On Questioning Modern Cosmology Using Empirical Evidence
Albert Einstein contributed greatly to modern physics, but was he wrong in his definition of gravity lensing? If you are less impressed with clever manipulation of mathematical equations and prefer empirical science, that which is based on verifiable observation of natural events, then the work of Edsel Chromie will interest you.
Chromie, a science writer with a background in engineering explains why a growing number of critics think Einstein and modern cosmology may have gone awry by over-reliance on pure math. He explains:
If the demonstration of rolling a ball in the depression made by a mass in the fabric of space were correct the rings of Saturn would be shaped like a bowl with instead of in a flat plane configuration. Only a swirling magnetic field current flow around the magnetic field of Saturn as discovered in the early 1900’s could cause the flat plane configuration.
Scientists are also currently trying to detect gravity waves from the big bang. The very first creation in the vast expanse of space would be an inert atom of gas. Next would be the ionization of an atom of gas. As movie star Clint Eastwood would say, “An atom of gas cannot ionize itself.” So what the scientists should really be trying to determine is what caused the ionization of the very first ionized gas.
It is possible that static electricity was generated and discharged into a bolt of lightning that ionized many atoms of gases in a very large segment of space. This eliminates the foolish speculation of “inflation” caused by an explosion of a solid mass that could not have existed in the first place without the electromagnetic attraction of several atoms of gases necessary to create a solid particle of any kind.
This contradiction of Einstein will be considered almost sacrilegious by many scientists. The modern fashion of “peer review,” mandated by credible scientists is designed to guarantee that nobody can deviate from the acceptable official doctrine of the science community.
And, most scientists fear being ostracized and losing their credentials as a scientist if they dare to challenge the doctrine of Einstein or contradict the acceptable beliefs of the science community. This stifles any effort to achieve any advancement in science.
Einstein did not have the benefit of the space probes that have contradicted many of the beliefs of the science community and added more questions than answers to their most cherished beliefs. When the first space probes were proposed it was touted to confirm the all of the theories Einstein and the theoretical physicists have devised about the universe.
Instead, some scientists concede that many of their theories “Have been shot to hell by the space probes.” Additional space probes are being launched to try to figure out what the hell is going on that they still do not understand.
The prime factor in the confusion is the historic belief of the science community that magnetic field energy is so weak compared to gravity that it is totally irrelevant as the contributing factor to any phenomenon. Yet, the space probes have detected the involvement of magnetic field energy in almost every phenomenon that has defied explanation under the force of gravity. It was not until Aug. 12, 2010 in the “History” program the scientists finally stated, “Electricity and magnetism are one and the same thing. Magnetic storms are some of the most powerful forces in the solar system and they have been nearly completely overlooked by scientists.” And yet the scientists still consider gravity in almost every phenomenon and ignore the involvement of “weak” electromagnetic energy.
In the case of dark energy and dark matter, if you hold two magnets close together with their like poles facing each other, you can see and even feel the effect of the magnets repelling each other. Yet, you cannot really see anything between the magnets and you cannot feel anything between the magnets. The magnetic field energy actually passes right through your hand.
Yet, the scientists refuse to accept the fact that dark energy and dark matter is simply the existence of the very same magnetic field energy in the open space between the magnetic fields of all of the planets and stars. What will it take before the science community recognizes the extraordinary involvement of electromagnetic energy in the universe? Ignorance of the unknown is excusable. However, to me, this is bordering on stupidity to ignore a factor that is so clearly demonstrated and proven in order to adhere to a false belief.
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