Nutritional deficiency causes most disease
In this insane age of vaccine obsession it is worth remembering a proven medical axiom: nutritional deficiency causes most disease. You can readily avoid most common illnesses by ensuring you supplement your diet with a range of off-the-shelf supplements. It’s a workable ‘health insurance policy’ most of us overlook.
Our modern western diet is causing many people to suffer with nutritional deficiencies. We too often eat food which doesn’t contain enough proteins and nutrients needed by the body to be healthy. In fact, modern diets could be killing us, suggests a major study published in the Lancet medical journal.
The COVID-19 pandemic is waking up very many more people to the notion that popping a pill or two each day can be a prophylactic effect against coronavirus.
Our bodies need quality food that contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats. In an ideal world, a balanced diet would provide those nutrients in your meal. However, our craving for convenience, fast food, obsession with added sugar and salt means we too often fail to eat a balanced and nutritious diet which often leads to deficiency of nutrients that, in turn, may lead to certain diseases.
There are several diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies. There are no fewer than 10 known diseases where nutritional deficiencies are a proven cause – see here. [1]
Recently, the medical science community discovered that hydroxcholoroquine, plus zinc and vitamin C was a proven early treatment for COVID-19 despite the best efforts of the corrupt media and Big Pharma to persuade us otherwise.
The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) has issued some expert guidance on what we can all do to protect ourselves. This advice is for a Low risk patient: Younger than 45, no comorbidities, and clinically stable, see below.
High risk patient: Older than 45, younger than 45 with comorbidities, or clinically unstable. Note that treatment may be extended beyond 7 days by your doctor in certain situations. Certain nutraceuticals can be taken for longer periods or even considered for longterm daily use.
The AAPS tells us to help prevent infection from COVID-19 do the following:
If you already have the onset of symptoms then consider doing the following:
Physicians worldwide are prescribing therapies that are effective at reducing hospitalization and death from COVID-19. They have reason to be hopeful based on clinical experience and studies. The current NIH guidelines convey therapeutic nihilism by recommending NO specific treatment until shortness of breath requires hospitalization.

and symptoms begin to worsen, there are multiple aggressive treatment protocols that can be implemented to
prevent hospitalization.
professionals around the world. Most recently, monoclonal antibody therapies have been approved, on an emergency basis by the FDA. They are given as a one-time outpatient IV infusion for high-risk patients and may help prevent hospitalization.
About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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Tom O
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As far as I am concerned, any “advice” from an outfit that ends with vaccination when available, is difficult for me to accept, but as for the rest of it, it is strange to see AARP advice NOT pushing “run to your doctor and grovel at his feet for pills.” No, I don’t have a very high opinion of them as an advocacy group.
In the world of 150 years ago, a balanced diet should have been all we needed. That balanced diet, even if the foods you got today contained the same quality and quantity of nutrients, won’t be enough to overcome the damage done by man made chemical compounds and EMF. Although we have some control over the chemical exposure we all face, the EMF is an ever growing issue that is requiring greater and greater amounts of nutrients for cellular survival. A line from a song, “killing me softly with his song,” comes to mind, as the song is delivered by wifi, bluetooth, and satellite radio. Don’t take that to mean I think it coming in over FM is any better, and only marginally so over AM.
Convenience is destroying us, physically, and western medicine with big Pharma, are prolonging existence, maybe, but not living. The only hope we do have in the world right now, is the supplement industry, but even there, too many companies have moved into it “for the buck” and not for the people. I think they are offshoots of big Pharma which would like to end the supplement industry altogether, so they are willing to spend a few million to see the billions added to their coffers when we no longer have the opportunity to choose nutritional support instead of Pharmaceutical support.
I did chuckle at the comment “at the first sign of symptoms,” though, since it seemed, the last time I looked, just about every symptom of anything was considered a symptom of COVID. Having read the many articles regarding the potential of the vaccines to cause overreacting immune systems, I have come to the position that I will avoid them completely if at all possible. My reasoning for that is this – if they DO cause you to have the cytokine attacks that are suggested should you come in contact with the virus in the wild, then the hospitals will be so over loaded that the deaths from infection will be incredibly high – especially since those that have been first vaccinated will be those that are needed to treat you, the doctors, nurses, and lab technicians. What a “perfect storm” the system has been set up for.
I can still hear those chilling words in my mind’s ear – “I call this pandemic 1. When we have pandemic 2, and we will, it will be more lethal, and then people will listen.” It seems almost a “prophecy” that this “fake virus” is actually part of the real virus that is still safely contained, waiting for the world to be vaccinated with this mRNA vaccine, and when the percentage gets high enough, “hello, real virus! Restart the incinerators, Joe, we have to get rid of these bodies somehow!”
Doug Harrison
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I, having been a very active risk taker all my life (85 years) have had a great many interactions with doctors. Not once did any of them ever advise me on the best sort of nutrition to have a long and healthy life. One group wanted to fuse my lumbar vertebrae. I walked out on them and subsequently, aged 31 played rugby for 3 years and, following that, squash for a further 20 years. In another event, aged 21, I rotated my spine 10 degrees at the fifth lumbar but could not see a Dr for 10 days so that the bruising had disappeared so was advised by a Dr to “rub some linament on it”, leaving me in severe pain for 2 years till I could get chiropractic adjustment. What a relief that was! There are many more stories I could tell but this is my personal experience with the modern medical profession so you can see that I have very little confidence in any doctor that has been trained under the Rockefeller owned medical school system.
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The two comments above explain to me perfectly why the elderly are being targeted as a priority. They do not want people with life experience being able to voice their memories. They will exterminate 95% of us as planned and it is happening now. Only WE can stop them.