American Professor Predicts 50 Years of Global Cooling

Written by Bill Osmulski

A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professor is making headlines for his work suggesting the world is entering a period of global cooling.

“Now we’re getting a break,” Anastasios Tsonis, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at UWM, said in an interview with the MacIver Institute.

Tsonis published a paper last March that found the world goes through periods of warming and cooling that tend to last thirty years. He says we are now in a period of cooling that could last up to fifty years.  frozen

With record breaking cold temperatures around the world this winter, his research is starting to get a lot of attention.  Over the past couple of weeks, Tsonis has been featured in the British newspapers The Guardian and the Daily Mail.

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Survey: Most Scientists Skeptical of Global Warming Crisis

Written by James Taylor

It is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.

Don’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem. globe

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Science’s Rightful Place

Written by Jeremy Berg

In his first inaugural address, U.S. President Obama said, “We’ll restore science to its rightful place…” He subsequently used this phrase to frame a number of activities across his administration.*While I, like many in the scientific community, was pleased with this declaration, I found the term “rightful place” to be thought-provoking.

The word “rightful” is usually taken to mean legitimate or morally appropriate. Yet, the word “right” has multiple meanings; it can mean morally good or justified, as noted above, but it can also mean true or correct as fact. It is the latter meaning that is essential for the position of science in government.

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China Claims Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough, No Specifics

Written by Andrew Follett


China’s state-controlled TV station claimed Sunday scientists made a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion research.

Chinese researchers claim to have independently invented components to keep ionized gas burning steadily for twice the length of the previous record — an important step forward toward nuclear fusion, if true. The country allegedly created a component for a fusion reactor core that can withstand extremely high heat.

“The component we invented is one of the first of its kind in the world that has passed the international cyclic heat test,” Cheng Jiming of China National Nuclear Corporation told CCTV. “It really means a lot — it’s a great contribution to the international field of thermonuclear experimental reactors.”

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Sea Level Rises: Fact or Fiction? North American Case Study

Written by PSI staff


Governments have been lying to us about sea level rises. So says Professor Albert Parker, a long term critic of fellow academics who try to link natural sea level rises to man-made global warming narrative. Professor Parker provides a telling analysis of United States government data, focusing on official numbers from New Hampshire, which demonstrates that sea levels are rising today no faster than they were during pre-industrial times.

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Top Global Scientists Meet to Expose Climate Scam

Written by Alex Newman


PHOENIX — Call off the doomsday bunkers and carbon taxes! The “climate” scare is officially over. The time for hysteria over alleged man-made global warming and CO2 has passed. The theory is toast — it is totally and completely debunked. At least it will be, once a soon-to-be-released “Weapon of Mass Instruction” exposing the climate fraudsters and their fraud is dropped on the world.

In early December, various prestigious scientists and a wide range of experts in various disciplines converged here, in Phoenix, Arizona, to forever demolish the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) alarmism and the deadly policies the alarmism underpins. After seeing the evidence, it will be impossible for the intellectually honest to go on believing the CAGW fantasy — or “cult,” as some top scientists have referred to the alarmist movement. But of course, it is not the first time that top scientists have debunked the climate hysteria.

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UK to be Hit by ‘Coldest Winter Freeze in 53 years’

Written by Nathan Rao

Violent and “deadly” Arctic storms will rage into the start of 2017 as thermometers nudge -20C triggering outbreaks of crippling snow.

Heavy and persistent wintry showers are now a near certainty across the UK on Christmas Day with multiple feet-deep snowdrifts lasting into the New Year amid sub-zero conditions. Britons are warned to expect “major chaos” on the roads and transport networks with extreme weather threatening railway services and airports.

Councils, health and transport officials have been warned to expect the unexpected with this year shaping up to rival the historic chiller of 1963 – the coldest winter on record. Government officials have sought to allay public fears insisting grit and salt supplies will be enough to keep the roads moving.

