NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice

The Arctic is melting catastrophically! Sea ice levels are experiencing their most precipitous decline in 1500 years! Something must be done – and fast…

Well, so claims the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and we know by now what that means, don’t we? Yep: the Arctic sea ice is doing just fine. Yep: yet again, the NOAA is telling porkies.

As usual, Paul Homewood has got its number. First, here’s what the NOAA is claiming, as relayed in a scaremongering piece at Vox:

The Arctic Ocean once froze reliably every year. Those days are over.

Arctic sea ice extent has been measured by satellites since the 1970s. And scientists can sample ice cores, permafrost records, and tree rings to make some assumptions about the sea ice extent going back 1,500 years. And when you put that all on a chart, well, it looks a little scary.

In December, NOAA released its latest annual Arctic Report Card, which analyzes the state of the frozen ocean at the top of our world. Overall, it’s not good.

“The Arctic is going through the most unprecedented transition in human history,” Jeremy Mathis, director of NOAA’s Arctic research program, said at a press conference. “This year’s observations confirm that the Arctic shows no signs of returning to the reliably frozen state it was in just a decade ago.”

Now, courtesy of Homewood, are the facts:

Sea ice in the Arctic is recovering after a period of decline:

Arctic sea ice is getting thicker:

Arctic temperatures now are no higher than in the 1930s and 1940s:

On longer timescales, there is nothing unusual about Arctic temperatures:

If you’re still worried that the Arctic is about to disappear, here are more papers confirming that Arctic sea ice is well within its normal range of variability.

One of them, Stein et al. argues that there is more Arctic sea ice now than there has been for most of the last 10,000 years:

If only liberals and greenies relied on media that give facts rather than narrative, eh?

Read more at Breitbart

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    James Delingpole – “NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice” As Thomas Gray once said, “Ignorance is bliss!” I suspect you lead a very blissful life!

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      I suspect you believe in magic, unicorns, and the tooth-fairy.
      And worry your life away on non-problems like the unreality of CO2 heating the planet.

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    One thing I never really hear in the global warming discussions is this.
    Why are media making the populations believe that we have to stop climate change because it will threaten our position on land?

    Nature is always trying to kill us, no matter where you are.
    And climate is just a part of that.

    I have the feeling, and tell me if I am wrong, that the world is clinging to what we have fresh in our memories.
    mostly looking at the extremes like the very very cold periods.
    We think that THAT is the normal and every time we see a winter with higher than normal temperatures we start spouting that the world is changing.
    We need to stop global warming.

    Shouldn’t it be talked about that the world will never stay the same and wether we like it or not ?
    I really get annoyed with people who say “well we don’t have winters like back in the day anymore and that is all on us”.
    No it is not and it would have happend even without us.

    It amazes me and on the same time it doesn’t how much of the global community is willing to blindly follow the government funded organisations that release results that fit their narritive exactly.
    Which on the one hand is a logical conclusion as they have their models that work towards the same conclusion but I never hear that they revised the models because they found something new -_-

    Really sad to see blind faith in science.

    I would have had that same faith if i lived in the times of newton and einstein(which isn’t even that long ago)
    Those guys really had love for what they did and unbiased (for a science part at least).
    No matter if people would hate them for their conclusions they defended them with good debates and everything.

    But hey luckelly there is movement even though it is slow

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      Jeroen – I don’t know if you’re just being disingenuous when it comes to climate science or whether you are truly as naive as you let on. Or have you also jumped on the right wing anti-science conspiracy bandwagon? Do you actually believe the bullshit that you read in articles like this one from lazy ignorant hacks or backyard scientists like Tony Heller?

      Let’s talk about the government conspiracy. Tell me what your elected representatives are conspiring to do. Tell me about the vast amount of science that tells your government that the earth is warming and that humans are the cause. Tell me who is driving who’s agenda and what that agenda is. Why are you not only afraid of what climate science is telling you but also what your government is telling you as well?

      You say, “….they have their models that work towards the same conclusion but I never hear that they revised the models because they found something new -_-” That demonstrates just how intellectually lazy you are. You only read what your political masters tell you to read and ignore what you need to in order to fully understand the topic. Science doesn’t stagnate like your political philosophy does. It changes and adapts as new information, methods, technologies, etc. come along, all of which add to the growing body of knowledge related to climate change. And yes, models do change, as does the data, methodologies and research directions, all of which encompass what is known as “science” – real, genuine “science”.

