Part 3 || Terrifying Technofascist Acts Against Health Freedom

Technofascist Future: Will We Resist?

I am only scratching the surface of this well-spun, now-censored Worldwide Web.

How many of us in this Post-Truth world have been silenced? It hurts a bit more when your profession is to be a messenger, report, and alert.

I have been banned for life from PayPal, Amazon, Venmo, and Vimeo. I was scrubbed off Kiva and GoFundMe. My COVID-19 Vaccine Detox Guide to help injured people was removed from SmashWords and my entire profile.

Google buried my company,, and our Facebook ads were temporarily shut down while our data was wiped out. Chase debanked me. Media Matters and NBC Peacock smeared me in a horrendous series like Shadowland, where they assured me they’d feature my story but only discovered my person. You can watch my reaction to the series here.

In truth, I can write a whole series about technofascist acts in the health and wellness space.

In 2018, Care2, a site that “connects people with causes,” closed down its “Healthy Living and Causes” sections. They claimed this was to ‘sharpen its focus on advocacy work and nonprofit partners.” They could have archived the stories but deleted THOUSANDS of informative articles about alternative health instead. Poof. Gone. Vaporized.

While putting together my presentation for Anarchapulco Reborn X 2024, titled

Health Censorship In An Age of Technofascism & How To Navigate for Truthit occurred to me that they knew the Rona Regime was coming, and they scrubbed the articles because they did NOT want those locked down at home to educate themselves.

“I know it’s super frustrating to see content that you’ve written disappear,” one of their old editors wrote. Super frustrating? I’d never had my content deleted. Now five years later, i am a seasoned censored pro.

As Mercola wrote:

“It’s a frightening future. Big Tech has joined the movement, bringing in a global concentration of wealth to eliminate competition and critical voices—voices that bring awareness . . . .as our rights, freedoms, and competition erode into a fascist sunset, all disguised as a means to protect you from ‘misinformation.’”

Chet Bowers, who first used the word ‘technofascist’ asks:

“Will enough of the public recognize the dangers that lie ahead, and will they be able to articulate the importance of what is being lost, including how what is being lost undermines the diversity of common cultural experiences that are more ecologically sustainable?

The most critical question is whether there will be resistance to how everyday lives are being increasingly monitored, motivated to pursue the increasingly narrow economic agenda of the emerging techno-fascist culture and stripped of historical values and identity?”

In “1984,” the torture is too much. Winston, the main character, betrays his lover, Julia, in exchange for his own life. She does the same.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing,” Orwell writes.

In 2019, I asked If we would stand up for rights for health, freedom, and sovereignty. Or sit back and play with our phones while we lose our rights and are forcefully stuck with needles?

Unfortunately, we know the answer by now. Maybe next time, it will be different???

“Anytime you are truly free, there is a cost to pay,” Dr. Cornel West told Joe Rogan.

I agree, but the alternative is ghastly. I don’t believe we have to be slaves to Big Brother. Speak out and share. Tend to your gut and your brain with micronutrients and access the cleanest food. De-Google your life and use other search engines like QWANT.

As Orwell says, “Until they become conscious, they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled, they cannot become conscious.”

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    Laughable attempt.


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