Newly Uncovered Records Show Pressure On Doctors To Approve COVID Shots

fitton pharma files

Two top vaccine experts left the FDA abruptly before the agency greenlighted COVID-19 boosters. Thanks to a Judicial Watch investigation, now we know why: the Biden White House rushed vaccine approval to appease its big pharma donors.

Over the last five years, Fitton’s been helping all of us understand what’s going on in our country by unearthing these different

Fitton explains what these documents mean, what our government
is doing, and how it’s affecting the way Americans are living with each other.

Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton speaks to Lee Smith in this news-breaking episode of Over the Target Live. WATCH:

Read more at Epoch Times

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Comments (5)

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    My Doctor told me I was going to Die if I didn’t get vaccinated.


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      This is why I stay far away from doctors and hospitals until I have no choice which is thankfully very rare.


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    Russ D


    Just another reason WHY I stay away from doctors. As a 12 cancer survivor I’m alive today because I avoid doctors………….PERIOD!


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    Eric the Red


    Memory, understanding, discipline… ideally, medical doctors should have all three.
    But back in the real world, a vast majority of doctors made it through med school almost solely on the basis of their great memory. When they finally get out into the real world of medical practice, their ability to understand the context of disparate data, and form logical conclusions therefrom, is no better than the average clown down the street.

    All these arrogant semihemidemi gods should be stripped of their medical licenses, and sued into penury.


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