Overwhelming Evidence of Midazolam Murders By Government Policy
When the British people know the truth about the Midazolam murders and that those crimes were the result of government policy that is tantamount to targeted euthanasia, which is still a crime in this country, there will be nowhere for the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984 and their army of accomplices in white coats to hide from justice.
In relation to which I will elaborate by way of this PCP update, in an attempt to convey in words the indescribable, gut-wrenching horrors of the prima facie evidence we have now assimilated into PUB’s Private Criminal Prosecution against everybody in the murderous Midazolam supply chain, which we will lay in a Magistrates Court at the earliest opportunity.
For the purposes of which, please watch the short video below, whether you’ve already seen it or not, so that you can fully appreciate the deservedly precarious positions which each of the defendants now finds themselves in.
Especially when we can now prove beyond reasonable doubt that, in the nefarious game of COVID-Cluedo, it was Hancock et al, in the cares homes, hospitals and the victims’ families’ properties, with syringes and syringe drivers full of Midazolam, the infamous benzodiazapine, which is used to varying degrees of success in lethal injections of Death Row prisoners in the US.
We also have an incendiary peer reviewed study which records that medical professionals within the NHS were reporting trends of fatal adverse events prior to the start of COVID-1984, after three patients died following overdoses of Midazolam between just 5 and 12mg.
Given that since then elderly and sick people have been injected with up to 60mg a day, only a fool could fail to see the plainly murderous intent of the defendants.
Anatomy of Genocide
During the second weeks of the scamdemic, Hull & East Riding Prescribing Committee distributed guidance on treating COVID symptoms, which stated that:
“For patients with distressing breathlessness at rest and unable to take oral medications, please consider starting continuous subcutaneous infusion via a syringe driver of:
Morphine sulphate 10mg + Midazolam 10mg subcut / 24hrs
OR if severe renal impairment (eGFR<30 mL/min): Oxycodone 5mg + Midazolam 10mg subcut / 24hrs (doses may need to be increased if severe symptoms; please ring palliative care team for advice).
NOTE: patients can still have additional PRN medications as required”
Fatal Symptom Management
In summary, they recommended giving subcutaneous 10mg doses of Morphine and Midazolam to patients suffering from severe breathlessness, using syringe drivers if they were not able to take the deadly drugs orally.
This is why so many of those who died as a result were first induced into comas, in order to prevent the administration of medicine by mouth; and almost always after they were forced to sign a Do Not Resuscitate notice, as their last conscious act and almost always without having any contact with their loved ones before their premature death.
Furthermore, the following passages are taken from the Hull & East Riding Prescribing Committee’s recommendations for assessing people with suspected COVID symptoms, which were in reality caused by the graphine oxide in the masks, the tests and the vaxxes imposed upon them prior to their diagnosis.
“Symptom assessment and rationale for selected management should be clearly documented. For patients approaching end of life, non-pharmacological management and care for the person/their family along with clear and compassionate discussions are key. Remind carers of the non-drug measures that can help symptoms – some suggestions included below. Please refer to local guidance and documentation for care of the dying person.”
Yorkshire and the Humber End of Life Care Group drew up the regional guidance for the NHS, which became the guidance for dealing with ANYBODY they said had COVID symptoms, complete with the following disclaimer for insurance purposes:
“These guidelines are the property of the Yorkshire and Humber Palliative and End of Life Care Group. It is intended that they be used by qualified medical and other healthcare professionals as an information resource, within the clinical context of each individual patient’s needs. The group takes no responsibility for any consequences of any actions taken as a result of using these guidelines. Readers are strongly advised to ensure that they are acting in line with current accepted practice and legislation, as these may change. These include, but are not limited to, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the NICE guidance on the prescription of opioids, the British National Formulary (BNF) and the Palliative Care Formulary (PCF). No legal liability is accepted for any errors in these guidelines, or for the misuse or misapplication of the advice presented here. In difficult situations, please seek advice from your local specialist palliative care service.
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have produced a central rapid guideline: Managing COVID‑19 for the management of individuals with COVID‑19 in all care settings (including end-of-life care).”
Midazolam Safety Warning
Neither Hull & East Riding Prescribing Committee nor NICE have any sustainable excuse for not knowing that Yorkshire and Humber HIEC and Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research Group published a report in January 2013, which drew urgent attention to the following Midazolam overdose warning, when it was being used as a component in anesthetic:
“In 2008 the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) issued a rapid response patient safety alert to reduce the risk of overdose with midazolam injection with adults (NPSA, 2008). This followed the receipt of 498 reported midazolam safety incidents between November 2004 and November 2008, whereby 3 patients died and a further 48 were moderately harmed.
