Official Emails Reveal How ‘Natural Origin’ of COVID19 Was Spun

Newly obtained emails offer glimpses into how a narrative of certainty developed about the natural origins of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, while key scientific questions remained. The internal discussions and an early draft of a scientists’ letter show experts discussing gaps in knowledge and unanswered questions about lab origin, even as some sought to tamp down on “fringe” theories about the possibility the virus came from a lab.

Influential scientists and many news outlets have described the evidence as “overwhelming” that the virus originated in wildlife, not from a lab. However, a year after the first reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, little is known how or where the virus originated. Understanding the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, may be crucial to preventing the next pandemic.

The emails of coronavirus expert Professor Ralph Baric — obtained through a public records request by U.S. Right to Know — show conversations between National Academy of Sciences (NAS) representatives, and experts in biosecurity and infectious diseases from U.S. universities and the EcoHealth Alliance.

On Feb. 3, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) to “convene meeting of experts… to assess what data, information and samples are needed to address the unknowns, in order to understand the evolutionary origins of 2019-nCoV, and more effectively respond to both the outbreak and any resulting misinformation.”

Baric and other infectious disease experts were involved in drafting the response. The emails show the experts’ internal discussions and an early draft dated Feb. 4.

The early draft described “initial views of the experts” that “the available genomic data are consistent with natural evolution and that there is currently no evidence that the virus was engineered to spread more quickly among humans.” This draft sentence posed a question, in parentheses: “[ask experts to add specifics re binding sites?]” It also included a footnote in parentheses: “[possibly add brief explanation that this does not preclude an unintentional release from a laboratory studying the evolution of related coronaviruses].”

In one email, dated Feb. 4, infectious disease expert Trevor Bedford commented: “I wouldn’t mention binding sites here. If you start weighing evidence there’s a lot to consider for both scenarios.” By “both scenarios,” Bedford appears to refer to lab-origin and natural-origin scenarios.

The question of binding sites is important to the debate about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. Distinctive binding sites on SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein confer “near-optimal” binding and entry of the virus into human cells, and make SARS-CoV-2 more contagious than SARS-CoV. Scientists have argued that SARS-CoV-2’s unique binding sites could have originated either as a result of natural spillover in the wild or deliberate laboratory recombination of an as-yet-undisclosed natural ancestor of SARS-CoV-2.

The final letter published Feb. 6 did not mention binding sites or the possibility of a laboratory origin. It does make clear that more information is necessary to determine the origins of SARS-CoV-2. The letter states, “The experts informed us that additional genomic sequence data from geographically – and temporally – diverse viral samples are needed to determine the origin and evolution of the virus. Samples collected as early as possible in the outbreak in Wuhan and samples from wildlife would be particularly valuable.”

The emails show some experts discussing the need for clear language to counter what one described as “crackpot theories” of lab origin. Kristian Andersen, lead author of an influential Nature Medicine paper asserting a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, said the early draft was “great, but I do wonder if we need to be more firm on the question of engineering.” He continued, “If one of the main purposes of this document is to counter those fringe theories, I think it’s very important that we do so strongly and in plain language…”

In his response, Baric aimed at conveying a scientific basis for SARS-CoV-2’s natural origin. “I do think we need to say that the closest relative to this virus (96%) was identified from bats circulating in a cave in Yunnan, China. This makes a strong statement for animal origin.”

The final letter from the NASEM presidents does not take a position on the virus origin. It states that, “Research studies to better understand the origin of 2019-nCoV and how it relates to viruses found in bats and other species are already underway. The closest known relative of 2019-nCoV appears to be a coronavirus identified from bat-derived samples collected in China.” The letter referenced two studies that were conducted by EcoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Institute of Virology. Both posit a natural origin for SARS-CoV-2.

A few weeks later, the NASEM presidents’ letter appeared as an authoritative source for an influential scientists’ statement published in The Lancet that conveyed far more certainty about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. USRTK previously reported that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak drafted that statement, which asserted that “scientists from multiple countries…overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” This position, the statement notes, is “further supported by a letter from the presidents of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.”

The subsequent appointments of Peter Daszak and other EcoHealth Alliance allies to The Lancet COVID19 Commission and Daszak to the World Health Organization’s investigations of SARS-CoV-2’s origins means the credibility of these efforts are undermined by conflicts of interest, and by the appearance that they have already pre-judged the matter at hand.


“issues we should probably avoid”

The Baric emails also show a NAS representative suggesting to U.S. scientists they should “probably avoid” questions about SARS-CoV-2’s origin in bilateral meetings they were planning with Chinese COVID-19 experts. The emails in May and June 2020 discussed plans for the meetings. Participating American scientists, many of whom are members of the NAS Standing Committee on emerging infectious diseases and 21st-century health threats, included Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, David Franz, James Le Duc, Stanley Perlman, David Relman, Linda Saif, and Peiyong Shi.

