Open Letter to Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Principia Scientific’s senior scientist, Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser, pens an open letter to Canada’s minister in charge of Environment and Climate Change, The Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (photo, center, above) to explain that carbon dioxide is being wrongly characterized as a pollutant, when established science proves it is essential and benign plant food.
Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Hamilton, Ontario
email: Klaus <[email protected]>
24 Feb. 2020
The Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson
Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson
email: [email protected]
Re: pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2), climate
Dear Minister Wilkinson,
Most Canadians are keen on protecting the environment from litter and pollution. I mean real pollution, like the stuff one can see on the medians and ditches of some highways and on the shores of some water bodies! It’s a disgrace and I have spent many hours to collect and properly dispose of such. Of course, true “disposal” of that ought to involve its destruction, for example by incineration – not shipping it overseas as used to be the case and, perhaps, still is.
According to a report by Global News ( ), earlier today, you stated:
“It is more important than ever for provinces and the federal government to work together on climate action to provide business certainty and to achieve our commitments to reduce pollution”
“While we would prefer to work with provinces outside of the court, we have no choice but to defend practical climate action in court.”
Please allow me to comment on both of your statements and, from my perspective, add a few more points, namely:
1) In your first statement. you mention the term “pollution.” If you meant by that the molecule “carbon dioxide [CO2],” please let me assure you that CO2 is not a “pollutant” but rather a vital trace constituent of the atmosphere!
2) It may be a noble thought to defend “practical climate action in court” but it is a preposterous idea to “control climate.” Mother Nature (MN) does not give a hoot about what any court or government desires to achieve. The climate changes, even without our (human) influence, constantly. Why, if you have ever thought about it, has the mile-high ice sheet, that covered Ottawa and much of the rest Canada only 10,000 years ago, melted? No edict by the Government of Canada could ever stop “climate change”!
3) With Canada interested in improving the world’s living standards, both in general and more specifically by exporting large quantities of “fossil fuel”energy sources (like oil and gas), in general and specifically via pipelines to the east and west coasts, to countries less developed, Canada’s citizens, rather than being forced to pay a “carbon tax” ought to be given a preferential (tax) treatment for their “carbon” use!
4) At present, Canada’s policy on “climate change” appears to beholden to NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organisations’) distorted views on climate, energy, environment, pollution, etc. The unfortunate truth is that many of these NGO’s, like the, Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd Cons. Soc., Fridays for Future, et al., are largely funded from outside Canada. They are mostly un-accountable fronts for foreign political funding systems. It’s high time that this country is ending the NGO’s undue influence!
5) There are highly renowned Canadian scientists who could provide critical knowledge and scientific facts to the whole climate and “carbon” issue. Unfortunately, both the Government and the media (e.g., CBC) appear to be unwilling to even just ask for their contributions to this subject. I can personally attest to that. An unbiased discussion of “climate and “carbon” is urgently needed in Canada!
Dear Minister Wilkinson, to summarize:
– CO2 is not a “pollutant” but rather a vital trace constituent of the atmosphere!
– No edict by the Government of Canada could ever stop “climate change”!
– Canada’s citizens, rather than being forced to pay a “carbon tax” ought to be given a preferential (tax) treatment for their “carbon” use!
– It’s high time that this country is ending the NGO’s undue influence!
– An unbiased discussion of “climate and “carbon” is urgently needed in Canada!
With best regards,
Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
/Encl. – this letter as pdf file (Minister-Wilkinson.pdf)
cc/ – The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada; [email protected]
– The Hon. Filomena Tassi, Minister of Labour, MP Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas; [email protected]
bcc/ – several

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Very well said Dr I would like to see similar letters sent to all premiers as well. Listening to the premier of Alberta yesterday you get the feeling that he firmly believes in the co2 hoax. It’s sad that leaders at that level can’t understand simple science.
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Jonathan Wilkins and all the Ontario MP’s have been sent copious amounts of research refuting everything the IPCC is saying especially relating to co2.
Wilkinson is anti-oilsands development, anti-Alberta, and is the reason he is Environment Minister for the Liberal government.
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Dr. Kaiser,
Reason and facts do not matter to the Trudeau Government.
They hate the oil & gas industry and they can con Canadians into believing that “carbon taxes” are necessary, and will help save the planet.
It is sad, but the average Canadian doesn’t care.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Until this nonsense impacts their beer, cigarette or 420 consumption the average hoser won’t care.
Al Shelton
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Thanks Klaus…
That is an excellent letter. Short and factual.
The most aggravating thing about socialists, like the Liberal and NDP parties, is that they do not want to acknowledge the truth. They only want political power to force their dogmatic policies onto Canadians.
Don Farley
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I feel that Steven Guilbeault (a Wikipedia link is given below) was a key person in the brainwashing of school children and their teachers in Quebec with regard to climate change . The Quebec media loved him. He has a very spotty education as portrayed in the link below. He was put in charge of climate change by Equiterre in 1998. In 2003, I was reading quotes attributed to him after he gave a talk in the eastern US, including among other ridiculous statements, “The tar sands developments in Alberta will result in millions of deaths the world over”. He became widely known by the media when he scaled the CN tower with special climbing equipment to plant to plant a Greenpeace flag. He joined the Trudeau cabinet as Heritage Minister after last year’s federal election. In the link below it is stated that the rather glowing write-up of him seems to have been provided by someone close to him. They would like someone to fill in the gaps.