’Green’ Energy Push Ignores Global Poor, Energy Poverty

Written by Ronald Stein P.E. and Dr. Cleveland M. Jones

The few wealthy countries of Germany, Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, other EU countries, and the USA, representing less than one [percent] of the eight billion on Earth, are mandating social changes to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions in their small worlds within this planet

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Climate, Carbon, Geo-engineering & Global Agendas – On Tom Nelson’s Podcast

Written by Efrat Fenigson and Tom Nelson

Efrat Fenigson | Tom Nelson Pod #282Efrat Fenigson is an Israeli journalist, podcaster and public speaker. She’s a marketing expert and former Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of global companies with a strong technology background for the past 20 years, who turned into a journalist when the void left by the mainstream media and their lies became too big to bear.

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The Strange Reasoning Of Climate Alarmists

Written by Climate Discussion Nexus

One of the oddities of climate alarmism is that, despite its mantra of “follow the science”, most of its adherents know little of climate science including the physics behind alternative energy or lack of same

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February recap…

Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

If you’ve been following Irrational Fear, you know this past month has been packed with hard-hitting analysis, investigative deep dives, and fearless challenges to the mainstream narrative.

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