The participating Chinese scientists included George Gao, Zhengli Shi, and Zhiming Yuan. George Gao is Director of China CDC. Zhengli Shi leads the coronavirus research at Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Zhiming Yuan is Director of WIV.

In an email to American participants about a planning session, NAS Senior Program Officer Benjamin Rusek described the purpose of the meeting: “to fill you in on the dialogue background, discuss the topics/questions (list in your invitation letter and attached) and issues we should probably avoid (origin questions, politics)…”

For more information:

Link to University of North Carolina Professor Ralph Baric’s emails can be found here: Baric emails (83,416 pages)


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Comments (7)

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    Tom O


    I keep reading these hoping that I will find where someone compared a virus to a virus, but I have yet to find any that dispute the fact that SARS-CoV-2 is only a simulation of what someone decided the parts they saw made up. I don’t believe this virus exists in any place other than a database. However, these “experts” have all managed to say a lot that have added ” mysticism” to the “virus.” This virus is nearly as if not more magical than the magic molecule, CO2.

    It has been used to frighten an entire world into giving up God’s greatest gifts to us, our free will and freedom. The mass vaccinations with vaccines designed to sterilize and set up the recipient for a fatal case will swiftly generate the depopulation of the world that the elitists so want. And without having to fire a “shot” other than with a hypodermic needle.

    What the “elitists” tend to forget is that innovations and giant leaps in science tend to come from the poorer people of the planet, not the elitists. They all rode to the top on the backs of humble people, and not on their own efforts. Oh some of them may have “executed” what they were taught better than the under educated genius, but it is the “spark” that counts, not the execution. They cannot replace human ingenuity or “out of the box” thinking with AI, so they will stagnate in their little castles when Earth decides the honeymoon – or interglacial – is over, and they need something remarkably inventive to haul that freezing butts out of the icebox. Tough. That would have been the son of that poor couple that were considered “useless eaters” that would have been the spark, but he never was allowed to be born.


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      Hi Tom O,
      There is another explanation why this mystic object seems just that — inexplicable, when, in fact, it just may be chimeric and possibly traceable to its origin, that may be over 7k miles away from Wuhan. (article @Unz)
      Also, the “free will” may be just another illusion — see the conveniently timed program(me) on friendly BBC?
      Lastly, the “elitists” you describe may be only the visible jesters and the “movers & shakers” (Bills, Jeffs, Marks, Klauses etc.) who act as front-persons for the true World’s Deep State…
      I don’t dispute your opinions, I’m just trying to bring more doubt into the “mystery” of C19 and the “nature” of the world we have suddenly found ourselves in — “Pink Pill” anyone?
      Cheers, JaKo


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    Brian James


    Apr 5, 2020 ΝYC ΙCU Dr Says COVID-19 Patient Symptoms Do Not Look Like SARS or Pneumonia

    He says that the symptoms look like Oxygen deprivation. That is exactly what Dr Jack Kruse predicted we would see from 60GHz 5G wireless radiation as it effects the ability of hemoglobin to uptake O2 in our lungs.


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    How is it that people continue to ponder the origin of a virus that has never been isolated own identified? This latest scam by the Zionist elite (planned for at least 10 years) is just another medical hoax like the bird flu, swine flu or the fake AIDS “epidemic.” Just a con-job with a fake virus, fake test and fake numbers. The insiders and their political actors are just conditioning the cattle with the useless and harmful masks and other edicts in violation of individual natural rights.

    Has everyone forgotten the usual hype by the MSM at the beginning? The “overflowing” empty hospitals , the “medical tents” in Central Park, the phony calls for the deadly respirators, the antiquated “:hospital ship” and the 24-7 hype with the fake numbers with no alternative opinion allowed. Now that the fake (and highly profitable for the insiders) vaccine is out, the fake numbers will go down and the cycles will be reduced on the fake PCR test so the MSM whores will report that it is a success.

    Reporter Jon Rappaport explains the vaccine Fraud:
    For the past 30 years, I’ve written about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines, including the new COVID vaccine.

    I’ve written about cutting edge nanotechnology research and its use, in vaccines, as implanted sensors, which would surveil body and brain processes in real time, and also send instructions to the body and brain.

    I’ve written about the absurdity of basic vaccine theory; the unproven notion that the body needs a “rehearsal,” in order to prepare for the “real disease.”

    I’ve written about how vaccines, in suppressing the immune system and its full inflammatory response, also suppress the outward signs of diseases, thus presenting a false picture of conquest of those diseases—when in fact the overall health and vitality of the body are reduced.

    I’ve written about how criminal word games are played. For example, vaccines causing brain damage in children are shunted into a category called “autism”; and then, researchers claim autism is a separate disease with a genetic cause.

    I’ve written about the destructive effects of a hundred years of wall-to-wall promotion of the one-disease-one-germ lie.

