Official Year-to-Year Death Rates Prove the Pandemic is a Fraud

For a quick and easy way to verify there is no deadly pandemic simply view the year-on-year annual excess mortality rates for various countries. These graphs prove mortality rates are now low to average.  Please share this post with any uninformed family, friends, and colleagues who meekly submit to the propaganda spewed by government and media.

In this example, we show from official EU data from the 24 nations that have been openly sharing and publishing their weekly excess death rates via the website.

Go to the site, and click on the link to graphs and maps here:

then scroll down the page till you reach the section:

Z-scores by country

Graphs of the weekly z-score at the national level in the EuroMOMO participating countries from week 1, 2015 until today (week 51 in the calendar year). The graphs are arranged to show the z scores. What is a z-score?

(Z-scores are used to standardize series and enable comparison mortality pattern between different populations or between different time periods).

Taken separately and as a whole, these graphs show that Europe is NOT now going through a “deadly pandemic.”

What anyone can see, if they scroll through the graphs from across the years – moving from left to right – is that we are currently seeing a very normal death rate pattern matching other years.

Many countries did see a somewhat higher peak in deaths in the Spring of 2020, but since then death rates across Europe are back in line with the average, and therefore there is no medical emergency or desperate shortage of hospital beds. Anyone claiming otherwise is either an ignorant fool or a liar.



Now let’s take a look at the U.S. where we can see that there is nothing remarkable about the death rate there, either. The graph below shows that 2020 may turn out the have a LOWER mortality rate than many other recent years:

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About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (17)

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    Unfortunately they spin it as lockdown has been woking.

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    Comparing cdc death numbers only to november 20 to previous years totalyearly death toll when considering the cdc data doesn’t count January of this year, 10 days of November and December.. now it is December 20 death are 2800000 and still January not counted yet last 10days. In usa every given month approximately 250000+ people die. So when you add January and end of the year the number will be 3 millionish..
    When you are printing something to scientifically debunk the narrative you Have to tell the truth. Other you are another misleading source they use to discredit and attack to the likes of us who don’t believe the total narrative either.

    To see the chart and whether if January is included or not link

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      Correction: monthly deaths any given year is not 250000+ but 220000ish.

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      John O'Sullivan


      Where is your evidence that the CDC somehow omitted January’s data from the total? Even if we allowed another 250,000 deaths for December the final tally would still be no more than 0.8 percent, just like in most other years.

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        it’s right there on the link i provided..counting stars from the first week of February. The explanation above the mortality chart also states that.
        I was not talking about the rate of increase ,I was talking about accuracy when providing a claim or else you cannot be taken seriously and this can be used against for your credibility.

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          John O'Sullivan


          Thanks, Zoe. Not really anything there then to back the claim a ‘deadly’ pandemic has been at work all year.

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            Zoe Phin


            Well, there is 455K more deaths this year than last. How much can be pinned on covid … is a different matter.

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            John O'Sullivan


            Zoe, We probably don’t have to look much further than New York and California for an explanation.

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    M Joseph


    Apparently, Switzerland has had a second wave of deaths this autumn (see above Figure). Sadly, Euromomo no longer allows to split the information by age, but if one goes to the Swiss Health Site BAG, which is freely available, one can see that all the excess mortality is in the >65 year bracket with a median age of 83; just as in April. All other age groups show a normal rate of mortality. So, no change there in the way the covid story is being spun.

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    Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire

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    Andy Rowlands


    Great article John 🙂

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      John O'Sullivan


      Thanks, Andy

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    Andy Rowlands


    Great article John.

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    The Grim Reaper


    If there has been a significant increase in the percentage death rate in 2020 relative to previous years, then I think you will find that most can be attributed to the 80+ age group. Whatever the cause or causes of any increase, all that may have happened is that those nearer the front of the queue outside death’s door this year may have been ushered through a little more quickly than usual. If true, then one might expect to see a significant drop in death rate below pre-2020 averages in 2021/22 as the weakest will already have been culled leaving the fitter to survive.

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      Alan Stewart


      Perfect reply and just like climate temps – up and down – increased heat creates higher lifespans. But also life expectancy has nearly doubled over the last century. As with the 20th century pandemics immunity will be created and life expectancy will increase as you said.

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