No Parental Consent? Easy, Vaccinate Their Kids in Secret!

Have you heard of a new form of child abuse? Secret vaccination! With the amount of claim and counter-claim about vaccines and their safety at the moment, I was rather disturbed to be told about two websites that are actively encouraging children to be vaccinated without telling their parents, and then to lie about it.

The first one I was told about is this WikiHow item from August 25th this year. [1] It starts with the headline How to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent, then continues by saying:

There’s a lot of misinformation about vaccines online, and sometimes well-meaning parents fall into rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and made-up “facts.” While they often intend to protect their children, not vaccinating has the opposite effect, and leaves kids more vulnerable to dangerous and even deadly diseases.

Please keep in mind that while experts agree that vaccines are safer than the diseases they prevent and that serious side effects are extremely rare, it’s usually good for a trustworthy adult to supervise you during and after the event.

It then has a section called Making Plans, with six steps, the most important of which are:

Some areas let you get vaccinated without parental consent if you’re a minor, and others don’t. Potential options include:

Get vaccinated in secret (if your local laws allow it). Run the risk of your family finding out.

Try asking for your family to let you be vaccinated. You may be able to convince them.

Try asking your doctor, your school nurse, or another responsible adult to help convince your family.

Petition the court for emancipation if your parents are really bad.

Wait until you’re 18 if you think that your parents would severely punish or abuse you if they learned that you disobeyed them.

Try talking to your parents. Explain your own worries, and let them voice theirs. Make sure that it’s a two-way conversation, and you show respect for their perspectives (even when they frustrate you). It takes time, and often good listening skills, to change people’s minds.

Ask your parents for information on what vaccines you have and haven’t received. This lets you know what you’re already vaccinated against. If your parents really hate vaccines, you could pretend that you want to know if you’re at risk for “vaccine injury,” or that you think a health problem you have might be caused by vaccines.

You are allowed to lie to your parents if it’s the only way you can get the information you need to protect your health. Later, you can say that you researched it and realized you don’t have a vaccine injury.

Try visiting different clinics to see if they can help you. Walk in and ask at a doctor’s office, a pharmacy, a reproductive health center, et cetera. They may tell you that they can vaccinate you, or they may at least be able to give you advice or suggest a different clinic.

Try asking a school counselor, school nurse, parent of a friend, family friend, doctor, or other trusted adult if they can help out.

It follows with a section called Getting the shots, with five steps, the most important of which are:

Figure out what (if anything) to say to your family. You can say that you’re going out, and not specify where. You can also tell a white lie, like saying that you are visiting a friend to study or hang out. You’re allowed to tell lies to protect your health and safety, and getting vaccinated is one of those cases.

If you plan to say that you were with a friend, contact that friend and their family. Explain that you are actually going to get vaccinated, and ask them to cover for you. You can even decide on a cover story (like “we watched the new romantic comedy” or “we studied for the upcoming history test”).

If your parents are distrustful, prepare your cover story especially well. Try actually doing your cover story activity on a different day, and even taking a selfie doing that thing with your friend. This way, you’ll have “evidence” of doing it, and can answer questions if they quiz you.

Talk to the doctor about any concerns. The doctor is here to help you stay healthy, and that includes removing any barriers to your care… even if those barriers are parental attitudes.

You can ask your doctor for advice about handling anti-vaxxer parents. They may even have helpful pamphlets.

If you think that your parents might have told you something false, you can relate what they said to the doctor, and ask if it’s a myth.

It then has a section called Handling any aftermath, in which it says:

Remember that you don’t have to tell your parents about getting vaccinated, especially if they are controlling or abusive. You can keep your health choices to yourself, especially if they would be mean to you or make you feel unsafe as a result of your choices. You’re allowed to keep a secret if it’s necessary to promote your health and well-being.

Know what to say if they do find out somehow. Show respect for their position (however illogical it may be), while emphasizing that this is important to you. (Emphasis added in all paragraphs)

The second item is a 2014 web article from the World Health Organisation, entitled Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old [2]

It begins by stating:

The document is all the more important because this population group may present for vaccination without an accompanying parent or legal guardian.