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‘No More Santa’ Climate Science Study to Frighten Children

Written by Thomas Richard

With Christmas only a few weeks away, a new study says the Svalbard reindeer are getting weaker and asks if Santa will need more muscle to pull his sleigh [1]. So if your child hears about this so-called calamity from News reports, remind them it doesn’t matter: Santa Claus uses the species ‘saintnicolas magicalus’, or flying reindeer.

With ostensibly warmer winters, the study notes rain is falling on snow and freezing into ice. That makes it difficult for the animals to get at plant food, leading some to go hungry and some females birthing undersized calves. The adults they tracked in the survey have lost 12 percent of their weight when compared to those born in 1994.

The ecologists behind the survey are from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, and the James Hutton Institute. And their pointing the finger at Climate Change.

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The latest ‘climate conspiracy theory’

Written by Dr Judith Curry

Guess who the new climate ‘conspiracy theorists’ are?

When I first saw this published in the WaPo, I thought it was a joke: Why I’m trying to preserve federal climate data before Trump takes office.  Excerpts:

Trump is serious about overtly declaring war on science. This isn’t a presidential transition. It’s an Inquisition. It’s a 21st-century book burning. The incoming administration is likely to be willfully hostile toward the scientific process, with far-reaching implications. caution

One of the most tangible consequences of sharp cutbacks in federal funding for climate science is the potential loss of critical data — whether by neglect or malice — that underlie global efforts to understand our climate system. By all accounts, that’s exactly what Trump and his team want: Ignorance of how human actions are affecting our planet makes it easier to maintain the status quo.

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Beware Fake Science News: here is why

Written by John O'Sullivan


Beware so-called ‘experts’ with ‘scientist’ tagged onto their job description. If you qualify in a proper science you are a ‘Physicist’, a ‘Chemist’ a ‘Biologist’ etc. These are proper terms indicating rigorous training in one of the ‘hard’ sciences.

Usually those trained in the ‘hard’ sciences are the smartest people. They have spent years studying at universities, passing tough exams. They openly share data and their collective efforts over the past 150 years or so, applying the traditional scientific method, has rewarded us with the industrial revolution and every technological advance of society.

Those who are less smart – less capable of applying rigorous mathematics, theorems and analytical reasoning – but who still want to be associated with the veneer of science opt to work in the ‘soft’ sciences (such fields are a modern phenomenon).

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Don’t Blame Climate Change for Extreme Weather

Written by Bjorn Lomborg

CLIMATE CHANGE MEANS more extreme weather: This is a simple, powerful claim that has been pounded into our consciousness for a decade.

From Greenpeace to President Obama to Scientific American, scarcely a weather event happens without someone pointing the finger at global warming and calling for action. wind

But there are big problems with this simple statement, which are exposed starkly in recent peer-reviewed analysis in the journal Weather, Climate and Society by University of Manchester scientists Vladimir Jankovic and David M. Schultz.

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New Book Warns of Catastrophic Earthquakes for the United States

Written by John L. Casey

A critically important book for all Americans titled “Upheaval!”  has just been published by Trafford Publishing. The book subtitle is “Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States.”

TThe Press Releases page oand how to obtain the book is found at:

This book has been developed by a team of international scientists and has as its primary author,      John L. Casey, a bestselling author and leading climate researcher. The text is co-authored by three PhD geologists: Dr. Dong Choi (Australia), Dr. Fumio Tsunoda (Japan) and Dr. Ole Humlum (Norway).

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The Climate Aberration

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul


Is it not strange that the whole climate argument of man-made Global Warming rests upon the least immediate mode of heat transfer, namely long wave Radiation from the Earth, to a trace gas – Carbon Dioxide – that is only 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the atmosphere? This is to ignore completely the warming effect of Conduction upon the 99{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the atmosphere, – Nitrogen and Oxygen – when Conduction is immediate and pertains everywhere.

Every single element is in contact with the atmosphere; that is, the oceans, the land, the lakes, rivers, mountains, the buildings, the forests, the animals in fact everything on the whole wide earth is forever in contact with 99{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the atmosphere. Yet the Warmists have fabricated a message of doom all round a slow form of radiation, which is inhibited by distance and by the inverse square law, and is concerned with the warming of a gas that is in toto but a trace.