    I’ve written about DNA vaccines permanently altering the genetic makeup of the recipients.

    I’ve written about vaccines used to cause miscarriages in women when they later become pregnant.

    But this article is about something else.

    It’s about the dawn of a new pharmaceutical era, which was born the moment the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine was approved.

    This marks the first time RNA technology deployed in a drug or vaccine has been dragged across the finish line and conditionally certified as safe and effective—which it is not.

    But no matter. Bill Gates and other elite planners and money titans have won what for them is a great victory.

    Because RNA vaccines are much faster, easier, and cheaper to produce than traditional vaccines.

    Instead of years in the making, they can be developed in months.

    And this means…bonanza.

    Whole lists of so-called diseases—West Nile, Bird Flu, Zika, Swine Flu, SARS—can now be brought to soaring profits by making RNA vaccines to “prevent them.”

    And not only that, a whole parade of older vaccines—hepatitis, measles, seasonal flu, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, etc., can be recast with brand new updated RNA versions.

    Researchers can pretend to discover a whole slew of “new viruses” that require RNA vaccines jammed into the marketplace in record time.

    Don’t forget the domesticated animal market; RNA vaccines for every conceivable invented purpose sold to big corporations that operate cattle, pig, chicken, and fish “factories.”

    We’re talking about trillions and trillions of dollars. More dollars than Amazon dreams of.

    This is why the Pfizer RNA COVID vaccine is first in line, and why the Moderna RNA vaccine is next.

    Quick, easy, and cheap RNA technology will mean endless numbers of new vaccines. And therefore, a day will come when every person routinely takes a DNA test to establish a profile, and every profile will be fitted to customized sets of vaccines.

    In the same way that cosmetics are designed for every shade of skin tone, vaccines will be designed for every DNA profile.

    The whole apparatus will be a highly dangerous and ineffective hoax, but what else is new? Vaccines have been a hoax since the beginning. We’re talking about MONEY.

    So much money, pharmaceutical companies will be bankrolled directly by governments, after a currency reset makes new money invented out of thin air replace the old “thin air money.” Patients will receive all these vaccines “for free.” Governments will pay the vaccines companies.


    Unless the people rebel and refuse the vaccines—no matter what.

    If you think the futuristic vaccine-world I’m describing could only be a fantasy, what would masks, distancing, lockdowns, and planetary destruction of national economies have been called 15 years ago?

    Think of past vaccines as giant clunky IBM computers sitting in empty rooms…and future vaccines as cell phones carried by billions of people.

    Because RNA technology opened the door to faster, easier, and cheaper production.

    What remains the same—past, present, and future—is FREEDOM.

    The natural right to say NO. And mean it, come hell or high water.

    CODA: What could be more awkward and foolish than the Pfizer regimen for their COVID vaccine? A first shot followed by a later booster.

    I don’t care how many apps and reminders are built into this system. The fall-off from the first shot to the second will be enormous. People will opt out, after they experience severe adverse effects from the initial injection. They’ll forget to show up according to the prescribed schedule.

    As I’ve detailed, the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials of their vaccines were only designed to prevent mild illness—a cough, or chills and fever. Not serious illness. Not hospitalization. Not death. And cough, chills, and fever cure themselves. No need for a vaccine.

    But none of this makes any difference to the vaccine kings. They and their public health colleagues can easily rig COVID case numbers in a downward direction—and then claim the success of the vaccine is the reason and the cause.

    No, commercially speaking, the point of gaining approval of the vaccine was planting the flag of RNA technology in the marketplace.

    This is the equivalent of building the first railroad tracks, digging the first big canals, flying the first air freight carriers.

    New markets, new products, new customers, new money.

    Marry these with a vast weakening of human vitality and a strengthening of control over populations, through vaccination, and you have the fascist Holy Grail.

    Resistance and revolt are not luxuries.

    They’re necessities of life.


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      Hi Mark,
      A great comment!
      I think it would be prudent to mention that the first few “rounds” of the vaccines may be just watered-down “substance” — just to prove THEY WORK! And the associated logistics is well tested and tuned. And then, as people are almost returning to their former lives and don’t suspect it, the real A21 stuffing will be rolled out …
      Cheers, JaKo


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        Markm Tapley


        No doubt Big Pharma will make the first initial phase as innocuous as possible as they conditioni the cattle to believe they need constant medical intervention and monitoring. The result will be a weakened immune system and there will be debilitating side effects both near and long term. Forest Maready exposes previous vaccine crimes in his books “The Moth and the Iron Lung” detailing the polio scam and with “The Autism vaccine” explaining the devastation of the neuro-toxin aluminum. He also covers the nerve damage caused by vaccines to the spinal cortex at the base of the brain in “Crooked.” for the whole history of the vaccine scam (they have never worked and are always dangerous) read Suzanne Humphries MD book “Dissolving Illusions.”


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    They removed your link to FACEBOOK.


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