It then defines consent and assent:

Consent is the principle wherein individuals must give their permission before receiving a medical intervention or procedure. According to the laws and regulations in place in most countries, consent is required for a range of medical interventions or procedures, from a simple blood test to organ donation, and including vaccinations. In only very few, well-described circumstances, such as life-threatening emergencies, may consent be waived. Consent derives from the principle of autonomy and forms an important part of medical and public-health ethics, as well as international law.2 For consent to be valid, it must be informed, understood and voluntary, and the person consenting must have the capacity to make the decision.

Assent refers to the process of children’s and adolescents’ participation in the decision-making on vaccination (or other medical interventions). Assent is not regulated in law like consent, and is sometimes referred to as a moral obligation closely linked to good practice in dealing with patients. International law provides strong support for children’s rights to participate in decisions about their health and health care, and also in the planning and provision of health services relevant to them and based on their evolving capacity.

It follows with these explanations of how consent is applied.

An implied consent process by which parents are informed of imminent vaccination through social mobilization and communication, sometimes including letters directly addressed to the parents. Subsequently, the physical presence of the child or adolescent, with or without an accompanying parent at the vaccination session, is considered to imply consent. This practice is based on the opt-out principle and parents who do not consent to vaccination are expected implicitly to take steps to ensure that their child or adolescent does not participate in the vaccination session. This may include not letting the child or adolescent attend school on a vaccination day, if vaccine delivery occurs through schools.

Based on concepts of vaccines as a public good, or on public-health goals of disease elimination and outbreak control, some countries identify one or more vaccines as mandatory in law, or in their policies. Vaccination may, for example, be made a condition for entry into preschool or primary school, or to enable access to welfare benefits. Whether consent is needed for mandatory vaccination depends on the legal nature of the regulations. When mandatory vaccination is established in relevant provisions in law, consent may not be required. If the mandatory nature of vaccination is based on policy, or other forms of soft law, informed consent needs to be obtained as for any other vaccines. Some countries allow individuals to express non-consent (opt-out) and obtain an exemption for mandatory vaccines. This may come with certain conditions, like barring unvaccinated children from attending school during disease outbreaks. (Emphasis added in all paragraphs)

Actively encouraging children to get vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge or consent, and then telling them it is perfectly acceptable to lie about it, is to me totally reprehensible, and in my opinion, this needs to be made as widely known as possible.

The WHO document mentions continuing to receive state benefits may be a condition of being vaccinated, with the implication that if you refuse a vaccination, benefits may be stopped. It is effectively a sanctions-based policy.

This is already being considered for many countries. Most say they will not make vaccines mandatory, but if you refuse it, any state benefits you receive may be stopped. Your children may no longer be welcome at their schools, and you may be prevented from working because employers will probably be told to only employ vaccinated people.

With no job you could not pay your bills, and would have no money to buy food, not that you could get into shops in the first place, because they would probably be instructed to only let vaccinated people in. You would eventually be deemed to have made yourself homeless, and within a month you would be dead from starvation or exposure.

This is the reality of the ‘new normal’. Your choice is likely to be do as the state commands or die.

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” – George Orwell



About the author: Andy Rowlands is a British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited the new climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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Comments (3)

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    Tom O


    I remembering learning, as a child, people won’t try to get you to do something sneaky or wrong if it is okay to start with. Not saying throwing water balloons at friends isn’t sneaky and not necessarily okay. But the truth is, I was taught by peers, and those I respected, that if you are going to do something that your parents are against, you are probably doing wrong, and that anyone trying to convince you to do something like that is probably not your real friend. I cannot imagine anyone telling me to do something that my parents don’t want me to do and baldly lying to them about it This is just another example of how you get children to “perform for pornography” or something like it. Now your “friend” has something over you and can work it to their advantage.


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    Dean Michael Jackson


    Satanists – who use the cover of Marxism – finally self-identifying is wonderful…

    Marx was always a theist, using his atheist philosophy to wage war on God,[1] as recounted in his poems written after he transferred university to Berlin.