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Record Winter Cold ‘Gripping eastern two-thirds’ of United States

Written by Judson Jones & Azadeh Ansari


(CNN) Record-breaking wintry temperatures are gripping the eastern two-thirds of the country, signaling that this could be one of the coldest seasons in years.

Across the United States, 76 locations have shattered their daily record cold high temperatures for December since the beginning of the month. That means some towns saw their coldest December day ever.The bad news is that it’s going to get even colder for the rest of the week. Below-freezing temperatures are expected for 7 percent of the country — in fact, most of the country will see the coldest air since last winter.
This storm pattern is reminiscent of the 2014 Arctic outbreak that started a social media trend called the “polar vortex.”
The term took off, especially on Twitter, and meteorologists have been trying to clarify to the public what the name means. The polar vortex always exists near the north pole. An upper-level meteorology pattern called the polar jet stream locks in the cold air to the Arctic. Occasionally this northern jet stream meanders south and ushers in the polar air deep into the southern regions of North America.
The 2013-2014 winter season brought crippling below freezing temperatures and above average snowfall across the north central and eastern — which cost an estimated $263 million dollars in damages, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Dangerously low temperatures

When this weather pattern happens, temperatures will usually fall well below average across much of the country.
“This week’s dangerous cold will sweep the country from Bismarck to Boston with -10 to -35 degree wind chills expected,” CNN meteorologist Rachel Aissen said. “At -35 degrees, wind chills takes only 10 minutes for frostbite to occur.”
Indeed, three-quarters of the country will see freezing temperatures this week.  Wind chill advisories are already covering the Dakotas and Montana where a strong cold front is moving south across the plains. This cold air will move into the eastern United States from Wednesday into Thursday where last week’s winter storm system still has the northeast in its grip.
This arctic air mass blows in is on the heals of last week’s storm that is still dropping snow across the Northeast Monday. Snow will continue for much of New England Monday evening through midnight before the next system returns later this week.

Though major metro areas aren’t expected to see snow Monday, there is chance of some snow showers Thursday night as the next front pushes through. In addition to snow in the mountains, the last cold weather system produced heavy bands of snow across the Great Lakes region.
The lake’s water temperature is still warm enough for lake effect snow to form. In fact, more lake effect snow is expected for the Great Lakes later in the week when this next system pushes through.

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How MI5’s scientists work to identify future terrorists

Written by Frank Gardner

A paper jigsaw of a human headImage copyright: THINKSTOCK

Ever heard of the BSU (behavioural science unit)? No, neither had I, until recently. But it turns out that this secretive, specialised unit, embedded within the UK security service, MI5, is absolutely integral to every single terrorist investigation.

These are not spooks with a smattering of science, it’s the other way round. Every BSU member is a qualified scientist, trained up to master’s-degree level or beyond, sometimes with a PhD.

Their job is to search for signs of behaviour in an individual that indicates they may be considering or preparing a terrorist attack. Their field, not surprisingly, centres around the social sciences, with specialisations in areas such as psychology and criminology.

How many of them work at MI5 is not disclosed, but the BSU is either at the centre of an investigation or is being called on for expertise by desk officers. They are a pre-arrest unit, with access to court records.

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What is Next for Weather and Climate?

Written by Dr Tim Ball


The Trump administration is well aware of the political use and scientific abuse of climate for a political agenda. I learned how aware while attending the Heritage Foundation Climate Conference on Thursday December 8 in Washington D.C.

The majority of the public sense there is something wrong as reflected in their lack of concern measured in all polls. They will be very angry when the extent of the deception is explained to them, as will happen as the new administration lays out the foundation for their policies. The question is what happens going forward. We know those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Similarly, you cannot prevent all misuses of any system and trying to do so only makes it inefficient and even unworkable. Science must be central to whatever direction taken.

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