Nurse Collapses on Live TV after having COVID Vaccination
Let’s not kid ourselves any longer. The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest crime perpetrated on humanity and more people are going to suffer life-long adverse effects or death from being coerced into taking a ‘rushed through’ vaccine most people do not want or need anyway.
There is a growing body of ‘gotcha’ video evidence that reveals politicians and media personalities are faking taking their COVID ‘shots’ on camera while hapless guinea pigs are actually being injected for real and suffering adverse reactions, or worse.
This is criminality on a global scale and fooling no one with even a semblance of skepticism or actual scientific knowledge and our anger is growing.
The mainstream fake news media is unrelenting in spewing their propaganda. They are going full pelt in trying to frighten humanity into taking a DNA-altering vaccine to fight a“virus” (yet not isolated, or proven to exist) which is demonstrably no worse than any normal flu. It probably is mostly flu but the junk PCR tests muddy the waters and last week the WHO finally admitted ‘COVID19 PCR Test Has A ‘Problem’.’
In fact, the risks posed by the vaccine far outweigh the dangers from the ‘virus’. As tens of thousands of doctors and medical professionals in the Great Barrington Declaration and elsewhere have been asking:
Why do we need the vaccine? Where is the Pandemic anyway?
Why do we need a Vaccine again?
Watch below as this unsuspecting healthy young medical worker collapses soon after being injected with this poison…..
Earlier this month we provided our readers with a helpful, simple diagrammatic to show ‘How To Spot A Real Pandemic Versus Fake Pandemic.’ For convenience and emphasis we post again, below:
Humanity is being subjected to the biggest medical experiment ever performed on a gullible and coerced population….
‘Miraculously’, the world no longer experiences significant cases of pneumonia or flu – all such diseases have now been replaced by ‘COVID’ – and even our medical authorities are part of the criminal conspiracy because they no longer are separately accounting for COVID-19 and influenza cases.
As we reported last month,the ‘CDC (& UK Govt) Stop Tracking Influenza For 2020-21 Flu Season.‘ It’s all going to plan according to Dr. Birx:
Above uploading to Brighteon channel:
So how does an entire political class in almost every first world country acquiesce to this nonsense?
We can be sure that their kickbacks from Big Pharma and the globalists bent on mass depopulation have a hand in it.
QUESTIONING COVID: Experts Speak out:
Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic.
Beforeitsnews sums it up well:
“We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an instrument for geopolitical and social control – largely in the form of a vaccination agenda – to subdue the populace through coerced and forced bodily penetration and associated disability, mortality, and surveillance. As a result, conventional Western medicine functions as a sort of religion based on consensus assumptions and dogmatic medical monotheistic posturing. At its core, this approach is not salugenic or scientific and thus violates its stated ethical parameters around informed consent, beneficence, and an uncompromised evidence base.
We believe that citizens should be free to exercise their natural right to practice medicine as they see fit – in retention both of bodily sovereignty and civil liberties. To that end, we orient ourselves around the foundational premises that the body is inherently wise, that symptoms are meaningful, and that radical healing is eminently possible when we align with the earth and honor our place in the natural world.”
At Principia Scientific International (PSI) we are fortunate to have a growing global community of scientists and medical professionals, plus knowledgeable readers, more than capable of discerning the truth from the fiction.
We simply ask that we collectively take some responsibility to share such information with those less fortunate to have our insight so that they may see for themselves the evil being perpetrated on our families, friends, co-workers, neighbors and fellow citizens.
Unless we collectively say ‘Enough!’ this will never end. A Great Awakening must happen and it must come soon!
About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Herb Rose
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It appears to me that the new vaccine is not an attempt to prevent the spread of the disease but to promote it.
The vaccine does not give the recipient immunity from getting the disease but only lessens the symptoms of the disease. A person who has received the vaccine will not believe they have the disease because they have been vaccinated and because they are not feeling terrible will continue their normal activity, spreading it.
With this new type of vaccine they will not be getting the long lasting immunity normally resulting from illness even when they contract the disease, which will result in them being vulnerable to a more severe case of the disease later.
Mark Tapley
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Principia Scientific and others reported that this fake vaccine for the fake virus is likely to “open the back door” to the immune system for many real viruses as it did in the cats that all died as a result of this “side effect.” Fauci’s Swine flu vaccine several years ago killed ap. 300 people and injured thousands. All the cucks with their face diapers should line up and get some.
Vaccines bypass the immune system and have always caused lots more harm than good. Read the “Autism Vaccine, Crooked and The Moth in the Iron Lung” by Forest Maready. For the History of the whole vaccine scam read “Dissolving Illusions” by Suzanne Humphries MD.
In the last few years many people have gotten sick from the supposed flu vaccines and had stopped taking them. This is not acceptable to Big Pharma and the Zionist elite insiders that are behind this scam. They want all the goyim conditioned so that they think they are vulnerable and need constant medical monitoring and intervention. A society of free individuals not looking to the parasitic elite for guidance doesn’t do anything for the Zionist syndicate or big Pharma.
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There are some legitimate questions about the new vaccines, including the nature of the tests, but there’s no virtue in promoting misleading information such as the fainting nurse video. (See for more detail.) One thing we definitely don’t need is more fear-mongering.
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Ddwieland – pffft, baaaa baaaaa, enjoy your jab