Oregon First State requiring Vax Proof for Maskless Entry to Premises

Image: Stabroek News

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is requiring that people in workplaces, businesses, and religious sites show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to be allowed maskless entry to the facilities.

The state’s health authorities updated their masking guidance on May 19, following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) rollback of strict mask mandates.

Businesses, employers and faith institutions now have the option to adjust their masking guidance to allow fully vaccinated individuals to no longer wear a mask in their establishments,” the OHA declared in a statement.

Businesses, employers and faith institutions doing so must have a policy in place to check the vaccination status of all individuals before they enter their establishment. Businesses, employers and faith institutions who do not create such policies will maintain the same masking guidance listed below, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status.

The statewide policy is the first of the kind in the country and is raising concerns for those who don’t want to wear masks or take the vaccine due to a number of concerns including safety, side effects, efficacy, mistrust in pharmaceutical companies, and a lack of full FDA approval.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in late March flagged vaccine passport systems’ potential problems in an opinion piece, arguing they would create two tiers of unvaccinated and vaccinated people.

A spokesperson for business group Oregon Business and Industry, Nathaniel Brown, told the New York Times that they “have serious concerns about the practicality of requiring business owners and workers to be the enforcer.

We are hearing from retailers and small businesses who are concerned about putting their frontline workers in a potentially untenable position when dealing with customers,” Brown said.

On May 16, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said that local governments, but not federal, will be driving “vaccine mandates” of this type.

We’re not counting on vaccine mandates at all. It may very well be that local businesses, local jurisdictions will work toward vaccine mandates. That is going to be locally driven and not federally driven,” Walensky told NBC.

New York, which is offering free vaccination and incentives to get the shot, released in March an application that could act as a COVID-19 vaccine passport.

The application is named “Excelsior Pass,” and local authorities are thinking about requiring it for sports events, weddings, and businesses.

New Yorkers have proven they can follow public health guidance to beat back COVID, and the innovative Excelsior Pass is another tool in our new toolbox to fight the virus while allowing more sectors of the economy to reopen safely and keeping personal information secure,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said in a statement.

With the move, Oregon is the first state to implement a system that requires people entering workplaces, businesses, and religious sites to show proof of vaccination.

See more here: theepochtimes.com

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Comments (5)

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    Mark Tapley


    The people everywhere had better put a stop to this totalitarian power grab. Rise up, reclaim your liberties and overthrow the Zionist operatives. There is no science to any of this but just using the fake virus as a cover for the abrogation of all rights including over the individuals own body. The Zionists will continue to get worse as long as people let them.


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    This is coercion and against the law to coerce anyone to submit to experimental mRNA injections that are still undergoing clinical testing and NOT FDA approved but only received suspicious FDA emergency use authorization for human use. These experimental mRNA injections are NOT a vaccine but a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. A vaccine is defined by law. A vaccine specifically has to stimulate both an immunity within the person receiving it and disrupt transmission.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Christian:
      The government has no authority to coerce us to do anything in violation of our natural rights. It makes no difference if there was an emergency ( the only real problem we have is too much government). Vaccines have never worked. None of them provide any immunity or prevent transmission, as no pathogens have ever been shown to be transmissible in the first place. PSI Just had a video about the1918 “flu” exposing the whole viral fraud. You are just repeating the allopathic mantra that is driving the current medical fraud.


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        Christian & Mark,
        It is yet to be seen whether this “situation” will turn out to be a civil correction or uncivil destruction. The players have the choice now, but I doubt they will chose the right one, they are too corrupted to do so.
        Cheers? JaKo


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    Ken Hughes


    Pressure is increasing to get vaccinated and this is just the latest example. Clearly, since those vaccinated can still acquire the virus and still transmit it to others, then there is no logical reason to allow them entry without masks, as opposed to the unvaccinated. Both groups are just as “dangerous” when it comes to spreading the disease.
    So, there’s another reason for this policy and the only possibility is to increase the pressure to get vaccinated.

    Laws are being broken here and I wonder how long it will be before they hold you down and force the needle into your arm, because that’s what they’ll have to do with me.


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