In steady state, the planetary surface (as seen from space) shows no greenhouse effect whatsoever. So says Dr. Ferenc Mark Miskolczi of the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in a breathtaking new study.
Warning that climate scientists may have taken a wrong turn in attributing climate change to variability of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the author asserts, “research must continue to find and establish the real causes and the true trends in global temperature change that may be present behind the natural fluctuations.”
As with an increasing number of esteemed independent climate researchers, Miskolczi finds that “The greenhouse science is not settled, the presented results warrant further efforts to investigate many details of the surface radiative equilibrium processes.”
Reacting to the new paper respected Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball, said, “One of the reasons I admire Ferenc is the attacks on him by those who have created the greenhouse deception. It is almost always a sign the person is onto the truth.”
Astrophysicist and fellow independent climate analyst, Joseph E Postma commented, “Ferenc is an astrophysicist too. No wonder he began to see through the bad physics. If there was such a thing as a radiative greenhouse gas effect, astrophysicists would know about it in stars.”