Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40% of Their Immunity
Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40 percent of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people.
Their immune systems are deteriorating at around five percent per week. If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have total immune system degradation, and zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.
The 5 PHE tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report, separated by 4 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s response.
People aged 40-69 have already lost 40 percent of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3 to 6.4 percent per week.
Weekly Decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaccinated people…
Everybody over 30 will have lost 100 percent of their entire immune capability for viruses and certain cancers within six months.
30-50 year olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and destroy the NHS.
The vaccine booster shots have to be the same as the vaccines themselves, because it takes forever to do clinical trials and get approval for something different.
So if you take a booster shot, these figures show that you are giving yourself an even faster progressive form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (after a couple of months of effectiveness).
Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status…
Cases reported by specimen date between week 32 and week 35 2021 –
Cases reported by specimen date between week 33 and week 36 2021 –
Cases reported by specimen date between week 34 and week 37 2021 –
Cases reported by specimen date between week 35 and week 38 2021 –
Cases reported by specimen date between week 36 and week 39 2021 –
Pfizer originally claimed a 95 percent efficiency for their vaccine (calculated as in the last column above).
The figures above indicate that their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time).
But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency, they progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised.
They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination.
See more here:
Header image: Reuters / Henry Nicholls
Editor’s note: Should we now expect to see millions of deaths in the coming months?
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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I have often criticised PSI for reproducing articles that draw conclusions based on total numbers rather than infection rates which we finally have here and the results are shocking, especially for anybody over 40. They explain why the “vaccines” are not reducing the number of cases and why everybody should be refusing them and the booster, but it is too late for that now. Even more shocking is that the MSM does not report this and the government is ignoring it.
Terry Shipman
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This is scary and I pray it’s not true. But…
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I hope it’s not true as well, but if it is, we will see large numbers of people dying from the common cold.
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and the deaths will be blamed on the unvaxd
Ken Hughes
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Well, we all knew this was coming didn’t we, and now it is arriving before our eyes. We were warned but people ignored the warnings, dismissing them as “conspiracy Theory”.
I really didn’t want to be in a position of being able to say, “I told you so”, that would be cruel.
This is genocide and I’m afraid many people will not wake up to that fact until it is too late for them. Some will even have the temerity to blame us non vaccinated for their predicament. I guess they will have to blame somebody and it can’t be government because that would be admitting they themselves had been duped. No, it’s got to be our fault hasn’t it.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Commenters,
If one actually reads THE HOLY BIBLE and ponders that which one reads, it is pretty plain that we are expected to have faith that GOD will take care of us if we only BELIEVE that HE WILL. For we are reminded that the WAYS of GOD are not the ways of men. Consider the story of SAMSON!!! Consider stories SAUL who became PAUL!!! And the stories of the prophets of the Old Testament!!! ECT. ECT.
Have a good day, Jerry
Terry Shipman
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Jerry, I’ve been pondering that a lot lately. My faith is in God and I know His Son will deliver me through these difficulties. It has been well said that God will not always save us FROM tribulations but he will always save us THROUGH tribulations if we trust in Him. I bear that in mind as we face going through these troubled times.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Scot and Herb,
A fact is that Galileo and Johannes Kepler were devout Christians who did not keep their thought about the Creator God of the Holy Bible and being Christians believed that Jesus Christ died and rose again because HE (Jesus) was seen by many people after he had arisen.
Newton was a Christian who did not keep his belief a Secret in his book.
These are perilous times and I have been trying to encourage other like Terry. John O’ has decided not to censure anyone’s ideas and I have just written and submitted a comment in which one cannot find the word GOD. However, in your comment I find the word GOD two times and not one word about about SCIENCE as you try to Silence (censure) Terry and I.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Terry and PSI Readers,
I had just completed the following comment and was questioning where I should share it with PSI Readers. And this seemed as good a place as any.
This is most true when one does not even try to see the obvious; to even look at the DATA which is being measured by INSTRUMENTS. Or even to READ that which Galileo wrote in 1638 and was translated to English by Henry Crew & Alfonso de Salvio and published in 1914.
If one has not read Galileo’s book, or have been told what he wrote, one cannot know that Galileo began: “The constant activity which you Venetians display in your famous arsenal suggests to the studious mind a large field for investigation; for in this department all types of instruments and machines are constantly being constructed by many artisans, … .).
STUDIOUS because if a reader’s mind does not have this quality it probably be a waste of time to read further. By stating this I do not imply all readers should be studiously interested in the ideas of SCIENCE. We are all different and have been given different INTERESTS and SKILLS.
INSTRUMENTS because they are required to make QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENTS (DATA) of any kind.
ARTISANS because they were the common people of Venus who were inventing the instruments to see quantitative details that could not be SEEN with the NAKED-EYE. However, consider what astronomers know about the INSTRUMENTS that Tycho Brahe designed, and had constructed, which allowed him to make the precise naked-eye measurements (DATA) which allowed Johannes Kepler to mathematically analyze Brahe’s DATA and to discover the first three (3) mathematical (quantitative) LAWS of PHYSICAL SCIENCE.
