‘No Climate Emergency’ – Please sign the Declaration
We are asking scientists and other professionals who do not want to silently acquiesce to the biggest scientific error of all time – the global warming scare – to sign the European Declaration petition.
In signing it you will be making the modest assertion that there is no climate emergency.
Those who are interested in signing can contact me directly at [email protected]
Yours, Jeff – [email protected]   Jeffrey Foss, Ambassador to ECD
All scientists and related professionals (even non-European) are welcome to visit the website https://clintel.nl read the declaration and sign. There is also a list of current signers. The the sub-link is accessed at:
The European Climate Declaration will become the seed of the Global Declaration. One reason for asking non-Europeans to sign on to ECD is that it is the precursor to GCD.
The European Declaration will be sent to the European Commission, European leaders and Academies of Sciences. Simultaneously, there will be announcements in leading European newspapers.
ECDD/GCD offers those scientists and other professionals who do not want to silently acquiesce to the great historic and scientific error of the current global warming scare to formally separate themselves from it.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.Â
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John Aspray
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I have not signed the declaration because there is a climate emergency, it’s just not the same as the mainstream promotes. We are moving into a grand solar minimum, which will cause much angst and disarray. Hunger will prevail, leading to a mass upheaval. The total collapse of society will occur in the year 2032.
Linda Starr
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Well, it will most certainly collapse economically if people don’t sign this and stop the lunatics who want to take us back to the 18th century (without the resources).
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Clicked on your name. What a story about folks from south of the border! Everyone should read it.
Alan Stewart
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Or, John, we are at the end of the Pleistocene inter-glacial. Fred Singer says ~10-15k for interglacials. Invest in winter wear.
D. Langtry
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I agree but had to comment that it will be the loonies and the globalists that will destroy society as we know it way before 2032. They will blame their crazy antics on climate emergency. I will gladly sign.
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In the U.S., the “House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis” is requesting feedback by November 22, 2019 concerning the following:
“Press Release
Climate Crisis Committee Requests Input on Climate Policy from Public and Key Stakeholders
WASHINGTON (September 5, 2019) – The U.S. House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis today launched a formal request for information as it drafts policy recommendations for Congress. The committee’s questions for stakeholders are posted at
climatecrisis.house.gov/inforequest. [Please go there and read their list of questions they would like responses to. Number 10 will be a hot button for us.]
The committee is slated to submit legislative recommendations to Congress in March of 2020 and a final report by December. It requests feedback by November 22, 2019.
116th Congress”
This is a good opportunity for the science-savy among us to help correctly shape the flow of history. And sending the petition to them, with its names of petitioners collected to date, would also be very useful.
Instructions for submitting comments:
“To inform the policy recommendations of the Select Committee, please provide responses to the questions below by November 22, 2019 by emailing [email protected]. This request is optional, and you need only reply to the questions that are relevant to your organization or expertise. Please submit your response as both a Word document and PDF.”
And finally:
“In addition to your responses to any of these questions, please include any other specific policies that you think Congress should adopt to solve the climate crisis and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Note: The Select Committee may choose to publish your responses in whole or in part. All responses will become part of the permanent committee record in the National Archives. “​
Andy Rowlands
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I would sign but I can’t see how to do it!
Peter C
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I signed it. Australians make up about 15% of the total. Europeans notably absent including GB.
Follow some of the links in the article to find the sign page.
Other wise email:[email protected]
Mohammad Alkhateeb
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I believe in climate change, however we humans have little to influence on those natural cycles. As a statistical consultant I disbelieve in much mainstream propaganda about global warming and mass extinction. However I had my go with appraising evidence made available to us from all mainstream climatic science schools and opines, many
AGW published peer reviewed scientific papers , analyses, statistical reports as well as models suffer from selectivity biases, misspecification and unaccounted for relevances that people have committed either purposefully or inadvertently. Much of that heap must find its way to trash bin if appraised based on common sense and evidence informed basic laws of physics , math , biology and chemistry. The sun is our ultimate source of energy, it heats our planet surface thus it is a driving force to ocean heat difference, wind water vapor as well as precipitation.
I come from a poor country and I will continue to combating false science at whatever cost it may take but i am definitely against polluting and destroying nature .