    Marx tapered a jigsaw tapestry together to form a materialist philosophy, later called Scientific Socialism, a scheme that requires no [scientific] method at all but that I say it’s so. However, Marx could never complete his great hoax, the purpose of the hoax his war with God:

    “Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,
    I know it full well,
    My soul, once true
    to God, Is chosen for hell.”


    “With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
    Full in the face
    of the world,
    And see the collapse
    of this pygmy giant
    Whose fall will
    not stifle my ardour.
    Then will I wander
    godlike and victorious
    Through the ruins
    of the world
    And, giving my
    words an active force,
    I will feel equal
    to the Creator.”

    Marx wrote those poems AFTER he transferred university from Bonn to Berlin, telling us (1) Marx always remained a theist, feigning atheism; and (2) that we were lied to when told that once Marx entered university that’s when he became an atheist. As for the rank and file Marxists, they’re marionettes, whose strings are pulled by the Marxist leadership class who are actually Satanists; Satanists have been active within our institutions for millennia, as Jesus warned us.

    Karl Marx’s Economics Begins In The Middle Because There Can Be No Beginning For A Lie Thought Up By A Satanist Who Desires To Bring Havoc To God’s Precious Creation–The Human Species

    Marx’s Gordian Knot

    Marx’s definition of capital is surplus value (surplus value, and capital, says Marx, being peculiar to capitalist production: “Hitherto we have investigated how surplus-value emanates from capital; we have now to see how capital arises from surplus-value.”…“But this production of surplus-value completes but the first act of the capitalist process of production…”), surplus value merely equaling a company’s profits, a company’s profits equaling the portion of wages Marx said labor isn’t paid. Of course, before there existed the capitalist economy, there was no surplus value that capitalist production could operate on for its capital base, meaning Marx’s labor surplus value-based capitalist economy couldn’t have come into existence, proving that there first existed a non-surplus value based capitalist financial system that set in motion capitalist production! Marx’s writings on economics places the mule before the cart!

    Let’s clarify the paragraph above by starting the capitalist mode of production, according to Marx…

    What do we need? We need capital, of course. So let’s get some capital, shall we? I’m looking, but I can’t find any? Oops! I forgot, we need surplus value to create the capital. Okay, let’s look for surplus value. It’s not there because surplus value emanates from capital!

    There’s nothing there! Not even a circular logic argument is present! Obviously the Marxist leadership know this, because I couldn’t be the first person to stumble upon this huge discovery.

    In Capital, Marx begins his analysis with an already existing capitalist economy. Marx can’t explain how the capitalist economy came into existence because such an economy couldn’t come into existence according to Marx’s peculiar analysis of the capitalist economy where surplus-value created capital must first exist, but since surplus-value doesn’t exist yet, there can be no capital to begin the capitalist economy.5 To overcome this inherent contradiction in Marx’s “investigation”, he begins Capital where we find an already existing capitalist economy:

    “The wealth of those societies in which the capitalist

    mode of production prevails, presents itself as “an

    immense accumulation of commodities," its unit

    being a single commodity. Our investigation must

    therefore begin with the analysis of a commodity.”6

    Let’s rewrite that first paragraph from Capital, correcting the errors…

    “The wealth of those societies in which the capitalist

    mode of production prevails, presents itself as “an

    immense accumulation of capital," its unit being the

    rate of interest. Our investigation must therefore begin

    with the analysis of interest rates.”7

    At my blog, read the articles…

    ‘The Marxist ‘Gender Pay Gap’ – Class Struggle Meets Gender Struggle: Females Earn More Than Their Equally Matched Male Counterparts’

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…

    [1] Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)

    “The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”


    “The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”


    “It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world.”

    Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, “The Struggle”…

    “The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”


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    John Doran


    Try reading What Really Makes You Ill, by Dawn Lester & David Parker.
    A hefty bestseller book at 777 pages, including 38 pages of references & bibliography.
    Probably worth the cost for chapter 2 alone which judges vaccinations “Ineffective and Dangerous.”


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