And the most important fact about SCIENCE is that it is founded on the cooperative efforts of many INDIVIDUALS who make VERY CAREFUL measurements NOT KNOWING what, if anything, might be discovered by others.
Hence, the NEED of PSI!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
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EVERYONE thinks THEIR “God” is the the be all, end all. I have my own beliefs but I don’t think I should push MY beliefs on everyone else, everywhere I can post MY spiritual beliefs and it gets real old for you bible thumping, holy rollers constantly posting about your “God”. Why don’t you just your pie hole and stop shoving your impossible to verify beliefs in everyone’s face? We don’t come to places like this to get religion sermons from you.
Herb Rose
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Hi scott,
very old white guy
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If not here, where? I would guess you avoid Jesus at all costs.
Herb Rose
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What Scott is pointing out is that everybody has their own concept of God which is how it should be. God is not limited to our comprehension of Him and everyone sees God differently, just as in the case of the seven blind men and the elephant. Just because your understanding is right for you doesn’t means it is right for everyone and they are wrong. Christians believe God is in the heavens looking down on them. The Native Americans believed God was in the tree, the stream, the land, and the animals. Whose concept was more accurate?
John Salamito
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Without many christians favour the view of ‘god’ that you attribute to them, however this idea that “God is in the heavens looking down” is quite simply not what Christ said. Anyways, I don’t believe this is a forum for theology but just wanted to make the point that what you said is wrong, even if “christians” believe that. I mean, “scientists” believe that CO2 heats the earth’s surface, right? So that is true science.
Herb Rose
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Hi John,
We agree that this is not the appropriate form, which is what Scott said. All my early education was in a Christian school and every morning we began with “Our Father, who art in heaven …”
Doug Harrison
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All of the happenings in the above article were predicted around June last year. the article I read here on PSI (but did not save) quite plainly stated that the spike protein would make the infected persons immune system aware of only sars cov 2 and that the lymphocytes would ignore all other infections.
A Reasonable Man
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This is a pretty apocalyptic projection if I am interpreting this study correctly. If your right most of my family has very shortened life expectancy. (I am the only one unvacced) If your wrong it will be pretty damaging to PSI ‘s credibility. How confident are you guys in the probability that this is accurate?
Herb Rose
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Hi reasonable,
People are losing jobs, friends, becoming social pariahs, basically betting their lives on the conviction that these shots are deadly. We don’t see anyone keeling over dead like the first newscast showed which indicates it was always a fraud. Look up an interview Geert Vandeer Boscche did back in December when the vaccinations began and see how accurate his predictions were.
A Reasonable Man
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Yea I get that. But the article seems to imply that peoples entire immune system is being destroyed not just immunity from “the virus”. If the vaccinated individual s are really developing an AIDS like condition at that rate , well you would think people all around us would already be very sickly.
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Hi Reasonable,
The deaths and injuries from the shots now are immediate responses. The true horror will be when the flu season hits and the ADE and autoimmune reactions begin. When they tested a mRNA vaccine on animals for SARS-1 they all survived and showed immunity to the first exposure. It was the second exposure that killed them. By making the body concentrate its immune response to one protein (that the body is producing) it leaves it totally vulnerable to variations of that protein or other infections.
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We know these Vax are leaky vaccines, which means the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus. Farmers have great experience with this, and when their herds get ahold if a leaky vaccine? Within a year the entire heard is dead due to constant illness. Look to THAT data, since we can confirm this one is leaky as well. I pray the timeline for the vaxxed is not so swift, and that there is some sort of correction or treatment in the works. We all need to pray.
David Elmore
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I have to say, I don’t really get it. I failed to understand the data presented in the tables in this article, so I clicked on the link to the data provided by the PHE and I frankly still don’t get it. Neither this article nor the PHE article explain what is being measured in these tables or what the week numbers mean. Is this weeks since their vaccination?. The PHE data is presented from the standpoint of vaccine efficacy degradation and not overall immune system health. How does the author come to the conclusion this data means overall immune system health? Very fuzzy to me.
Double check man
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I agree with you. The tables referred to are relating to new cases and do not mention anything about immunity or antibodies. I fear this author is playing on the pre-existent knowledge that immunity is a hot topic with this vaccine.
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Look into animals and leaky vaccines. We know these Vax are leaky vaccines, which means the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus. Farmers have great experience with this, and when their herds get ahold if a leaky vaccine? Within a year the entire heard is dead due to constant illness. Look to THAT data, since we can confirm this one is leaky as well. Leaky vaccines always promote the destruction of the immune system. That made a lot more sense to me and WHY as opposed to trying to breakdown this data.
A Reasonable Man
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There are other possibilities besides the jab being a “kill shot”. If it is the perpetrators themselves are going to be running for there lives.