Since the release of the alert, a further 417 incidents have been reported relating to wrong dose/strength errors, many (203) of which were related to administration of the medicine from a clinical area, and some (14) of which were related to monitoring/follow up (NPSA, 2012). The NPSA guidelines indicate that for adults, the intravenous injection of midazolam should be given slowly at a rate of approximately 1 mg in 30 seconds.
In adults below the age of 60 the initial dose is 2 to 2.5mg given five to 10 minutes before the beginning of the procedure. Further doses of 1mg may be given as necessary. In adults over 60 years of age, debilitated or chronically ill patients, the initial dose must be reduced to 0.5-1.0mg and given five to 10 minutes before the beginning of the procedure. Further doses of 0.5 to 1mg may be given as necessary (Roche Pharmaceuticals, 2008).”
Nevertheless, Hull & East Riding Prescribing Committee and its equivalent in every borough nationwide followed government approved NICE guidelines, which stipulated that the initial dose should be 2.5-30mg of Midazolam for symptoms of severe breathlessness, agitation or delusion, in any suspected COVID case, whether they be adult or child.
Moreover, those 3 deaths in 498 Midazolam safety incidents reported within the NHS extrapolates into a mortality rate of 0.6 percent [600 deaths for every 100,000 injections].
NICE Palliative & End-of-Life Care Guidelines
As alluded to above, the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence dictated that these guidelines be adopted by every health authority nationwide, to treat what they very broadly term agitation, restlessness and insomnia, in people of any age suspected of having or being likely to catch the government lurgy, all of which were experienced by the majority of Britain during the lockdowns.
“Agitation/terminal restlessness: Consider reversible causes (for example hypercalcaemia, constipation, urinary retention) and non-drug management. If panic, anxiety and restlessness predominate – use benzodiazepine [of which Midazolam is one].
For altered sensorium with delirium, hallucinations, disorientation and disturbed sleep/wake cycle – use antipsychotic..
Oral: Haloperidol 500microgram to 1.5mg 4 hourly PRN Lorazepam 500microgram sublingual PRN (maximum 2mg in 24 hours).
Buccal: Midazolam can be used under specialist advice.
Subcutaneous: Haloperidol 1.5mg stat or 1.5 to 5mg/24 hours in a driver.
Levomepromazine 12.5mg stat or 12.5-50mg/24 hours in syringe driver.
Midazolam 2.5-5mg stat or 10mg -30mg/24 hours in syringe driver.
Higher doses of both drugs can be used under specialist advice.
Benzodiazepines may cause a paradoxical increase in agitation.
Midazolam 2.5-5mg stat or 10mg -30mg/24 hours in syringe driver” for agitation, restlessness or insomnia. Higher doses under specialist advice.”
These UK Government approved guidelines were drawn up and issued by NICE in full knowledge of the National Patient Safety Agency warning about the lethal dangers of over prescribing Midazolam in amounts above 0.5 – 2.5mg across all cohorts.
Given Hancock’s sworn confession to the House of Commons COVID inquiry, in which he confirms that he had procured, ordered and engaged enough Midazolam, Morphine, syringe drivers and the NHS staff to administer the lethal doses, in order to give the murder victims what Dr Luke Evans MP called “a Good Death” – a term which is synonymous with euthanasia – it’s no wonder that he was thrown to the lions in the aftermath of these undeniable facts being publicly exposed, in addition to the high court judgments against him for handing lucrative PPE contracts to his friends and family.
However, I hereby preemptively prescribe that the lives of the former secretary of state, the other three of the Four Horsemen and their endless stream of conspiring accomplices are about to become a whole lot more agitated, restless and sleepless, on the basis that we now have prima facie evidence which proves every single element of the most serious crimes that have ever been perpetrated.
Preemptive Prescribing at the End of Life
Indubitably, NICE has emphatically shown that they are about as far from nice as one could possibly be [yet another Sabbatean inversion], by laying down what can only accurately be described an instruction manual for placing people of any age on the end-of-life pathway, before they are showing any signs of shuffling off this mortal coil.
Moreover, according to the Cygnus Report, this is the direct result a UK Government policy driven initiative to save as much money as possible on keeping people alive, when they are preemptively considered unworthy of that which they mistakenly believed they had a legal right to receive and arbitrarily placed on the end-of-life pathway to lethal injection.
These are a guide for prescribing for patients not currently requiring opioids or antiemetics. For other patients, please seek advice. More information can be found in guidance associated with My Care Plan.
