NHS Waiting Lists – Don’t Mention Lockdown
I think the lively election ‘debate’ over NHS waiting lists provides an excellent illustration of the way in which false narratives can be created and then acted out by politicians colluding on both sides of the political divide.
The Left takes up the role of Punch and attacks Tory Judy with accusations that Tory-cuts and planned NHS privatisation led to poor performance, Tory Judy counters by blaming irresponsible Leftist doctors for the parlous state of the NHS.
To help with the distraction, statistics are butchered and circulated by a co-opted media. The chart below is currently plastered all over social media by Leftist Punch.
This chart was initially produced by statistical manipulator extraordinaire John Burn-Murdoch of the Financial Times, who ruthlessly twisted statistics to push the approved Covid narrative.
Here the effect is to divert attention from the lockdown-induced waiting list explosion in 2020 and focus instead on the Left-Right dynamics from 40 odd years ago. This graph also relies on the dubious stitching together of old and incompatible pre-2007 datasets.
Channel 4 produced an even worse hatchet job through highly selective cherry-picking of statistics, also designed to push an anti-Conservative narrative. Its ‘analysis’ was so bad that I submitted a complaint to Ofcom, but received no response.
You can find a detailed dissection of Channel 4’s dirty tricks on our website. It is also important to remember that none of this is accidental; everyone is starting with the same set of raw data.
Decisions about what data to show and hide are almost always Leftist political decisions. These outlets are not attempting to provide an objective picture in my opinion.
A child could grasp the fact that if you stop treating ill patients, as we did in March 2020, an explosion in the NHS waiting list is the only possible outcome.
Looking at the number of NHS patients waiting for 52 weeks or more, you can very easily see this metric started from zero and then immediately exploded as soon as lockdowns started.
The increase in the total waiting list is less dramatic due to the fact that the opening number is large and also includes a large number of patients waiting a short period of time. Even so, all categories of waiting list increase as soon as lockdown starts.

This obvious fact cannot be expressed in our Punch and Judy show as both parties are complicit in this catastrophe and therefore they collude to place the subject of lockdown out-of-bounds.
Another tell is that the bureaucracy has deleted a number of very useful cancer waiting time metrics. Luckily I tracked these metrics during Covid and produced this jaw dropping chart showing the percentage of GP urgent referrals that were seen within two weeks.
You can see that this metric was stable at around 95% for many years, deteriorated slightly from the end of 2018 but then collapsed as soon as lockdowns started.
When I went back to the statistics page to see what had happened in the meantime, I found that this dataset and similar metrics had been blitzed and replaced with near useless data, most of which was only available from 2021 onwards.
Remember folks that a large part of the Covid PsyOp involved monkeying around with Covid related statistics, including creating the terribly misleading deaths ‘involving’ Covid category.
I suspect that the cancer waiting time statistics may have been axed as they exposed uncomfortable truths including the obvious truth that it was lockdowns that caused a collapse in cancer treatment.
Deliberately ignoring the lockdown elephant-in-the-room shows how our post-truth system is happy to act out irrelevant narratives instead of facing cold truths.
If people linked enormous waiting lists to lockdowns, then they might get angry at the Tory and Labour Uniparty consensus that imposed these lockdowns and try and find a way to stop this happening in the future.
As I set out in my analysis of the hopeless Covid Inquiry, it seems pretty clear that the Deep State very much intends to retain the lockdown stick to use again in the future.
Also people need to understand that the über-wealthy achieved a staggering increase in their wealth over the lockdown period, with Forbes reporting a $1.2 trillion increase in billionaires’ wealth.
You can bet that this interest group certainly has no incentive to prevent future lockdowns, so long as lockdowns are again accompanied by enormous money printing (more on this in a future post).
My take as a libertarian is that the main battle is between the individual and a coercive Uniparty state. The narrative managers on both sides are keen to ensure that we don’t focus on the liberty crushing lockdowns and instead continue to watch the scripted political Punch and Judy show.
See more here Daily Sceptic
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Calling it a political divide is analogous to believing your own hype.
The ‘divide’ is between people and politicians in general. The left right crap is for sheep.