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I suspect this article is completely bogus.
The data is made up. If you look at the raw data then is no mention of immuine assessment.
The writer has simply concocted a questionable formula to derive their results.
Peoples immune system is almost never tested, let alone even knowing how one would do that.
There are some measurements that can give an insight, but there is no official way I am aware of that gives you an IMMUNE NUMBER per se.
Websites that allow such articles to be published lose all their reputation in doing so.
Also, if true, AND if every vaccinated person received the same, then the human population would mostly cease to exist within a few years. Clearly absurd, even under the BG reduce population scenario.
I am currently wondering of the possiblity though, that many people actually received just a saline solution, and only X% actually received a genuine vaccine. Pure speculation for now. For now, only a minute % of people have actually died from the vaccine.
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I recall reading that someone – a whistleblower – who had worked at Pfizer or Moderna – I’m not sure which drug company it was – said that not only were half of the covid “vaccine” vials nothing but saline, but that in the vials that did contain the “vaccine” there were several different dosages, and that the dosages varied widely. Make no mistake about it, those of us who allowed ourselves to be poisoned by the “vaccine” are guinea pigs. The trials are ongoing.
On the vaccination card all the relevant information about who got what is written by the personnel who do the record keeping as the wretches get their injections. (I mean to say there are the bookkeepers and there are the jab-givers, and they work together to make sure the records are rigorously kept.) For example: the time the vax was administered, down to the exact minute of the day it was given, the name of the nurse or other medical person who gave the shot, and last but not least, the batch number and any other identifying specifics about exactly what the vaxed person was injected with. The government, the medical system, and the drug companies have all this information.
I became extremely sick after getting the second dose of the Pfizer vax. I was very sick for months. Six months later I am living with lasting, serious injuries, mostly neurological, but also systemic. I will never allow myself to get another vaccine – for any reason whatsoever – for the rest of my life.
Whenever I hear someone say “I didn’t get any side effects at all from the vaccine” I know they must have gotten a placebo.
I am so angry about what has happened to me because of the covid poison injection and because of the evil we are currently living with in the form of global totalitarianism and fascism that I hope all the terrified, brainwashed, hard-core believers in the Covidian Cult become extremely sick and die after one of their soon-to-be-mandated booster shots. But I’m sure half the booster shots will be placebo, too, so they’ll go on living in their Covidian Cult reality. They gladly welcome the New Normal of totalitarianism. I consider them to be exactly the same as the German citizens who welcomed the Nazis’ fascist takeover of the entire German government and society in 1933.
Phil Inman
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I’m amazed to see so many in the Patriot movement are Christian. But it is not a Christian only movement. I personally feel a debt owed to men who gave their life in the revolutionary war. After that, lots of dishonesty and manipulation. Like Roosevelt’s provoking of the Japanese or the Tonkin Gulf false flag. Right now we have a righteous cause in our fight for our freedoms and those of our offspring. Whether Christian or not. We all know that much of our hope lies in the awakening of all possible to swell our ranks and shrink theirs. I’m sad so few know who are the as yet still concealed enemy. I’m certain they are anxious to rise to “in our face” control over us. And I know this audience is one of the few that has a number of members that know who owns the Media that support and propagate the lies, who bribes and blackmails so many in power, Who also own the Pharma Industry, manipulate the money, and have been at war against our western culture for 2000 years. Would be great if everybody came to know Jesus. But we can be fellow soldiers either way. Don’t you think? If you haven’t seen the Video “A detailed analysis of the shroud of Turin” Ck it out. We have a stroboscopic, x ray, photographic record in orthogonal projection of the few seconds during which Jesus reentered his lifeless body. Clear and distinct movements are recorded just as one might imagine would be done in such a circumstance.
very old white guy
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This not the only site that has suggested through information that our immune systems will be compromised by the not-vaccines. We shall see, projections of two to five years have been speculated.
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I think that these “controversial” articles should be marked with a clear PSI dissociation from the conclusions drawn.
To conclude that we don’t have appropriate methodology/data/experience/foresight to extrapolate the covidian immunity data into AIS would be an honest deduction of this article; but no, they had to copy-cat the corrupt MSM and issue a bomb-shell!
Does anyone really think that many recipients of those experimental injections will die from common cold by end of coming winter? OTOH, we should appreciate that the main justification behind those injections will evaporate, hopefully, as well as the spell “powers-that-should-not-be” hold over their sheople.
Please do recall these wise words by Albert Camus:
The only way to fight the plague is by being honest.
And I think the term “plague” is open to interpretation…
Cheers, JaKo
Jerry Krause
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Hi JaKo,
Totally agree!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40 of Their Immunity | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Sonja Shaffer
Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40 of Their Immunity | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Lyman Tragesser
Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40 of Their Immunity | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Concepcion Dejoseph
Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40 of Their Immunity | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Lester Mailloux
Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40 of Their Immunity | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Shayne Arvie
Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40 of Their Immunity | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Israel Saulino