The pharmaceutical industry paid $1.06 billion to reviewers at top medical journals between 2020 and 2022.
Big Pharma’s $1.06 Billion Bribe to Reviewers at Top Medical Journals
Written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
Written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
The pharmaceutical industry paid $1.06 billion to reviewers at top medical journals between 2020 and 2022.
Written by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D
Written by Maryam Henein
I tried to get a press pass for the 2024 International Bird Flu (bioweapon) Summit, which wrapped in early October, but no one got back to me. And I couldn’t afford their $925 ‘early bird’ special.
Written by Lorena Diblasi, Martín Monteverde, David Nonis, Marcela Sangorrín
The experimental ‘vaccines’ supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020
Written by Uknip247
Written by Martin Neil, Jonathan Engler, and Jessica Hockett
We contacted two prominent ‘alternative’ media outlets well-known for elevating COVID-dissident views and championing free speech/free press rights with a proposal to spark a public debate about the SARS-CoV-2 origin story and accompanying pandemic narrative.
Written by Kevin Killough
Wind turbine blades continue to cause pollution problems for the people living around them
Written by Conor Freehly
If the technological capacities of intelligent entities throughout the cosmos are unbounded, why haven’t we seen signs of other intelligent life?
Written by Children Health Defense Team EMR and Wireless Team
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has launched the Stop 5G: Empowering Citizens to Protect their Community Initiative, a step-by-step guide communities can follow to mount an effective defense against proposed and existing cell towers in their neighborhoods.
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
After publishing my article “Hurricane Hype Busted: Data Disproves Climate Supercharging Claims,”.
Written by Rebekah Barnett
In a surprise move, the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland has voted to call for the immediate suspension of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines pending an investigation into evidence of excessive levels of synthetic DNA in the shots
Written by Kevin killough
Wind turbine blades continue to cause pollution problems for the people living around them. [emphasis, links added]
Written by John Leake
Aristotle is thought to have written his famous Nicomachean Ethics towards the end of his life in Athens, sometime between the years 335 BC until his death in 322 BC.
Written by David Prince
A new report has revealed that the 20mph default speed limit in Wales has resulted in longer journey times across the country, and it’s sparked a big reaction.
Written by John Leake
I am frequently asked why the Canadian psychologist, Dr. Jordan Peterson, has become such a superstar among young men. The answer, it seems to me, is self-evident
Written by Harry Baker
Scientists accidentally find deep-sea ‘jelly’ creatures merged into ‘single entity’ after injury, revealing bizarre new behavior