to Pfizer or Covid’s coming reign of dominance.

Another possible idea is a kiss of peace from Covid. The number one side effect for paxlovid is altered sense of taste. What this really means is you get to have a continually disgusting taste in your month for five days. It is probably what it tastes to French kiss Wuhan Bat with Covid so the name fits. The good news is you can’t smell it.

The 89 percent Claim

So where does the 89 percent claim come from? Pfizer’s own research of course.

They only did tests on unvaccinated people who had not had a Covid prior infection.

We almost forgot the most important part – it was done before Omicron.

Take note that children under 12 are not authorized by the CDC to use Paxlovid.

So if you believe the CDC that 87 percent of the population over 12 (at the time of writing) have received at least one dose.

You cut out another 60 percent of these people for having already had Covid and it looks like maybe six percent of people could possibly benefit.

That is of course if it works on Omicron.

So this simple answer is doctors have no idea if it works. Some things we do know is that it could cause an increase in blood pressure.

So it could lead to heart attack just like Pfizer’s vaccine.

Best of all after taking Paxlovid for five days some people get rebound Covid. So it doesn’t stop the virus just like the Pfizer vaccine!!

Most importantly, if you take it Pfizer is 100 percent more likely to get the $500 per five-day dose from the taxpayers or printed money. Go Go Inflation!

The government bought at least 5.9 Billion dollars worth that way you know it works. Pfizer thanks the Biden Administration for helping them to continue to be the most profitable Pharmaceutical Company around.

As an added bonus Paxlovid is on EUA so you probably can’t sue if anything goes wrong. How convenient for Pfizer.

We here at DogFacePonia are not doctors and never claimed to be. Still our advice is you might be better off getting some Ivermectin. It has received a Nobel prize and way more independent studies showing it works than one company made study.

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