On Gain of Function research and why Exiting the WHO and ending this research is critical
In case anyone has forgotten the #1 reason to ban Gain of Function (Biowarfare) research, it is because it simply cannot be conducted safely.
Lab workers get bitten by the infected animals or stabbed by their hypodermic needles, cultures are dropped, infected lab workers unknowingly expose others.
This is from a yearly federal report on accidents using dangerous microorganisms in high containment facilities, where 4 accidents continue to be reported weekly, week after week, year after year.

Then there is the problem that scientists share their viruses and reagents. The pandemic treaty draft below, which I screenshot, required nations to share pathogens with pandemic potential (biowarfare organisms) globally. What a disaster!

What does Gain of Function mean? I explain it below, and then reveal another pandemic treaty screenshot, which shows that the WHO actually wanted there to be LESS regulation of high containment lab research!

The risk of pandemics has been seriously hyped for the past 20 years. Furthermore, we have been propagandized to believe that pandemics come from “viral spillover” to humans, something that (apart from seasonal flu) almost never causes a pandemic.

Below you have my analysis of why the WHO and other multinational, globalist institutions have gone all out to convince us of their false pandemic narratives. They have spun this in such a way that it could give them total control over the planet.

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I thought this discussion was rather interesting:
Kevin Doyle
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‘Gain of Function’? What the F is that?
Translation into the King’s English: ‘Gain of Function’ = ‘Biological Weapon’.
Ask yourselves, “Self, why would a nice, decent country like China, determined to rule the world with the philosophy of Communism, possibly wish to develop a nasty biological warfare virus?”