How was the pandemic response so perfectly coordinated all over the world? It seemed like everyone all over the world fell into lockstep all at once
Attorney Lisa Miron Explains WHO IHR National Focal Points
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
How was the pandemic response so perfectly coordinated all over the world? It seemed like everyone all over the world fell into lockstep all at once
Written by Chris Morrison
Allotment produce, much prized by proud food-growing citizens the world over, has six times the ‘carbon’ footprint of conventional agriculture, according to a recent paper published by Nature
Written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
Every single person in America — actually in the world — needs to watch this film,” journalist Kim Iversen said about Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s new documentary, “First Do No Pharm.” “It’s jaw-dropping.”
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
I have not given routine updates on censorship and reprisal from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that have plagued me over the past four years, but I did open up to Dr. McMillan from the UK as it was his interview.
Written by FarmingUK Team
England has suffered its second worst harvest on record after record breaking wet weather last winter and recent downpours, new figures by Defra show
Written by Andy Rowlands
Marty Ball, the wife of the late climate scientist Dr Tim Ball, has published a book about his life and achievements
Written by Gemma Middleton
Around 3,000 Roman-era coins have been discovered by a metal detectorist, far from the Roman Empire’s ancient borders
Written by Roger Pielke Jr.
In 2024 it can be difficult to sort wheat from chaff in the peer-reviewed literature
Written by BBC
On 15 December 2021 Larry Lowe’s life changed. He was 54, rarely ill, fit, healthy and running 10km most days – until he got the Pfizer Covid booster
Written by Vijay Jayaraj
European colonialism, which methodically extracted wealth from Africa until the system’s collapse in the last century.
Written by Thomas J Shepstone
Written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
On September 4, I received a letter from Mr. Todd J. Smith, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the National Marine Fisheries Service, United States Department of Commerce.
Written by Owen Jarus
Archaeologists have discovered a 2,000-year-old tomb containing 12 skeletons in front of the “Treasury” in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan
Written by BBC
Jaydi Hawker, 11, has a form of dwarfism thought to affect fewer than 50 people in the world
Written by Paul Homewood
A recent article in UnHerd by John Rapley, in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, claims that climate change has intensified extreme weather and increased the economic cost of weather disasters.
Written by News Roundup
Among the hallucinations to which some climate alarmists are especially prone, an important one is the “Renewables revolution”