NOAA Snubs Trump with ‘Preposterous’ Sea Level Rise Prediction
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) publishes their latest prediction of accelerated sea level rise in defiant snub to President Donald Trump’s ‘hoax’ claims on climate change.
Despite Trump’s campaign rhetoric about climate change and the appointment of fellow global warming skeptic – Oklahoma attorney general – Scott Pruitt to take over the EPA, NOAA doubles down on alarmist junk science forecasting.
The report put out this January 2017 (NOAA Technical report NOC CO-OPS 083), was issued under the signature of the departing Department of Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker and NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan. The report title is “GLOBAL AND REGIONAL SEA LEVEL RISE SCENARIOS FOR THE UNITED STATES.”
The 75 page report has as a primary purpose, to continue the climate scare tactics of the Obama administration with a new prediction of worsening global sea level rise of up to 2.5 meters (8 feet 2in.) by the year 2100, an increase from their previous estimate of 2.0 meters (6 feet 7 in).
Dr. Morner and I have reviewed the report and concluded that the NOAA report predictions for sea level increases are “preposterous!” We further believe this report should be immediately condemned by President Trump, his nominee for Department of Commerce Wilbur Ross, and whoever he is looking to as a needed replacement for Dr. Sullivan.
The report is so confounded by significant errors in science and methodology, that it should simply be discarded. It is apparently, another going away present for President Obama from NOAA, the once revered science agency that has come under repeated attack for data manipulation and pursuit of politically correct climate science at the expense of scientific integrity.
Dr. Morner and I believe this latest report if nothing, but reinforces that perception of NOAA.
For those of us who study climate change, and in particular the effects of climate and other forces on sea level rise, it is deeply disconcerting that our government continues to push such contrived reports of this type out the door of NOAA, creating an utterly false understanding of why sea levels rise and fall, much less the true status of sea level today and in the future.
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