NHS and DWP Advertise Job Roles To Deal With Vaccine Damage Payments
Question – How do the DWP and the NHS let us know that they are aware of the safety issues with the COVID vaccination without saying so?
Answer – They create more than 180 job openings to cope with the added vaccine damage claims.
The government has a list of vaccines that in the event of vaccine damage or death, they assist the individual with making a claim for compensation, and they have now listed the Coronavirus vaccine to that list.
The Gov.UK website states that “If you’re severely disabled as a result of a vaccination against certain diseases” you can also apply for this payment on behalf of someone who has died after becoming severely disabled because of certain vaccinations. “You need to be managing their estate to apply.”
The payment is called a “vaccine damage payment” and it is a measly one-off sum of £120,000.
The government is making it sound as if they are gifting this payment to individuals, despite the fact the government terrorised the public into believing they needed the jab which was all part of their plandemic, and continued to promote boosters when it was clear it didn’t work.
They advise the claimants “You’ll get paid directly if you’re over 18 and can manage your own affairs. If you’re under 18 or you cannot manage your own affairs, the payment will be made to your trustees.” and “You could get a payment if you’re severely disabled and your disability was caused by vaccination against any of the following diseases:” Below.
Adding Insult to The Vaccine Injury
The government through allowing the manufacturers to have a blanket indemnity, is responsible for this one-off payment that may have made it impossible for a person to work as a result of the damage inflicted on them, or their loved ones, yet they are prepared to take the compensation into account when assessing the benefits that they are entitled to.
“A Vaccine Damage Payment can affect benefits and entitlements” like:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
- Pension Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Reduction
- Employment and Support Allowance
The DWP Vacancies
The department of Work and Pensions (DWP) advertised job roles on their Findajob site on February the 15th, 2022.
They are looking to fill up to 180 positions in the Wigan and Preston areas, due to commence in May 2022 onwards, to provide administration for benefits such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and vaccine damage.
The NHS Job Roles
They will be working on a 6-month contract, within the Vaccine Damage Scheme Team which is working on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care “to process claims for a one-off payment to people who have suffered a severe disablement due to direct affects from a qualifying vaccination.”.
The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme is a “fast paced, evolving and high profile part of our buisness” which it must be, given that the contracts are for six months.
What do they believe will happen after the six months I wonder? How do they imagine it will evolve?
They cannot possibly believe that there will be increasingly fewer claims surely?
MHRA Yellow Card Scheme
The UK adverse reaction reporting scheme was first introduced after the thalidomide tragedy and now acts as an early warning system to identify risks associated with certain drugs and vaccines particularly when there are duplicate reports.
The true number of cases reported to the UK scheme is underreported and only 2-4 percent of all ADRs and only 10 percent of serious reactions to a pharma product is actually reported.
This may be as a result of individuals not being informed of its existence or through the expectation that someone else may report the ADR, The Yellow Card Scheme website does advise not to assume that they did.
Once a report is logged on the scheme it is sent to a database and goes through an assessment where the signal is detected and evaluated and then prioritised, leading to a risk-benefit evaluation which should then lead to regulatory action
Regulatory action should mean special warnings labelled to the product, statements of restrictions in use, or ultimately the withdrawal of a product if patient safety is threatened.
Why has this not been the case for the COVID jabs? There have been thousands of adverse reports, there are signals, with certain adverse effects being reported time and time again.
Even prior to the COVID jab, ADRs were the fourth leading cause of death in the USA. they burden the NHS financially £466 million a year with seven 800 bed hospitals utilised by ADR patients. 5,700 patients in hospitals a year die from ADRs.
Big pharma has been given too much trust despite showing that they are not infallible, trustworty or prioritise health over their wealth.
Therefore, ADRs are important, they need to be addressed.
if they are “an early warning system, the warnings came within weeks of the jab rollout and showed the signs that the COVID products being administered, were not safe.
The NHS is planning to deal with the claims from those who have suffered as a result of being jabbed with the product, yet are still promoting it and jabbing it into the arms of the nation.
As for the DWP, they are effectively just doing their masters’ work, appeasing folk with what will seem like a sizable payment but are essentially just shifting money around by taking their entitlements away from them.
They are not actually losing anything which is evident due to the fact they are still continuing with their quest to jab the entire population!
See more here: dailyexpose.uk
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How does this work for those in the UK?