Morphine sulfate 10mg/mL injection 2.5 to 5mg sc hourly PRN
For pain or dyspnoea Supply 10 (ten) x 1mL ampoules
Midazolam 10mg/2mL injection 2.5 to 5mg sc hourly PRN
For agitation, distress or dyspnoea Supply 10 (ten) x 2mL ampoules
Hyoscine butylbromide 20mg/mL injection 20mg sc hourly PRN
For respiratory secretions or colic Supply 10 x 1mL ampoules Seek advice over 120mg/24 hours
Haloperidol 5mg/mL injection 500microgram to1.5mg sc 2 to 4 hourly PRN max 5mg/24 hours
For nausea or agitation/delirium
Supply 5 x 1mL vials Seek advice over 5mg/24 hours”
Pre-emptive prescribing of Midazolam and Morphine to people not currently requiring them means prescribing in advance of either empirical diagnosis or the onset of symptoms, using the same drugs Dr Luke Evans MP stated [before the House of Commons COVID-19 inquiry in April 2020] were required for ‘a good death’, thereby guaranteeing the premature exit of many thousands of people.
Since we can adduce similar policy documents for every borough nationwide, the evidence of a thirteen year conspiracy to create an efficient administrative infrastructure to euthanize targeted demographics is now simply overwhelming.
Harrying of The North II
By way of a shocking example of that documentary evidence, the extract below is taken from the 2016 Palliative and End of Life Care Guidelines for Northern England, where there has been prolific Midazolam prescribing during COVID-1984, following five years of quietly implementing this genocidal policy of anticipating the onset of illness to justify the prescription of lethal pharmaceuticals.
• Massive haemorrhage is often preceded by smaller bleeds. Oral/topical treatment may help (see below). When planning ahead, agree an Emergency Health Care Plan.
• Review risk: benefit balance of anticoagulants. Correct any coagulation disorder if possible.
• Consider referral for radiotherapy or embolisation if patient has an erosive tumour.
• Review resuscitation status and treatment options with patient and family. Document carefully.
• Dark towels should be available nearby to reduce the visual impact of blood if haemorrhage occurs.
• Prescribe anticipatory midazolam (10mg IV/IM/SC/buccal/sublingual) as a crisis one-off dose.
If resuscitation is inappropriate
• Try to remain calm. This will help a dying patient to achieve a peaceful death.
• The priority is to stay with the patient, giving as much reassurance/explanation as possible to patient and family.
• Use dark towels to absorb blood loss.
• Consider the use of crisis midazolam (10mg by appropriate route) to relieve distress in a patient that may be imminently dying.
Consider and treat common causes of restlessness: eg urinary retention, faecal impaction and pain.
Support a calm environment, familiar voices and faces, gentle and usual routine.Patients on regular or long term benzodiazepines should continue to receive a benzodiazepine. Give midazolam by SC infusion to prevent rebound agitation/withdrawal.
The doses given here are a guide. In complex situations seek specialist advice.
If patient is distressed or agitated, use midazolam.Where there is delirium or to avoid excess sedation, use haloperidol.
Levomepromazine is an alternative for delirium, though more sedating.
Renal failure: Midazolam is a good first choice, as toxin accumulation increases seizure risk.
Anticipatory (Just in case) prescribing
Planning ahead is important even if a patient is not currently symptomatic: it is a risk in the dying phase.
Prescribe either midazolam 2.5mg SC 1-hrly as required (up to QDS), or Haloperidol 1.5mg SC 1-hrly as required (up to BD).
Doses should be titrated or regular treatment prescribed as below if symptoms develop.”
COVID-1984 Minority Report
All of which proves that it was and remains government policy to prescribe Midazolam [and Morphine] to people, with or without any symptoms of COVID-19, on the anticipatory presumption of a man or woman in a white coat that they will in future contract and die from a cause of death which doesn’t exist and might never arise.
In other words, this is akin to witnessing a real life version of Minority Report, only instead of predicting crime and locking people up before they commit it, they are predicting death and murdering people who would otherwise live for days, weeks, months and years.
This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here: thebernician.net
Header image: Hanelm Pharma
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A Reasonable Man
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I really worry about the wrong impression this article could create with people not familiar with palliative and hospice care. These medications mentioned are all standard drugs used in end of life care and for good reason. Dying from many conditions (cancers, severe pneumonia etc) is a horrible , terrifying and agonizing process, and yes it must be planned for medically and legally. Believe me, you don’t want to be without these meds if your dying from certain diseases or conditions.
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One can only wonder how all those over-worked nurses found the time to rehearse such complicated dance moves. Not surprised though that they were stupid enough to film themselves.
The National ‘Health’ Service has long been a wasteful, top-heavy behemoth, characterized by its over-riding disdain for patients combined with a high degree of callousness.
The use of Midazolam and morphine in the UK is matched in the US by Remdesivir and ventilators, by order of that abomination, Fauci. The result is the same.
In the US hospitals are paid US$40,000 per murder.
Any idea what the going rate is in Britain?
A Reasonable Man
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I’ve had to watch several friends and family members pass away in hospice and was greatful to the nurses that shoulder the burden of most of the care giving. My daughter is a hospice nursing tech. I don’t know what the heck is going on in the Uk ;but where II live in the US the end of life care has been excellent, caring and humane