ONS Vaccination Deaths Analysis (part 1)
Yesterday I hastily scribbled some initial notes on a peculiar finding. Before I got stuck into analysing the file of files I though I’d better check a few things, starting with comparison to the first release of this data on 6 Jul 2022.
I expected figures to be pretty much the same for the overlapping months of Apr 2021 – May 2022, except they weren’t; the ONS had gone and found more deaths and their estimates of person years in their vaccination cohort had increased.
I summarised the changes in a spreadsheet and noted an inexplicable pattern of what seemed to be artificially boosted ASMR for unvaccinated individuals. Funny that. I thought I’d better get stuck back in asap, so set my alarm for 5am.
Early Morning Consternation
Something that puzzles me in these early hours is how ONS have gone about deriving those Age-Standardised Mortality Rates (ASMR) – they don’t appear to have provided the data necessary for us to do this for ourselves.
I thus decided to abandon ASMR for the time being, the reason being that they’re likely inaccurate. A summary of their failing can be found in a recent article by Igor Chudov, and – in a rather bizarre turn of events – they’ve also been slammed by ChatGPT. Bless my cotton socks, whatever next?!
It’s easy to get bamboozled so being slow of mind and sure of oven temperatures I decided to step back a stage and examine crude mortality (deaths per 100k population). Yes, I know this will be brimming with confounding bias but I like to start at the beginning and steadily refine things.
This task requires a robust estimate of the population of England and robust estimates of vaccine uptake, ideally on a monthly basis, so we may deduce the number of unvaccinated souls. This is where the fun and games began.
Fun & Games

If we can ignore the Ukrainianesque colour scheme and the 5 – 12y wrinkle we arrive at my asymptotic guess of 10,231,978 as opposed the official head count of 12,143,513.
I have no idea how accurate these figures are because we are relying on some pretty dodgy estimates of the total population and claims for first doses issued that I wouldn’t trust any more than Boris Johnson’s hairdresser. Hopefully an enterprising reader will drop a comment as to how I can improve on things (UKHSR GP register, maybe?)
COVID vs. Non-COVID Population
Well, what you can do is whip out the crayons and have a look at what data you do have. Herewith a slide of vaccinated and unvaccinated COVID deaths for the first and second releases of this data followed by the very same for non-COVID deaths:
These rather colourful slides give me a degree of confidence in merging the two datafiles to fill out those pesky holes, for we may note how the pairs of lines track each other rather well.
The biggest discrepancy I can eyeball is that between first and second releases of non-COVID unvaccinated deaths (orange and red lines, lower slide). These start out in agreement and drift apart with the most recent release picking up proportionately more deaths of this type.
This may well be due to delays in death certificate processing that were inherent in the earlier release.
We finally come to the big one. Here is my best guess at what is going on when we slash through the fields of obfuscation sewn by arcane use of ASMR based on unreliable population cohorts and clear a path to crude mortality. This is where ONS should have started before going on to bigger and better things:
Quite a shocker, isn’t it?
CAUTION!!! A quick reminder that what we are looking at in this final slide is crude mortality and crude mortality (deaths per 100,000 population) doesn’t take account of important confounding factors like age and health status. We see a difference and that difference may be due to vaccine harm and it may not.
For example, what if the vaccinated sub-population were all very elderly and sick in comparison to the unvaccinated? If we adjusted for age differences would those two curves come together or even swap over?
Whilst age standardisation is handy for adjustment between differing sub-populations it doesn’t really tell us about underlying health issues. Yes indeed, these generally increase with age but that’s not my point.
What if the unvaccinated sub-population was peppered with younger folk who were chronically, critically or terminally ill? What if pretty sick folk of any age decided to pass over being pronged before passing away? What then? Well, this situation would serve to heighten the difference between these two curves.
So yes, we could set about age standardisation like the ONS and their sophisticated ASMR based on person years but we’d have to concede we’re missing a vital piece of information, which may be summed up in the question: just how well are unvaccinated folk in the first place compared to vaccinated?
Until this and many other issues are fully addressed we’re still in epidemiological limbo.
See more here substack.com
Header image: UK Statistics Authority
About the author: John Dee (not his real name) is a former British government G7-level scientist who now uses his analytical skills to highlight where the public is being lied to on various subjects.
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Frank S.
| #
Considering the remnant of remaining unvaxxed populace brings to mind the servants of Job who one by one reported the latest tragedy to their master: “I only am escaped alone to tell thee”.
Gay Ashe
| #
80 PERCENT plus just shows why the governments around the west regard them as cattle to do with what they want, because any one with any sense of survival instinct let in them would have ran a mile from their needles as i did,
They would have to have tied me down to pump that shit into me.
How anyone can take an untested unproven medication with known serious short term side affect’s including death, without any knowledge of whether those debilitating side affects or deaths are for life is quite beyond me, and for what, a seasonal flu that directly killed no more than 6000 people out of 60 million people in 2 years is completely beyond my comprehension.