Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts

Written by Saeed Qureshi. Ph.D.

Recently, under the theme of Logical Arguments, I posted a short clip that generated interesting comments and responses. A collated version is provided below, which I believe will help generate more informative talks on the topic and hopefully resolve non-ending fruitless debates on viruses, vaccines, and pandemics

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Oh that Paris

Written by News Rounup

In the wake of the COP 29 debacle in Baku, Climate Home News complains, apparently surprised, that “Just 10 days to go until the UN deadline for countries to submit stronger climate action plans.

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While Trump Says Drill, the UK Heads Towards Power Cuts

Written by David O'Toole

While the Trump administration is embracing so-called ‘fossil fuels’ to reduce energy prices and the chances of power cuts, Britain has ordered the last fracking wells to be filled with cement, is pursuing policies that are making energy prices ever more expensive, and seriously increasing the risk of power cuts

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