Our Brainwashed Covid Youth

The necessity to control mass population in order to execute a political agenda is familiar from history.

During the 20th century, for example, both National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union understood that indoctrinating the youths of their nations was the key to regime success.

Today’s youth appear to have been similarly brainwashed into being terrified of Covid-19, despite the fact that the virus has little effect on young people.  Cases in point: I am most often scolded, chased down, or harassed by younger people when I dare to enter a business massless, in defiance of the needless local mandate.

I do get a certain number of adult busybodies threatening to deny me service (even though I qualify as medically exempt), but it’s mostly the younger demographics that seem desperate to conform.

It’s remarkable that forty years ago, it was our nation’s youth that refused to comply with authority.  1960’s America was about defying the Establishment.  How did we get here?

Children under 17 account for 6.3 million positive tests in the U.S., out of 51.2 million in total.  That’s 12 percent of the total cases for a group that represents about 25 percent of the total population.  However, it has proven impossible to determine the number of cases that are symptomatic, and how many children had the Delta variant, which usually presents with fewer symptoms than the original strain.

Just under 700 children have died, nearly all of them as a result of multiple co-morbidities.

That’s the data.  So why are kids so afraid? What we’re witnessing in America is the inevitable result of three trends.

First, we have the media’s abandonment of truth-seeking and holding power to account.  Instead, it is in active collusion with power.  Fear-mongering has always been the domain of the media.  Fear creates higher engagement and retention.  In an era of infinite fragmentation, the necessity to secure attention is higher than ever before.  Advertising rates still depend on audience size.

This is in addition to the fact the media has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrats.  The ideological support that the media has for the Left requires it to move lock-step with whatever messaging is propagated by the politicians, regardless of whether or not it makes sense.  The media’s only devotion is to the Party, not entirely unlike Soviet-era Russia. (See Morozov, Pavlik.)

Kids, of course, consume media.  They are inundated with the messaging that the virus will kill us all.  The media messaging is reinforced by their parents (or vice-versa). Take a look at some media examples:

This article by the Associated Press pushes the vaccine on kids, despite the CDC itself announcing which kids are truly at high risk, namely, “Children who are medically complex, who have serious genetic, neurologic, metabolic disorders, and with congenital (since birth) heart disease might be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.”

Yet what are kids and parents supposed to think when the NIH Director delivers the opposite view, saying, “kids are very seriously at risk” from the Delta variant?

The media’s influence on kids, however, would not be possible without the second trend: our youth’s ever-increasing reliance on electronic interaction, as opposed to genuine in-person human connection. Society has collectively created a golden calf in the smartphone, and it is the teenagers that have elevated the technology to divine status.

Content from the smartphone is given extraordinary weight which, when coupled with the lack of critical thinking instruction, renders all other voices irrelevant.  If the phone says it, it must be true.

Don’t believe me?  Check out this study entitled, “The association between fear of Covid-19 and smartphone addiction among individuals: the mediating and moderating role of cyberchondria severity.”  Cyberchondria is when someone frantically searches the internet to see if their symptoms may correspond to those of COVID-19.  

The study reported that individuals who spent more than three hours daily on social media had higher levels of cyberchondria than those who spent less daily time on social media… the effect of smartphone addiction on fear of COVID-19 for middle and high levels of cyberchondria severity was significant”

A host of studies cited in this same piece concluded:

Individuals are not selective about the accuracy of sharing and information about the disease and that they constantly share information concerning COVID-19. As the time spent on smartphones increases, individuals are more likely to encounter false information about the pandemic and fears may rise.

Furthermore, intensive use of smartphones by individuals causes the rapid spread of misinformation about COVID-19 in the society and this situation causes serious increases in individuals’ health concerns.

Our culture was already disconnected, then government lockdowns forced people into further isolation.  When genuine human contact and connection are replaced by electronics and Zoom calls, reality evaporates.  Humans are de-humanized.  They are reduced to faceless viral carriers who offer nothing but sickness and death.  Empathy is replaced by terror.

The third trend that has driven our youth to become a culture of Karens is the overt and intentional politicization of everything.  It is remarkable that Americans became so quickly divided over policy and personal response to the virus.

The data does not provide much evidence to support mask mandates.

Arguably, masks and vaccines themselves may have worsened and prolonged this nightmare.

Yet thanks to the media and politician’s insistence that everything be politicized, mask mandates and compliance are now symbols of tribal affiliation and virtue signaling.

Those of a certain political leaning ignore the data, ignore the actual science, shut down dissent, and insist on perpetuating fear by supporting these misguided policies.

The youths listen to and believe in the government, the media, social media, their phones, their peers, and their parents. Using politics and ideological affiliation to further poison the water becomes all too easy.  It’s osmotic, given how politics is virtually wrapped into every issue today, no matter how small.

Whereas the younger generations used to be the source of hope and emblematic of a bright future, America’s youth seem instead poised to carry out the cultural Marxism being fed to them.

They seem to relish living in fear, demanding others conform to their lifestyle regardless of the impact on liberty.

As Hitler said, “By educating the young along the right lines, the People’s State will have to see to it that a generation of mankind is formed which will be adequate to this supreme combat that will decide the destinies of the world.”

Given the current state of education with the young, we’re in big trouble.

See more here: the-pipeline.org

Header image: Getty Images

Editor’s note: One of my friends has three children, and the oldest, who is ten, has been so indoctrinated by his parents he wears a mask constantly, and seems afraid to take it off.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (6)

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    Peter F Gill


    The Covid propaganda has only been going for a few years. The more solid success has been over the so called “Climate Change” issue for which the propaganda started in earnest almost 20 years ago. Perhaps the success of the latter encouraged the former.


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      Good point Peter.


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      Tom O


      You took the wrong turn there somewhere. HAD the climate change mantras been successful, we wouldn’t be having a covid issue. Yes, both pograms have the same intended end – vast drop in population. But climate change was a failure since it was a war against energy to save future generations,, and they had to have that be successful for the real climate change – an ice age of some type – to be effective as a way to kill people. We are running out of time for “climate crisis” to set us up for death.

      Covid, on the other hand, is a different approach.. This one was a fear of immediacy, not a fear of the future. There really is nothing between the pograms that are similar other than creating fear. For “climate crisis,” the switch to the “fear of weather extremes” is the only thing that can be thought of as related to covid and its fear of the shadows. But even the fear of “stronger hurricanes” can’t generate the level of fear that will make everyone give up their free will that was God given, but the fear of the shadows that covid has generated is doing exactly that. The rebirth of “climate crisis” is only a technique to switch your logical brain from thinking about why get a vaccination that doesn’t protect you at all, and start thinking about climate again while getting that vaccination that doesn’t protect you at all.


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    I wouldn’t blame the youth so much as I would blame the Baby Boomers for normalizing poor parenting and the educational system. The schools, at all levels, have been the major purveyors of climate and other kinds of “progressive” brainwashing since at least the 1980’s. The youth of any nation must play the hand dealt to them by their elders.


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    Hi good folks, re: “Cases in point: I am most often scolded, chased down, or harassed by younger people when I dare to enter a business massless, in defiance of the needless local mandate.” I’m sure you meant “maskless.”

    Great article. Thank God here in FL the kids are doing much much better with the help of DeSantis and his policies.


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