      I don’t like what climate scientists are saying about man’s influence on the weather and overall health of our planetary system anymore than you do but I know enough to read about it from them. They are the experts, not the fools who write articles like this one. The “experts” you read are paid, either directly or indirectly, by the fossil fuel industry. Their agenda is to disseminate misinformation and instill doubt in the gullible masses who ascribe to their mercenary political aims. To them, pseudo-science, “bad” non-science, is their main tool. Thirty years ago it was the tobacco industry putting out the misinformation and sowing doubts in the minds of people about the health hazards linked to smoking. Today it is the anti-science Republican party, paid for by the Koch brothers, Exxon, et al that are deliberately lying and deceiving the people to ensure they continue to reap the rewards for their immoral ambivalence.

      There is no good reason for you are anybody else to remain ignorant of the issues of climate change. Try reading nothing but the “real” science from the “real” scientists for a few days. Do it with patience and with the goal of understanding what it is you are actually arguing against. Look at posts about what’s happening in the Arctic, Greenland, Antarctica, the Himalayas, the Alps, etc. Whats happening in the oceans, to coral reefs, changing circulation patterns, etc.

      Regardless of what you think you know, you are sadly lacking in the truth of what is happening to our planet. The global climate patterns are changing, we know we are causing it and we know we can ameliorate and/or mitigate the damages. Our children and grandchildren deserve to know that we at least recognized the problem we have caused and took steps to ease the burden on them. I remember when we were younger, before global climate change was the issue it is today, we used to aspire to leaving this world a better place for our children. We should at least make the attempt to not leave it irreparably damaged for their sake!

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        Stop bleating about ‘conspiracy theories’, THE only people who do are the cAGW faithful as a distraction — a recycled empty meme. As for your nonsense about thinking about the children and future generations, and all that codswallop, it’s just piling a guilt-trip on the stupidity.

        Humans are not in charge of the climate or the weather — NATURE is.
        The assertion that human generated CO2 in the atmosphere is overheating the planet is just nonsense with NO proof. There is no proof, no experiment that shows CO2 in this planet’s atmosphere can heat it up. NONE, not one!

        Historically (millions of years)this planet has been both hotter and cooler than now, during that time CO2 levels varied. However NEVER during all the time did CO2 show evidence of controlling this planet’s temperature — NEVER has it controlled the temperature — NEVER!

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          Tom0mason – Your problem is that you think right wing political hacks like Tony Heller, Tim Ball, Patrick Moore, Christopher Monckton, etc, are “real” scientists! They are not! You also seem to think that the journalistic hacks at Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Fox News, etc. actually “know” what they are talking about! They don’t! And you are too lazy – physically, mentally and most important, intellectually – to do what most sane people would do in order to understand the intricacies and mechanisms of global climate change. If you were able to do that you would see how wrong you are.

          You have been lied to, you have been deceived, you have been mislead! You have a one sided, myopic view of the issues involved just like your compatriots in the anti-science Republican party. Like the christian evangelicals who can’t wrap their minds around the scientific concepts of evolution because of their twisted interpretations of their holy books, you and your fellow deniers can’t seem to understand the science of global climate change because of your fanatical religious zeal for maintaining your right wing establishment funded by the fossil fuel industry.

          Regardless of what you think, the “genuine” scientists investigating global climate change will continue to progress our knowledge of the subject. Your buddy in the White House may be able to slow the progress of science but he won’t stop it. You may not like what you hear but at the end of the day even you will have to make decisions based on the science and not the ignorant ravings of the pseudo scientists in the anti-science right wing establishment, “fake” right wing media and the “fake” sciences funded by fossil fuel dollars and disseminated by the public relations shills of the Heartland Institute and all the other Koch funded Republican oxymoronic “think tanks”.

          If you aren’t too challenged for time, try watching this video which pretty much captures most of the issues of global climate change and puts them together in one neat package, in layman’s terms. It will at least give you a reference for your divergent views on the subject.

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    You’re kidding me! … NOAA caught lying??? … who’da thunkit?

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